Juggling all the B.A.L.L.S.

Sometimes, it just feels like too much.
You have so much to take care of as a mom. You feel as if you shoulder the responsibility for everyone in your family and barely have the time – or the mental energy – to get your work done.
I hear you, mama.
You are juggling some B.A.L.L.S. ! This podcast episode is going to help you keep them all in the air – and give you permission to drop a few.
Here’s a quick summary:
B is for Boundaries
Know your own boundaries! This one is hard. I know, but we all need boundaries mama! Not sure what your boundaries should be? Take a few minutes and ask yourself, what do you need to be a happy person?
Having healthy boundaries means that you are going to say “no” to people sometimes. It’s okay. You’re allowed to say NO. It’s not your job to make everyone happy or to do everything for everyone.
READ: 5 Ways to Say “No” Without The Guilt
A is for Aids (Visual Aids and more)
Think you don’t need visual aids? Well think again mama!
Roughly 65% of the population are visual learners and that is even higher when looking at kids!
So what are some visual aids you can use to help everyone when working at home?
Try these:
- STOP! The Mompreneur Stop Checklist from The Intentional Mom Jennifer Roskamp
- A headband!
This suggestion comes from the book Indistractable by Nir Eyal. Eyal reflects on how his wife wears a big flashy headband when she really needs to focus when working from home.
The family knows that when the headband is on that mom is “off limits”.
- Timers!
Kitchen timers, Alexa, Google, your phone…oh my goodness! These are so easy and chances are you have used them at one time or another. Use them to help make “focused time blocks”.
- Write out a schedule of times that are “Do Not Disturb” time for each day. Now hold on- before you go running for your highlighters and ruler to make a perfect schedule for everyone-this is a bare-bones Do Not Disturb schedule!
Do you have a teleconference meeting at 2pm on Tuesday?
That goes on the schedule.
Just. For. That. Day.
Post the schedule where your kids can see it and they know to check it. That way they know that we don’t come in and disturb you during that time.
L is for Loose
Embrace the messiness people!
Know that while you can plan your day perfectly, plans aren’t set in stone. That’s why there are so many sayings about plans going awry!
READ: Episode 002: The Real Deal about Kid’s Socialization during Distance Learning
So just keep your expectations reasonable. Don’t plan out every hour, or you will likely be setting yourself up for disappointment when something pops up and that lovely plan you had created for the day goes to the wayside.
L is for Laws
Determine the “laws” of your house by discussing your expectations.
Unless you have that Jedi mind trick perfected, you will need to tell others in your family what you expect of them during the day. Don’t forget to ask them what they expect from you as well.
What things you might go over?
-How much screen time allowed.
-Where the kids are allowed to go and play.
-When the kids can ask for your help with homework or when you are free to play too.
S is for Subcontract
You’re a CEO mama! Time to outsource some of the work without the guilt!
chores to your family,
school to the teacher,
teaching time management and productivity skills for your kids to the D.O.T. Planner system.
There are so many things you can subcontract and you shouldn’t be the one doing it all!
READ: How to get family to help around the house (when they’ve been doing nothing)
Resources We Shared:
The best mom is a happy mom. To better take care of you, download our No Guilt Mom mindset here . These reminders will help you second guess less, and feel more confidence every day in your parenting.