
Podcast Episode 264: Don’t Want to Wake Up Early For a Morning Routine? Here’s What You Need to Do Transcripts

Please note: Transcripts for the No Guilt Mom Podcast were created using AI. As a result, there may be some minor errors.

Desirae Endres: if you can just have a couple of minutes to ground yourself in the mornings, what. Would make you excited in the mornings and also what would make you feel like you are ready for the day and whatever those things are, do those things

 JoAnn Crohn: Welcome to the No Guilt Mom podcast. I am your host, JoAnn Crohn, joined here by the lovely Brie Tucker.

Brie Tucker: Why, hello, hello, everybody. How are you? It’s a week where, it’s a week where my brain is not in my head.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah. It’s actually a week where you are waking up earlier than normal because,

Brie Tucker: ehm, thanks to some people.

JoAnn Crohn: yeah, we are just finishing up. We finished up our retreat this past weekend. I am a very early riser. I was waking up at like five 30 and going on a walk and

Brie Tucker: And we kind of had to. Well, that and on the second day of the retreat, we did sunrise yoga. I had to get up early anyways. I think even had I stayed in bed, I was only gonna get an extra 20 minutes of sleep. it was like, why fight it? Just get up Yeah, exactly. But that’s all it took was like three days and my body’s like, And I’m like, no, no, you suck. Really? Need to now!

JoAnn Crohn: Well, we are talking about how to, uh, take the most advantage of your morning and not in a productivity way. We don’t want you getting more done. We want you to be set up for the best day you can possibly have. And that’s what we’re talking about today with Desiree Andre. Desiree Andre is the host of the top ranked podcast Minimalish, where she talks about all things realistic minimalism, motherhood, and intentional living each week. In 2018, Desiree and her husband set out to live with less clutter in their home. Soon she found that the journey to less was about to begin.

So much more than a clutter free home. Five years later, she’s learned to embrace a messy, realistic version of minimalism, and she teaches others how to fit minimalism into their unique life, family, personality, and season. And part of that is getting in that right frame of mind, which we’re going to talk about in this episode. So we hope you enjoy our conversation with Desiree. 

So how many kids do you have?

Desirae Endres: I have two and they are two years old and six and a half.

JoAnn Crohn: You’re like in the

Desirae Endres: Oh, yeah.

JoAnn Crohn: What as like a mom of younger kids do you feel the pressure of you know? You should enjoy them when they’re young or you kind of like get me out of the stage.

Desirae Endres: I think I feel the pressure a little bit. I do, I am enjoying them. I mean, there are times where I do feel in the trenches, but I think the age gap at least has been really helpful in our house. I mean, not to say like, you know, I, I know some people are just like, get it all out of the way at once, have them right after the other.

And I, I feel like I feel a little less in the trenches maybe, personally for my own personality because of the little bit of an age gap. So, yeah, I feel the pressure a little bit, and I also do enjoy them, but, I don’t know, I don’t think I wish away the time too much. I think I more so feel like, worried it’s going too fast, if that makes sense. 

JoAnn Crohn: that’s the next question I was going to ask you because I feel like there’s two sides of it. There’s either the people who like, Oh my gosh, I can’t wait for them to be more responsible. And that’s, that was totally me. I was a fifth grade teacher. I love the older kids so much, but Bree was kind of the opposite where she really enjoys the young kids and was thinking the time goes too fast.

Desirae Endres: Yeah. I was a teacher too. And I taught older, like way older,eighth through 12th. And so I always thought like when I first had a baby, I was like, I enjoy this baby phase so much, but I’m not really looking forward to like the little kid phase, like toddler phase. Yeah.

That’s cute. But like now that my daughter’s six, I am seeing there are parts of it that are kind of hard for me, but yeah. I don’t know. I think I’m like, it’s my own kid. So I am enjoying it maybe more than it was in a classroom because I could not teach, I could not teach her age. That’s for sure. Yeah.

