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Podcast Episode 253: The Mom Food Fight: We Don’t Do Homemade and Neither Should You Transcript

Please note: Transcripts for the No Guilt Mom Podcast were created using AI. As a result, there may be some minor errors.

JoAnn Crohn: Every single person is different with eating and you do not need to look at all of this stuff out there in the world and think that you’re doing a bad job. Especially when there’s all this fear out there around eating and what you should put in your body and what you shouldn’t put in your body.

Welcome to the No Guilt Mom Podcast. I’m your host, JoAnn Crohn, joined here by the lovely Brie Tucker.

Brie Tucker: Well, hello, hello, everybody. How are you?

JoAnn Crohn: Today we’re talking about food. One of my favorite topics in the entire world, because I love food, Brie. I love food.

Brie Tucker: It’s very delicious. It helps keep us alive. I honestly, like we talk, we have an episode where we talked with Erica of MomWell about like the values that we have from growing up with food and everything, and it’s always been a reward to me. It’s always been like a reward.

JoAnn Crohn: Yes. So why does feeding our kids have to be so damn complicated? Like, why, why is, like, all the advice towards moms that, oh, if you, like, Implied advice, by the way. If you really cared about your family, you would take the time to cook for them. You would take the time to, like, make things from scratch and make sure they don’t have these artificial flavors and gluten and, like, all these things. And check these million things that they don’t have. Oh, and by the way, Fill this into your day, have a full time job, and keep your sanity.

Brie Tucker: Yeah, it’s, it’s a lot like it just from watching a lot of the videos out there. I’m like, damn, I need to buy stock in Mason jars. Like

JoAnn Crohn: And make sure that

Brie Tucker: near

JoAnn Crohn: prep containers.

Brie Tucker: I need to be like, yeah, yeah. Like we’ll go to the grocery, we’ll go to the, not the grocery store, but we’ll be out shopping and I’ll be like, Oh my God, Miguel, what have we got these like little, little containers here?

And he’s like, what would we use them for? And I’m like, because then we could like pack lunches and stuff. And he’s like. Um, I’m the only one that takes lunch and I only take it two days a week. I don’t, I don’t think we need like a, like a 12 pack of like meal prep.

JoAnn Crohn: I know,

Brie Tucker: like, but, but that’s what, that’s what everybody’s telling me. I need to do. If I just did meal prep, I would be happier. I would be thinner. I would be healthier.

JoAnn Crohn: exactly. Your kids wouldn’t be constipated, they wouldn’t have ADHD, like all of this rests on mom’s shoulders. Uh, and that’s what we’re going to dig into in today’s episode.

But before we start with today’s show, can we ask a little favor? Can you go right and review this episode on Apple Podcasts? We would so appreciate it. It helps get the word out about No Guilt Mom, really does us a solid, and also helps your fellow moms not feel so guilty about parenting and living realistically is the goal for all. So if you can rate and review us, awesome, that’d be so awesome.

Brie Tucker: Plus, we just love hearing what you think. We love hearing your feedback about the episode, because you know how hard it is to think up topics twice a week for the rest of your life? It’s hard. It’s not as hard as feeding your kids and feeding your family for the rest of your life with the memo that I did not sign, but we would love to hear from you guys. Please share. Please share.

JoAnn Crohn: So now let’s get on with the show. Okay. Oh, I get so heated about food, Brie. So heated. I think that meal planning causes me the most amount of stress of any of my mom duties whatsoever. I mean, how do you feel about this?

Brie Tucker: So, yes, I do. Like, I sigh because I’m like, how do I Articulate this in a, in a very good way. Um, not a good way in a, in a way that, that people will hear. So I guess what I’m going to start with is that to me, I do see the benefits of meal planning on the end of it saves me money. Like I have less food waste because I’m like being thoughtful about what we’re going to eat. And that’s about it on the positives. That’s it. The

JoAnn Crohn: I agree with this positive. So

Brie Tucker: Right. The negatives are when I have to meal plan and for everybody that doesn’t know this, but most of you do know that I’m divorced and I have my kids. I do 50, 50 custody with their dad, which means they spend one week at my house and one week at his house.

