
Parenting tips, advice, kid’s activities and how to manage a family.

Podcast Episode 310: 5 Things You Need To Know So You Can Create the Change You Crave with Kathy Sullivan

Podcast Episode 310: 5 Things You Need To Know So You Can Create the Change You Crave with Kathy Sullivan

Feeling overwhelmed as a mom? You’re not alone! In this episode, Kathy Sullivan shares practical insights on how moms can prioritize themselves and create change. From setting boundaries to embracing self-care, Kathy breaks down 5 essential principles to help moms reclaim their time, energy, and sense of self. Tune in to discover how you can find balance and create the change you crave.

Podcast Episode 309: From Mad Men and the Tonight Show To Parenting Satire: ABC Parenting team Stephanie Drake and Arthur Meyer
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Podcast Episode 309: From Mad Men and the Tonight Show To Parenting Satire: ABC Parenting team Stephanie Drake and Arthur Meyer

Take a break from the chaos of parenting and laugh along with Mad Men’s Stephanie Drake and The Tonight Show’s Arthur Meyer as they share how humor helps them survive the madness of raising kids. Because sometimes, all you need is a good laugh to get through the day!

Podcast Episode 308: How to Master Productivity (even though it was built for a man’s world) with Kendra Adachi
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Podcast Episode 308: How to Master Productivity (even though it was built for a man’s world) with Kendra Adachi

Discover how to master productivity with realistic productivity secrets designed for women. Say goodbye to outdated time management tips and learn how to prioritize what truly matters. In this episode, we share productivity secrets that actually work, helping you master your schedule and achieve better time management without the stress.

Podcast Episode 307: No More Mom Guilt: An interview with JoAnn Crohn on the Mindful Parenting Podcast
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Podcast Episode 307: No More Mom Guilt: An interview with JoAnn Crohn on the Mindful Parenting Podcast

Discover why self-care is essential for every mom’s emotional health and how to ditch mom guilt for good. JoAnn Crohn shares tips on prioritizing your emotional health, embracing self-care, and saying goodbye to mom guilt without the guilt trip. Learn how taking time for yourself improves your family’s happiness while boosting your emotional health and conquering that lingering mom guilt.

Podcast Episode 306: It’s Not In Your Head: How to Empower Your Kids Against Emotional Abuse with Vickie Lynn
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Podcast Episode 306: It’s Not In Your Head: How to Empower Your Kids Against Emotional Abuse with Vickie Lynn

Learn how to recognize the signs of emotional abuse, empower kids in difficult co-parenting situations, and build a supportive community. Discover tools to protect your children’s mental well-being and identify the signs of abuse early on.

Podcast Episode 305: 3 Parenting Rules You Should Totally Break

Podcast Episode 305: 3 Parenting Rules You Should Totally Break

Breaking parenting rules can feel daunting, but sometimes it’s the best choice for your family. In this post, we explore the guilt of not following traditional parenting rules, why breaking them isn’t the end of the world, and how it can actually lead to better relationships Breaking parenting rules can feel daunting, but sometimes it’s the best choice for your family. In this post, we explore the guilt of not following traditional parenting rules, why breaking them isn’t the end of the world, and how it can actually lead to better relationships and responsible kids.

Podcast Episode 304: How to Go from Rejected to Accepted! Your Toolkit for College Admissions Success with Eric Tipler, MA

Podcast Episode 304: How to Go from Rejected to Accepted! Your Toolkit for College Admissions Success with Eric Tipler, MA

Nervious about navigating the wild world of college admission? Discover how to increase your chances of being accepted into college with expert tips from Eric Tipler on the No Guilt Mom Podcast. From crafting compelling essays to understanding the changing landscape of admissions, this guide is your key to getting accepted into college and easing the stress of the process.

Podcast Episode 303: Grab the Stupid Cup, Dad! Why Assumptions Keep Moms from Catching a Break
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Podcast Episode 303: Grab the Stupid Cup, Dad! Why Assumptions Keep Moms from Catching a Break

Explore how viral moments like the ‘cup incident’ reveal the assumptions placed on moms in parenting. We discuss why moms are seen as the default caregiver, why dads get a pass, and how challenging these assumptions can create better balance in family life

Podcast Episode 302: Your Motherhood Burnout Survival Guide: the 5 Key Components of Relationships with Dr. Morgan Cutlip
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Podcast Episode 302: Your Motherhood Burnout Survival Guide: the 5 Key Components of Relationships with Dr. Morgan Cutlip

Struggling with motherhood burnout? In this burnout survival guide, we uncover how Dr. Morgan Cutlip’s 5 key relationship components can help you tackle burnout and reclaim your sanity. Tune in to learn practical tips to survive motherhood burnout and thrive!