Brie Tucker: like my, my, like Joanne said, my absolute favorite age group is zero to five. And I think because it’s so much in that age, they’re just so excited about everything. everything is a light bulb and exciting. And they’re just like, so energetic and, happy to interact and everything. But, I could never teach. I could do one on one, one on one all day long, but you give me a class at 30, class at 15, I’m like, oh,

JoAnn Crohn: I substitute taught kindergarten and I wanted to run from the school screaming at the end of the day, they were so insane. so it’s really hard though, to like, as a mom, like when you have little ones, you don’t get a break from them. And as a teacher, I feel like you only had to make it a certain number of hours.

And then you’re like. Go home, go home. So I’m interested to talk to you, Desiree, about like how you make everything kind of work when you have younger ones, particularly talking about the mornings, because moms with kids of any age, like those mornings, the mornings are like sold to all of us as the time to get stuff done and how to be productive.

And yet, many moms I talked to have. A ton of trouble, even just waking up and being conscious in the mornings, just because of everything on their plate and how exhausting motherhood can be. before we get into it though, I want to know, like, how did you get into this whole minimalism and organization space?

Desirae Endres: Well, I, it’s really an unlikely space for me to be because I am really a messy person. Like I’ve always been a messy person. but. And I think what happened was I married a more neat and tidy person and it was a hard transition at first because I felt like, oh, I’m the wife. Like I should, I didn’t feel the pressure, like I need to be some kind of homemaker.

I mean, we were both working, but I did feel a little bit like. Why can’t I get things together like he can and so that was a dynamic, I don’t know, something I kind of felt, I think, self conscious about in our, in our marriage for a while, but then

JoAnn Crohn: feel like when the memes are like that the husband can’t load the dishwasher, right? You’re like staying silent because you’re like, that’s me. That’s me. That’s how I feel. Yeah

Desirae Endres: me. And I mean, I’m really grateful that he can let the dishwasher right. I mean, I look, I just shove it all in there and it seems to work. 

JoAnn Crohn: It totally does. I’m with you. I’m with you there.

Brie Tucker: I’m the same with laundry, man. Just throw it all in on cold. It’s fine. It’s

Desirae Endres: Yes,

JoAnn Crohn: Exactly.

Desirae Endres: I’ve not had a problem with that either, but yeah, so when I became a mom, I think I, I felt the overwhelm of like my messy tendencies a little bit more, especially because I had a baby shower and got gifted all the time. All the possible things that I could ever need for five babies and I was only having one.

And so we had a lot of stuff because of the new baby. And then we had a lot of our own stuff. And we had just recently moved into a pretty big house that we probably didn’t need that much space as a family of three. And so we kind of filled it up with just random stuff and used some of the rooms for just storing stuff.

And, I didn’t realize that was where the overwhelm came from, but one day I sat down and, just turned on Netflix, just feeling like I needed to get through the day until my husband got home and I came across the Minimalism documentary that’s on Netflix, and that documentary just was It, the idea of minimalism appealed to me right away because it felt like something I could do.

I don’t, I didn’t know it then that it wasn’t necessarily going to cure my messy tendencies. Maybe I felt a little bit like it was going to help. It was going to cure me and it didn’t, but what I realized now and what I think appealed to me in the beginning too, is I can have less stuff and then that will be less to manage.

And so it appealed to me and my husband was on board right away. Cause like I said, he likes that kind of thing already. He likes anything that can help him, have a more tidy home. So we dove into it and I was just so excited about it. I had already been someone who to blog about things and just Write long captions on Instagram because that was the thing to do then.

And I still, I’m still all for that. I know Instagram doesn’t love that anymore, but anyways, I wanted to start sharing about it. And I was a big podcast listener too. So it’s let’s just start talking about like my own journey into minimalism, not really coming at it from an expert standpoint, but just how this is helping me as a mom and us as a family.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah. And I think that’s like a great thing because I too, I stuff causes me a lot of stress, a lot of stress so much so that like Brie will be, we’ll go to a podcast conference and she’ll be grabbing like all the tchotchkes and I’m like, get that out of here. Oh my gosh. And she did something this weekend too, just to get under my skin.

