Podcast Episode 96: Using Humor (& your Embarrassing stories) to make friends with Joanne Jarrett
How do we make friends as an adult?
We’ve all had those times when we dreaded going to that “parent meeting” or to a friend’s party, where we only know the host.
It’s so scary to walk into a room where you know pretty much no one. Cue the sweaty palms and stomach ache.
Sound familiar?
But what if- in just a couple of minutes, you knew so much about so many people there? We have the absolute best way to handle those awkward settings and advice on how to stay authentic in your friendships…
share a (kinda) embarrassing story!
In this podcast episode, we chat with Joanne Jarrett, a family physician on her 17th year of maternity leave, host of the Fancy-Free Podcast, and creator of Shelfies, a line of cozy women’s loungewear. She has 2 daughters, ages 15 & 17 and she loves to help women feel less alone in their imperfections and forge connections through vulnerability and humor.
You’ll laugh, they’ll laugh and suddenly everything will seem so much easier!

In this episode of the No Guilt Mom podcast you’ll learn:
- An effective technique to break the ice and connect with others (especially women).
- What we can do to help support one another in friendships.
- Why it’s so important to be our authentic selves in our friendships
Resources We Shared In This Episode:
Happy Parent Checklist – This FREE checklist gives you the step-by-step plan to delegate more to your family, feel less overwhelmed and connect in a positive way!
Fancy Free Podcast – Connect and laugh with us as we tell our most embarrassing funny stories. It’s so much FUN! By the end of each episode, you’ll have had some great girl time, a good laugh, and will be feeling less alone in your imperfections. Because NO one is as fancy as they look.
Shelfie Shop Loungewear – Joanne Jarrett
Humor, Seriously: Why Humor Is a Secret Weapon in Business and Life (And how anyone can harness it. Even you.) by Jennifer Aaker
Adam Ruins Everything: Adam ruins dating (Myers-Briggs origins) – In this episode, Adam swipes right on knowledge to expose the flaws in dating sites, reveal why alpha males don’t really exist and explain how personality tests are a total failure. Fall in love with his sources.
Factually! with Adam Conover – Comedian Adam Conover talks to exceptional experts, revealing shocking truths and thought-provoking new perspectives. It’s an investigative comedy podcast for curious people who never stop asking questions.
Download the episode’s transcripts HERE
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