Podcast Episode 301: Swipe Right for Safety: A Guide to Instagram’s New Teen Accounts
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Podcast Episode 301: Swipe Right for Safety: A Guide to Instagram’s New Teen Accounts

Discover how Instagram’s new Teen Accounts enhance social media safety by boosting online safety for teens. Learn how parents can use these features to protect their teens on Instagram, from reducing unwanted contact to setting controls for a safer online experience.

Consequence for Hitting a Sibling: The simple method that teaches kids to communicate, not hit
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Consequence for Hitting a Sibling: The simple method that teaches kids to communicate, not hit

Not more than 2 seconds after they hop in the car, the screaming begins.

“No, that’s not what happened Erik. My lunch is at 11:35am, not 11:30.”

I brace myself.


And then, WHAP!

He reaches his little arm across the space in the bucket seats between them and hits her.

“Erik, DON’T HIT ME!!!”

That’s when I intervene.

I don’t know how school bus drivers do it. How do you discipline 30 kids when you’re trying to keep safe and focus on not veering your large yellow, monstrosity off the road

I’m in a Toyota Highlander with only two children and I’m ready to lose my mind.

How to deal with a grumpy child: 5 positive actions to help with whining, sulking and pouting

How to deal with a grumpy child: 5 positive actions to help with whining, sulking and pouting

It’s the fifth temper tantrum of the morning.

Your son is mad at you because you poured milk on his cereal when he only wanted it on the side.

Your daughter huffs past you in a little ball of rage because her brother is taking all the attention… AGAIN.

And you?

You are fed up.

3 Things to Do When Your Kid Cries over Homework
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3 Things to Do When Your Kid Cries over Homework

“Noooo… I can’t do it. I don’t have the time!!”

Have you heard this from your child when she sits down to do homework? My gosh, it wrecks me.

I can feel her overwhelm and so relate to it.

I know what it feels like to have so much to do and what seems like no time to do it.

So, I jump in and try to help.

“It’s ok sweetie, let’s write down all the things you have to do to get it out of your head.”

“NO!” she pouts back, “That won’t help. I don’t know any of this and I have to get started now.”

What do you do with that? You see the problem, you know the steps to take to fix it and yet your child pushes you away like you couldn’t possibly know what she’s talking about or what she’s dealing with.

The One Secret to Get Kids to Pick Up After Themselves Without Being Told

The One Secret to Get Kids to Pick Up After Themselves Without Being Told

Ever walk in your house and become immediately overwhelmed with the stuff lying around?

Its bad enough when you have a kitchen junk counter stacked with 3 layers deep with kid’s artwork, random books and those gadgets for your door that you don’t want to throw away but you don’t really know how to install.

But then is all the stuff your kids leave laying in the living room or crammed onto the top of the family room game shelf.

Girl Drama: How to Help Your Daughter with Mean Friends

Girl Drama: How to Help Your Daughter with Mean Friends

Middle school was complete hell.

When my daughter entered sixth grade this year, I was terrified.

I didn’t want her to think it was her fault that other people were mean to her. I wanted her to know how to confront problems and the typical, stupid ways that people would react.

Ways that had nothing to do with her.
Girl drama is one of those things.

3 Simple Ways to Make Homework Fun

3 Simple Ways to Make Homework Fun

I’m going to be blunt.

Right now, your child’s homework time just plain sucks.

It does.

You dread it every night. “Hey, have you done your math homework yet?

“NO! I can’t do my homework. I don’t want to do it yet. Can’t I watch TV? I’ll do it after dinner.”

So much back and forth and back and forth. It’s become too much.

The question is, how do you make your child want to do homework?

How do you make homework less boring?

Podcast Episode 119: Finding your Authentic Self with Ryan Haddon
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Podcast Episode 119: Finding your Authentic Self with Ryan Haddon

It can be hard finding your authentic self when we put so much energy into our family every day. It becomes so difficult to untangle where your identity ends and your identity as a parent begins (news flash- they are different)! We’re going to share 3 things you can do to have healthy boundaries with our kids and family and help you find your authentic self.