Brie Tucker: we had a retreat recently and there is this really big, beautiful centerpiece that they made with like huge palm leaves and feathers and like flowers. And when

JoAnn Crohn: Like, can’t put it anywhere. It would go nowhere except this event. nowhere. Oh, I’ll add a pic. You know what? You need it. I’ll send a picture of it because it’s still in my house because anyway, the party planner was like, do you want this?

Brie Tucker: I’m going to I just, I’m just going to trash it. And I’m all like, Oh, I’m taking that back. Cause I want to see Joanne’s face. When I wheel that sucker into the room, we had to get a luggage cart. Cause it was so big when had a luggage cart it in and we bring it in and like Joanne, just her eyes get real big. And she’s yeah. Say, what you doing with that thing there? And I’m like, it’s coming back with us.

JoAnn Crohn: I think, my, my other response was, like, why? Like,

Brie Tucker: So

JoAnn Crohn: why would you do that to yourself? Why?

Brie Tucker: then I brought it back home to then for my husband and I just left it in the first landing of our house. And it’s just right there when you walk in and everybody that walked in was like, What is that thing? Looks like a big peacock almost. But anyway, I digress. That’s my way

JoAnn Crohn: minimalism, the opposite of minimalism. So 

Brie Tucker: likes stuff. 

JoAnn Crohn: um, something that interests me is mornings and how like minimalism can help mornings. And as I was reading, about it on your site, you said it’s not so much like you are really productive in the mornings and like things to do, but it’s more of like mindset activities.

That you’re doing during your mornings and I, I’d to get into that right after this. so mornings are really hard for every single person I talk to and Desiree you have Mindset activities that you go through with your morning. So let’s start from the beginning.

First of all, what do you Think that should be done? In the mornings before the rest of your family wakes up to have a productive and less stress day.

Desirae Endres: Yeah, well, I want to preface by, by saying that it’s kind of going to be different for everyone because it, I know, you know, not everyone’s day is the same. Some people are, have to go off to work early. Some people, their kids wake up at the crack of dawn and it feels impossible to wake up before them.

And I get that. I know, during the newborn phase, I definitely was not waking up earlier than all of my family. I, personally, I feel best if I wake up before my kids, even if it’s really just 20 minutes. but, I think that the idea of just setting Up our days or even just I don’t know, taking a moment to just step back instead of getting into the whole day.

I mean, you might have to, right? If you are doing this while your kids are awake, like you might have to grab them snacks or I don’t know. Give them some books, do whatever it would take to get them quiet. But if you can just have a couple of minutes to ground yourself in the mornings, I think that has been what is most impactful for me.

So my first answer really is what. Would I guess make you excited in the mornings and also what would make you feel like you are ready for the day and whatever those things are, do those things because if it is something that will wake you up before your kids or will wake you up a little bit earlier to be able to do those things, then I know that’s how I started. I started with the miracle morning, which was like a set of a bunch of things. Um, and it was really 

JoAnn Crohn: isn’t it? Is it scribe is the acronym that they 

Brie Tucker: tell me what that is. I don’t know what that is. I’m totally clueless over here.

Desirae Endres: So I it’s, I know it’s how Elrod is the author and I haven’t done the Miracle Morning in a while. So now I’m like, okay, what was it? I know there’s part of it is like moving your body for a little bit. there’s some meditation of some sort in there or prayer, like whatever it is for you. 

JoAnn Crohn: Savers Savers is the 

Desirae Endres: Savers. Yeah, and there are some other things too, like journaling I think is part of it, reading, some type of non fiction, so it’s really like, a longer thing. 