So every other week, our meal planning completely flips on its, on its head because I have to include. Who’s going to be home to eat dinner that day because both of my kids work and have extracurricular activities as well as what are they going to eat because Miguel and I like to eat like keto centric kind of meals and my kids are not so big on that. It’s really hard trying to meal plan something that everybody will eat and then also like trying to make sure my kids take on the responsibility of the days that they can cook and then trying to be thoughtful about what they want to make, but also be something that I can eat so that they learn not only like cooking skills, but being thoughtful of other people. And then there’s just the fact that it’s a lot of freaking work. It sucks.

JoAnn Crohn: It is. It is a lot of work

Brie Tucker: And yeah, recently we had, well, recently we had a week where I didn’t do the meal planning. My husband did it for the whole week. It was amazing. I

JoAnn Crohn: wasn’t it?

Brie Tucker: I couldn’t stop telling him. Thank you. Thank you,

JoAnn Crohn: I felt the same way, like, cause we did it for our summit week and like, I had my husband take it over. You had your husband take it over. It was such relief off my shoulders. Like I felt like I could see Start, like, have a full day of work and at the end of the day, getting off of work and having dinner completely taken care of and waiting for me was just like, This is

Brie Tucker: what it feels like to be on the other side. What?

JoAnn Crohn: This is what it feels like to be a man. What? I shouldn’t say that, right? I get

Brie Tucker: Oh, but we were

JoAnn Crohn: so much trouble.

Brie Tucker: We were both thinking it. This is

JoAnn Crohn: Wait, we’re both

Brie Tucker: to be a, to be a spouse of mine?

JoAnn Crohn: That like, and it’s, it’s like something, something that we think we just have to be grateful for. That we have a family to take care of and that we, you know, have, have food we can serve. And I mean, it’s true. Totally grateful for that. But I also think that it. It comes with some complications, like you said before, will our kids eat the food we make?

There’s always an argument about the food or thinking like the food is gross or like they don’t want to eat that variety of food. Or, oh my gosh, there’s like a little spot on the strawberry. The whole bag of strawberries is now bad and I can’t touch a single one of them.

Brie Tucker: Or wait, here’s our favorite in our house. What’s that green stuff on there? It’s pepper or it’s like chives. Nope. Not touching it. Nope. I’m like you can eat around it. Nope. Nope,

JoAnn Crohn: no, and It’s like, for people who are used to being the good girls and getting, you know, the grades in school, and for doing what we’re told, it doesn’t work in adult life. Like, you make this great meal, you put all this effort into it, and you get NOTHING. You get like,

Brie Tucker: And and we understand like the the thought and I feel like we have to like give like a little bit of a background on this like we get That if you model good eating habits, that your children are more likely to eat, good meals, and to eat those things with you. However, we’re telling you, we modeled the crap out of things, and we still hit a wall.

So like, if, if you are, able to model great food to your kids. And you’ve got like, I have my, my ex sister in law girl got like her, her toddler’s eating salad. I don’t know what magic she had in that house that got them to eat salad. But I was like, how do you get a three year old to eat salad and ask for it and be happy?

She managed to do it. And you want hats off to her, Sandra, you’re amazing. You’re awesome. But I never managed to have that magic. And like, I,

JoAnn Crohn: Oh, Brie. It’s, It’s funny, my, my son loves salad.

Brie Tucker: Robert will devour it now, but not when he was 3 at

JoAnn Crohn: Well, here’s the thing though, like I, I love salad. I love it. I get very excited about a good salad. I, it’s just a, one of my weird proclivities. I just get really excited

Brie Tucker: home, though, like, are

JoAnn Crohn: Yes. At home.

Brie Tucker: make At home.