Podcast Episode 86: Parenting on the Same Page with Amy McCready

Podcast Episode 86: Parenting on the Same Page with Amy McCready

It’s hard enough when you are trying to pick a place to go out to eat and no one is on the same page, but when you and your partner or co-parent aren’t on the same page…it can be downright agonizing! We discuss with Amy how parents can identify what the real issue is causing their parenting struggles and how to best get on the same page and become a united front.

Four Steps to Deal with your Tween’s Next Mood Swing

Four Steps to Deal with your Tween’s Next Mood Swing

You walk in the door from school. Your nine-year-old comes in after you.

Everything seems fine. She’s happy. All is well and good.

Then, you remind her that the dishwasher needs unloading.

Boom. It’s like something inside her detonates.

“Noooo… I don’t have time to do that. That’s so unfair. I can’t believe you’re making me do this!:

She glares at you, stomps over to the kitchen sink and starts crying.

WHA-ATT just happened? She was happy. I didn’t blame her. I just had a simple request.

Podcast Episode 112: What is Social Justice Parenting?

Podcast Episode 112: What is Social Justice Parenting?

When it comes to parenting, so many of us want to raise “good kids”. Kids who will be kind to others, who can problem solve, kids who truly understand and act out of compassion, and who understand inclusivity, justice, and equality. But there is often a space between raising “good kids” and raising pro-justice kids. That’s where the concept of Social Justice Parenting comes in.

Podcast Episode 61: How Logical Consequences are More Effective Than Punishments at Home
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Podcast Episode 61: How Logical Consequences are More Effective Than Punishments at Home

Too often, we fall into the trap of punishing our kids in the heat of the moment after something’s happened. But that hardly ever works. Here, we’ll discuss the difference between logical consequences and punishments, as well as how to make effective logical consequences that will have a positive impact on your discipline at home.

Podcast Episode #146: How to Parent Like a Spy with Christina Hillsberg
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Podcast Episode #146: How to Parent Like a Spy with Christina Hillsberg

Have you ever thought that being a parent should carry some training? How about spy training? I mean, who doesn’t want to learn how to parent like a spy? Meet Christina Hillsberg, former CIA agent and author who shares how her training as a spy has influenced her parenting with her 5 kids.

How to Help Your Middle Schooler Organize with this Simple Checklist

How to Help Your Middle Schooler Organize with this Simple Checklist

It’s 6pm on a Thursday and I get a frantic text from a friend. Her daughter goes to the same school as mine.

“Hey, does your daughter have the math test from 2 months ago? The teacher is letting Celina retake it but she can’t find it.”

“Yeah, hold on, let me ask her.”

My daughter does have the test – which she doesn’t hand over right away because she wants to know exactly why she needs it, what it will be used for… third degree basically.
Satisfied with all my answers,she opens her binder to the math section, pulls out the test and hands it to me.
“Thanks,” my friend texts back, “I don’t know what Celina did with it.”

Could this be why you’re so frustrated as a mom?

Could this be why you’re so frustrated as a mom?

Do you feel like you’re too nice?

One of my students called me out for that my first year of teaching.

In her very astute, wise little fifth grade voice she told me, “Mrs. Crohn, you are too nice”

But wait… don’t you want to be nice? Isn’t that something to aim for?

Kind yes. But nice…nice is taking on the full responsibility of other people’s feelings and adapting your behavior to make others happy.

That’s what I was doing when an 11-year-old called me out.

Creating A Bare Bones Budget When You’re Not Making Much Money

Creating A Bare Bones Budget When You’re Not Making Much Money

In the midst of this strange season of social distancing and change, money may well be a scary topic for you. Maybe you’re like my family and you’re working through a big loss of income due to the pandemic? Maybe overwhelm and anxiety define your money situation in this season of uncertainty? Maybe you’ve decided to keep your head down and eyes closed, playing the “if I don’t look at it, then it can’t be real game” that our kids played when they were little?

Overwhelmed? Homework Help for your Middle School Student

Overwhelmed? Homework Help for your Middle School Student

Dread your middle schooler’s homework every night? These tips for middle school parents will guide you in effective homework strategies.

There I was, sitting in my son’s 7th grade Parent-Teacher conferences, listening to the Literature teacher tell me the same thing I have heard for the past few years at every single conference…

“Your son is very bright, well-behaved, an absolutely pleasure in class. However, he doesn’t seem to get his homework done. And our first test of the year didn’t go very well for him.”