JoAnn Crohn: It’s like this whole thing, Brie, like you do 10 minutes in each category and like it’s an hour. an hour in the morning. And so the first one is silence, which is that meditation. And then the A is affirmations, like telling yourself you’re good enough. You’re enough. The V is visualizations. So like imagining that brighter future. The E is exercise. the R is reading, so something non fiction, and then the S is, scribing, which is why I was like scribe, which is writing of some sort, like journaling.

Brie Tucker: I don’t 

JoAnn Crohn: his miracle morning.

Brie Tucker: I mean, we we know that you are more of a morning person than I am Joanne and Desiree. I’m assuming that you are more of a morning person than I am too by this It’s the whole idea of waking up before your children mine were like one of my best tips I got when my kids were little was buy granola bars or something easy for them to access and open So you can shoo them away in the morning when they come in too early Be like here’s a granola bar. I enjoyI just can’t imagine like Being able to pull off an hour before they’re up. 

JoAnn Crohn: it does bring up a good point. Like the mornings are hard for many people. It depends on your night schedule really. And when you go to bed and if you notice you’re going to bed earlier and you’re waking up earlier.

Brie Tucker: but it does sound appealing. Now you’re afraid, make sure I’m clear about that. This all does like, so like, if I was to think about, like, as you were talking Desiree about,what do you love about getting up in the morning? I’m like, okay, I would love in the mornings to get up early enough to take a walk before it gets hot, because it’s Phoenix and we’re getting into the hot season. So I’d love to get up and take a walk before it gets hot and get an iced coffee.that is my ideal morning.

Desirae Endres: Yeah, and I think that, if that makes you excited enough to like, get up and get up a little bit earlier, then

Brie Tucker: I don’t know if I’m excited enough to get up early for that, but it does sound lovely.

Desirae Endres: yeah, I think that, well, there is, scientifically, and I don’t really know for sure, but from what I have, And my husband was reading a book about sleep, and there are people who are more night owls, and there are people who are more of a morning person. And so, it’s not really about, like, working against yourself, unless you have to, for some reason. I 

JoAnn Crohn: Like you have

Desirae Endres: beginning, yeah, well, yeah, exactly.

JoAnn Crohn: I

Brie Tucker: So you have kids, you don’t really have as much of a choice. It just kind of, it just kind of happens.

Desirae Endres: right. And when I first did it, I was, like, It changed everything for me to be able to have this time in the morning to myself and I probably did have an hour at first. I was really going for it, um, maybe even more some days because I would wake up and eventually it would like, and after I did my more mindful things, it would end in work time before my daughter woke up.

But. I do think now like over time, because this was probably six years ago when I started it, I realized that it doesn’t have to be before your kids wake up and this certain amount of time, it’s just more can I set up my day intentionally? So one of the things that I stuck with from that miracle morning is journaling, even just a little bit.

And I know that throws some people off because they’re like, I don’t write and I would hate that, but for me, it’s more so I’m just like making a list. Even like a gratitude list. I made a journal based off of the list that I make in the morning. just like it has templates for those lists, but. It’s, I make a, surrender or letting go of list, and then a, I’m trying to remember now, cause I didn’t know we were talking about 

JoAnn Crohn: know 

Desirae Endres: the journal. I was 

JoAnn Crohn: to go surprise.

Desirae Endres: mornings. I love it. but gratitude is the second one. And then it’s just kind of like recalling your purpose statement or basically just like what matters most to you. and then making a really quick, like even one thing list of what you want to get done in that day. And then affirmations, if you like that kind of thing, that’s included too. I’ve just kind of, and it’s not even like for me, I do affirmations more of just reminding myself what Where I want to be headed, like what direction am I going in?

So that’s the kind of journaling I do. It really takes maybe five to 10 minutes. And do I think that is the thing for everyone? No, but I do think that doing something to just remind yourself of what matters and even just like a quick gratitude practice, I really do think that could be for everyone in the mornings.