JoAnn Crohn: Oh yeah. I’m like, Oh, I get to make salad. Oh, I have salad and like, I’m dancing here and my husband and my daughter look over at me and they’re like, you’re crazy. Like who says that about salad? That’s so weird. But my, my son just started eating it and he likes it too. Now, look it, I acted one way and one kid is like, hell no. And the other kid is like, yes, I’ll have it.

Same mom, same mom, just different, different children. And so it doesn’t even matter if you like model it. It’s not that you haven’t modeled it well enough. It’s just different personalities like different things.

Brie Tucker: And you could take that and be like, well, I, because again, we, we talk about the Bob in your head and Bob being like, well, you suck at this apparently because your kids don’t want to eat anything. Oh, yeah. I hear an earful about it from certain people. about my kids, especially one of my kids, how she doesn’t like to eat different colors and everything.

And I’m like, listen, I, we try our best and we support her when she does do stuff. But I refuse to tell myself that I am a crappy mom because one kid will eat stuff and the other one won’t. That’s just not me. It’s not my fault.

JoAnn Crohn: No,

Brie Tucker: refuse to take responsibility for that.

JoAnn Crohn: course, and you shouldn’t, and nor should you listening right now, take responsibility for your kids eating habits, because I can tell you right now, every single person is different with eating and you do not need to, to. Look at all of this stuff out there in the world and think that you’re doing a bad job.

Especially when there’s all this fear out there around eating and what you should put in your body and what you shouldn’t put in your body and all of like, the, like, GMO stuff. And I have something so interesting about GMO stuff to read for you and, um, I’ll tell you right after this break. So we hear all this kind of food lingo about our food and a lot of it is tied to parenting and what we feed our kids. Uh, and. It’s so much taking one little thing from one little research study and trying to apply it to the whole population is what I see happening a lot in like the general media, in social media, in influencers who are like trying to like push a specific method on people.

Um, I see this in, um, like if your child has ADHD, there’s like a certain way you should eat for ADHD. And This person takes these little things and studies and then makes it into a big generality. And I just want you to make, you know, like aware that this is happening in the world and this could be where your guilt is coming from. Um, and I wanted to tell you this thing about GMOs. So let’s, let’s get into this whole thing because there’s a lot, there’s a

Brie Tucker: Okay. I don’t even know where we’re going with this. So tell me about the GMOs.

JoAnn Crohn: Okay, so GMOs, you know how, um, And like, people are like, don’t eat genetically modified like ingredients. Don’t, don’t have anything like that. 

Brie Tucker: the way, my family’s going to die because we do not buy organic fruits and veggies. Because as much as I would love to afford them, we cannot.

JoAnn Crohn: no, but here’s the thing. So I was set straight on this. When we did this tour of dairy farms in Arizona, it was like an influencer tour. And we, we got to meet the actual farmers and what was going on. And he’s like, you know what? Like. This whole thing of ants, GMOs is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard because of like genetically modified ingredients, we’re able to feed people the nutrients they need to stay alive in countries like that don’t have.

These things like there’s something called golden rice where, um, they’re able to put, nutrients into rice basically so that all these people who eat golden rice and I can’t remember the country. I don’t remember it off the top of my head. Just look up golden rice and you’ll know what I’m talking about.

the, these people would die of like scurvy, of like vitamin deficiency, if not to be able to feed them this genetically modified organism to get them what they need. It is GMOs that allow for like, our food supply. So when we attack things blindly, like GMOs and saying like everything is bad, it’s just really not looking at the big picture here.

It’s not even saying that they’re like, they’re not even bad. It’s just something that people have like stuck their little thing in and like tell everybody else what to do. Maybe it’s a rebel in me that doesn’t like this. Yes,

Brie Tucker: side of it, but also I, what I’m seeing is that the issue with it being used, and this is going to be heavy handed guys, being used in a way to weaponize guilt. For us as moms for not doing everything from scratch from not like,

yeah, from like feeling from, from feeling like we suck and like, and I was telling you before we started this episode, like part of my nitpick on this whole thing is like, yeah, I’ll be on.