JoAnn Crohn: It totally helps like women in our balance program. We have our balance journal and it’s. It’s very much set up the same way that you described your morning practice where it’s like a list, what does my mind need to hear, which is the affirmations, things you’re looking forward to because so often like our brains can concentrate on the negative if we let it and we have to constantly remind it of the positive just to make sure like we’re focused in that area. It’s 

Desirae Endres: Yeah, it is. 

JoAnn Crohn: So like you, you did this practice and what did you discover for the rest of your day when you incorporate this in your morning?

Desirae Endres: Yeah, so I definitely am a happier person when I wake up before my kids, honestly. And so I think that if that idea does intrigue someone that’s listening, I do think you should try it. If you are like Brie and you’re like, no way. Then fine, that might not be for you, but I think that having that time to myself, even just the time to myself before the day starts to wake up my brain, it makes so much of a difference and I’m less likely to be like cranky to my kids when they wake up, I am more likely to get the, even the one or two things done that are really, I’ve decided are important to me that day.

Brie Tucker: And. I don’t know. It’s just like an overall feeling of being a little calmer and not feeling like I was just like thrust it into my day, Okay. In full disclosure, I have to tell you when my kids were as little as yours, I did get up early in the morning. I did get up before them. And I do think that it’s a great thing. Now they’re teens. So now they, they don’t even like need me in the morning. So I was like, why bother?

Desirae Endres: yeah. Absolutely. I get that.

Brie Tucker: they get to drive each other to school too, when, Mine are so old that they drive themselves to school. so it’s not even that’s pretty awesome.  

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah, this morning, the waking up thing, it’s really interesting when, you’re the early riser, but your partner is not the early riser, like my husband is like, he struggles in the morning, but he also stays up way later than I do, it’s always been that way. And this morning, I got on a walk, I came back, my daughter was all ready to go, and she’s like, mom, where’s dad?

And I’m like, last time I saw him was in bed before I left for my walk. I haven’t gone to see him any time since because, I refuse to be my husband’s alarm clock. I’m like, he needs to get that done on his own. And so she goes, I guess she yells across the house and he’s still asleep and he has to take her to school.

I don’t know. now and so she’s like mom. Can you take me? I’m like, yeah, fine. Like it’s 10 minutes away I’ll just go and get in the car and when I come back he’s awake and he’s in the shower and He says oh, there’s nothing to wake you up more There’s no better alarm clock than your daughter screaming across the house saying it’s time to go Like no there there isn’t but it’s also not the greatest start to your day either When someone’s screaming at you that it’s time to go So it all gets interesting for sure.

Well, I want to talk more about, what other practices you have in your morning, right after this break. So Desiree, we’ve talked a lot about how you as like a parent can really look at your mornings and take the steps necessary to have a really good rest of the day. When it comes to kids, it’s like adding an additional layer of complexity on there, especially when it comes to minimalism. So what do you recommend, like what’s one thing people can do to help their kids routine be easier in the morning?

Desirae Endres: Yeah, so something as we experienced our first year of school and getting a kid out the door this year. One thing that really helped me is just like having less decisions to make in the morning.

Brie Tucker: Oh, yes. Yeah.

Desirae Endres: I, I think that’s huge. I mean, that’s a big reason to either wake up for your, before your kids, or just have things set the night before even can help the morning run smoothly.

I mean, one way that minimalism could play into that, I think of getting dressed in the morning and you know, kids, depending on what age, I mean, they could do that themselves, but for me, I, she can pick out her own clothes, but. Sometimes it’s better if we like do that together, if we want her to match, I mean sometimes it really doesn’t matter, but either way, it’s just like less, there’s not going to be a meltdown over it, for the most part, most times, if we’ve already chosen and laid out our clothes, so one thing I did, especially at the beginning of the year, is I used one of those like shoe, hanging shoe organizer type things it has, Maybe five different five or six different slots in it and we would pick out at the beginning of the week pick out her outfits for the week and She could kind of choose from those each day.

It didn’t have to be like, you have to wear this on Monday. And that was one way to even having a minimal closet for our kids is really helpful, but this makes it even more minimal. We don’t even, we don’t have to get rid of it to be like, Oh, there’s only, a few things to choose from for this week, at least so that we’re not scrambling every morning.

So that’s one way. Another thing is like food. and just. Breakfast each morning, having just like two easy choices, maybe that you’re going off of each day that’s really helpful. And I also have a mindset piece for us that I do. Most mornings we try to do it, on the way to school. I don’t even bother with it like in the morning when she’s a zombie and I’m just trying to get her moving and out the door.

I wait till we’re in the car and we just do a quick prayer and I. Ask her, something that she’s grateful for in the car on the way. So we don’t do it every single day, but we try to do that at least a few times a week. And I try to just navigate over, you know, what’s important for me to get my days straight and maybe it will help her as well.

JoAnn Crohn: That’s a great idea. it’s awesome to teach kids these mindset tools that we’re using as an adult because I feel kind of shafted that I never could learn this as a child and

Desirae Endres: Yeah.

JoAnn Crohn: but also seeing how my children are, I know why no one tried to teach me this as a child because they’re very resistant, but every time like you as a parent come and like, let’s do this. No mom. Well, I could be talking from having teenagers point of view, but

Desirae Endres: Right. 

Brie Tucker: I, I’ve said it before. I’ll say it again. Teenagers are just preschoolers with better vocabulary. So we all, it’s a full circle. So Desiree, this is what you get to look forward to. like, you’ve already been to the preschool stage with your oldest, your youngest is like going into there soon. And it’ll come right back 14, 13, 14, trust me.

JoAnn Crohn: Yep. Exactly.

Desirae Endres: yeah. Sometimes I feel like the attitude of a six year old is really, I’m just going to be experiencing It all the, all along.

Brie Tucker: It’s giving you a glimpse. It’s giving 

JoAnn Crohn: It’s not, see, I think the attitude of a six year old is kind of the same as the attitude of a teenager. It’s just that they have a better vocabulary and they know how to cut harder. Like they will go right into it. Lately with my daughter who is almost 15. She unintentionally insults me all the time, and I think Bri knows exactly what this feels like.

Like, it’s just these cutting remarks that go right to the, heart of things. for instance, we released a reel yesterday that said something’s coming, on our Instagram. 

and she was hanging out with two of her friends and her two friends like I’ve known them for years They were actually my Girl Scouts when I was a troop leader and she’s like mom, we’re all hanging out like what’s the secret?

What’s coming and I told her and she’s oh, that’s it. I’m like, don’t insult me. Don’t you dare insult me, right? He’s I’m not I’m saying oh, that’s it. That’s the secret Because, you know, it’s in, it’s interesting. It’s totally interesting. Well, something that we really like to do at the end of the podcast is because everybody needs something to look forward to and keeping that focus on those things. What’s something that you’re looking forward to Desiree?

Desirae Endres: Oh, well, my husband and I are celebrating 10 years of marriage this year. And so, Thank you. It’s, our anniversary is coming up at the end of the month, but next weekend we’re doing just like a quick weekend trip. we’re gonna go see a concert a couple hours away and just stay the weekend. So, it’ll be my first time away from the, our second child and my first time away in many years. So, looking forward to that. 

Brie Tucker: you’re speaking our language. That sounds amazing.

Desirae Endres: Yeah.well, it’s somewhat, it’s a band that he likes. It’s called Our Last Night and they are kind of like, it’s like screaming a little bit, but also they do, they do covers of popular songs, but make it a little bit more alternative. There’s a little bit. A little bit much screaming for me, but I do like the alternative music.

Brie Tucker: So I think it will be fun. I used to go to concerts all the time in high school. So blast from the past, There you go. Plus it’s a weekend where you guys get to just be you and not have to be on duty the whole time. So that’s 

Desirae Endres: Yeah, yeah, exactly.