Uh, Tik Tok, Instagram, whatever. And somebody that I follow because I know them. I know them in real life and they’re really awesome cook and everything. And they’re doing food prep and they’re showing you, this is my week long series on food prep that you could do for your family or meal that everybody will eat. And I watch it and the video takes 30 seconds and I’m like, Oh, I could do that. Forgetting that they cut out for the editing, the 45 minutes it took to do all that to

JoAnn Crohn: and how long it took to get the supplies and those little dishes that they just dump in.

Brie Tucker: Yes, I make it like perfect and everything. Like, my husband and I actually really enjoy cooking from scratch with each other. But that’s because we have a system and we have a system of how we do it. We’re like, he does like the food prep. He’ll do the washing and the chopping. And then I’m the one who actually is like reading the recipe and getting the other ingredients together and doing the actual, like doing the cooking of the ingredients.

But if I was trying to do all of that myself, I lose my sheets. I get, I get upset. I get mad. It’s like, nobody come in the kitchen. Mom is pissed because it is so hard and so long. And your kitchen looks like crap afterwards.

JoAnn Crohn: It is. And it’s weaponizing guilt. It’s weaponizing guilt. and part of the, part of this issue is that we could make our lives easier if we We were able to fully accept that it is okay to get a frozen lasagna from the store and put that in the oven for dinner. It is

Brie Tucker: it’s delicious.

JoAnn Crohn: yes, it’s delicious. It is okay to use taco seasoning in a packet and add that to your meal. Like, you don’t have to make it from scratch.

Brie Tucker: Oh, wait, did I tell you that my sister, like, sorry, going back to lasagna, I, I made like frozen lasagna one day and she was like, ew, ew, you made it from, ew. I’m like, it was not nice or supportive at all. Like.

JoAnn Crohn: Frozen lasagna? Stouffer’s? The bomb.

Brie Tucker: I’m not, not everybody can make delicious lasagna from scratch, Shanna. I love you, but no.

JoAnn Crohn: I, I, I appreciate a good lasagna from scratch, but I also appreciate a good Stouffer’s lasagna. It’s very delicious.

Brie Tucker: mental, and the mental load that it alleviates, and that it takes away from you is scrumptious. It is scrumptious.

JoAnn Crohn: It’s great. But, and one, so the thing that gets me so like hot and bothered about this whole thing, is because I, I had an eating disorder and I’m still very, very like sensitive to eating issues. And I have to not regulate myself, but more like protect my brain from it. Like I, I was bulimic in high school.

it was something that I did not admit publicly probably until a few years ago. It kept very secret, because I just, I ate to conceal my emotions and I didn’t deal with the emotions. Um, but it’s this whole, it’s the mindset that goes with that. So when I see stuff in. social media or on Instagram, I noticed that my mind was latching on to things that I thought I had to do.

so for instance, like if you see like, Oh, you shouldn’t eat gluten and everything. And here you are having these stomach problems automatically. I’m like, Oh, I can’t eat gluten and things. And then guess what? The amount of food choices that I have went down astronomically so that here I am thinking about food 24 seven, but.

I feel like I don’t have anything I can eat and so I don’t know what to eat. And so that I over go overboard on the eating, um, because I’ve taken myself to a point of deprivation and starvation. And I think that’s very common. I don’t think that that’s. Um, I see it happening actually in people I’m close to where they’ll read something on Dr. Dr. Merkula’s site. I hate that man.

Brie Tucker: I don’t

JoAnn Crohn: But like, like don’t eat gluten, don’t eat this, don’t eat that. And they will be so restrictive on their diet. And they’re here, trying to quote unquote lose weight. But they’re, they’re saying they have like no success in it because they’re taking out all these things from their diet and then they’re like, Oh yeah, but then I was bad and I ate all these things and I’m like, you weren’t bad.