JoAnn Crohn: Well, thank you, Desiree, so much for coming on and sharing about mornings and what we can do to prepare ourselves better during them without having to feel like we’re crossing everything off of our list before our kids wake up. so thank you again, and we’ll talk to you soon.

Desirae Endres: Yeah. Thanks so much for having me.

Brie Tucker: Okay, so I always love it when we get to talk to, people that have a minimal ish background, and I say minimal ish because Desiree was the first one I heard coin it, but it seems like now I see it everywhere, because I like the idea of being clutter free and being more organized.

I do feel better. It makes my mind space feel better. But as you know, we talked about in the episode, I also like stuff. I like free stuff and I cannot lie. You other brothers can’t do that. No, I’m sorry. Uh,

JoAnn Crohn: with that. I see your free stuff. Oh, yes. Mm hmm

Brie Tucker: right. So and that’s because thrift is a value of mine. I do believe, but, I’m always looking for that. balance of the two, of like being somewhat minimal ish, and then also having all my fun stuff.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah,

Brie Tucker: and I feel like Desiree is in that same atmosphere as me.

JoAnn Crohn: I feel like I get that with free food like I

Brie Tucker: Oh, yeah.

JoAnn Crohn: get all this stuff But it’s like a consumable so I can’t keep it and it’s not clutter because it’s in my tummy

Brie Tucker: Well, I mean, free food is always a good thing. I mean, come on. that’s never, never a bad thing whatsoever. But I, but I will say this, this episode and talking with Desiree and listening to you and her talk about mornings and everything, I am inspired to try to get up early

JoAnn Crohn: What what no, 

Brie Tucker: to try to 

JoAnn Crohn: you heard it here. it is on this episode

Brie Tucker: morning walk with my iced coffee, like while it’s still decent out here in Phoenix. And I like, like every morning, my goal is that because my office is on the first floor of my house and I live in a three story. So when I get up in the morning, my bedroom’s on the third floor, my goal is always to get downstairs early enough to sit outside for a little bit while it’s again, still, possible without melting, to go outside and sit outside for a little bit of work.

But I almost never managed to get that done. But now I’m inspired to, because I think that would really, the days that I get to, I like breathe and I catch myself like being much more in the moment and being more calm. 

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah, I totally agree like the way you start your day is definitely the way like your whole day goes I mean I started my day a little late today I just slept in till 6 30, but I did still go on a walk with my dog and it wasn’t as nice as It is at 530, but I mean, it’s getting hotter now in Phoenix, which kind of is like a bummer, but it’s still a great way to just become relaxed.

And it’s like taking back your time to like, this is the reason my husband says like he stays up late at night is because he wants his own time. And I think that’s why I like waking up in the early morning when no one else is up. Cause it is my time.

Brie Tucker: Isn’t that a thing about, staying up late at night and, like, fighting bedtime as a way to control your day? I forget what it is. Yeah, revenge something. Yeah.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah. And it’s a thing. Cause I mean, when you feel out of control in your day, it, affects your whole mood. You have to do something to get it back. So we hope that you heard something that you could take away today from this podcast episode, a way that you are going to help your mornings be a little bit calmer, easier, and just, getting that right mindset to handle those children because, oh my gosh, parenting is a hard job and you need all the stamina to do it.

Brie Tucker: So, you know what? If you liked this episode, rate and review. Leave us a review about what you thought, what you do in the mornings. what are you inspired to do after listening to this episode? We would love to hear that. 

JoAnn Crohn: and until next time, remember the best mom’s a happy mom. Take care of you. We’ll talk to you later.

Brie Tucker: Thanks for stopping by.

Brie Tucker

COO/ Podcast Producer at No Guilt Mom
Brie Tucker has over 20 years of experience coaching parents with a background in early childhood and special needs. She holds a B.S. in Psychology from the University of Central Missouri and is certified in Positive Discipline as well as a Happiest Baby Educator.

She’s a divorced mom to two teenagers.

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