Like your human body was just trying to survive because it was restricted for so long that it went on this other, like other, other course. To get the nutrients it needs it like took things into its own hands and it wasn’t anything about willpower So when you see stuff geared towards moms Telling you that you should not have this and I specifically lash on gluten because it was something that I saw over the weekend that it was about kids with ADHD and about how Gluten is bad for everyone.

Like they said this in the post, actually, gluten is bad for everyone. And I see this and I’m immediately Googling is gluten bad for everyone. And I find like,

Brie Tucker: flashbacks to the MMR vaccines, like when nobody would take the vaccine because they were like, it’s going to cause my child to have autism. And I’m like, you know, that has been debunked. Yeah. But I still believe it. Okay.

JoAnn Crohn: no, it’s really dangerous to put this information out there. Because when I looked up is gluten bad for everyone. And I found an article from Harvard medical school, which I trust Harvard medical school. They say like, no, it’s not, it’s not true. Gluten is actually bad for some people. Some people’s guts can’t process it and it doesn’t work with those people.

But actually it’s really beneficial for other people because it gets them the fiber and the nutrients they need. And if they totally cut out gluten, they have no idea what to eat. And that’s the thing, like when you cut out a food ingredient, you cannot just cut out that food. You have to also gain the knowledge for what you put in its place to get the stuff you need from it.

You, like they said, if you can take gluten out of your diet, you should be working with a nutritionist. So that they can suggest the alternate foods you need in your diet to replace what you are missing from that food. And that is something that does not get addressed. You think like you could just cut it out, and you can be a good mom, and do all those things.

But actually, it’s a lot more complicated than that. Um, so, I get, I get very upset because I’m like, these people are going to be restricting this from their diets. And for no reason whatsoever, going to be causing themselves so much misery for no reason. And it’s all this person saying you shouldn’t eat it.

Brie Tucker: so at a bare minimum, what we’re saying is, if you, if you feel like you saw something that’s going to be a good helpful thing for you talk to somebody that, oh, I don’t know, is an expert in that area, like a nutritionist, your doctor. See if that is a positive thing to be doing

JoAnn Crohn: even Google it Google it like it totally just Google it like you don’t even have to go Just be like it is this bad for me. What are the effects of this like and

Brie Tucker: But, but with that being said, I would say that when it comes to a lot of things, like if you just flat out Google it, like you are going to be able to find the information you want to find.

JoAnn Crohn: Oh, yeah, you have to go you have to make sure

Brie Tucker: Yeah. Like, I, I, that’s why I’m like, I kind of feel like going to a doctor, nutritionist, especially when you’re talking about making major changes to diet. Like you really, you need to go and do that because I could, again, if I’m going to go back to my days of being home visitation and follow up and the amount of people that it was my job to help explain to them.

What the benefits were of vaccines, not to tell them to get a vaccine, but what the benefit was of getting immunizations for their children. And that they would tell me that they read 15 articles about how MMR was a terrible vaccine for their child. And then they would be quoting off like, you know, the homestead mom’s blog.

No, no. Yeah. I know you Googled it and I know you found that, but that doesn’t make a person an expert because their cousin’s sister’s child. Had issues after getting a vaccination so yeah, I I obviously I’m getting like I’m getting flashbacks. Ah

JoAnn Crohn: no, you’re absolutely right. It has to be the source. And a lot of times, like, I’ll know it’s a good article if I see both sides presented and usually when I, I do Google something and I find like, A Harvard Medical School link, I will see that viewpoint represented, but it’ll be like in this amount of studies, which is like 0.

03%, we saw this, but overall it was actually good. And I think people latch on to that 0. 03 percent and be like, it’s bad. Bad when that’s not exactly how percentages work. Um, so just be really careful when you’re thinking about food in that way. And you’re seeing all of these advice on Instagram to like, took it, cook it from scratch.

Um, and we have a few more tips you can use to make this whole cooking for your family easier right after this. Okay, so now let’s really get to the good part, like, how do we make it easy? We’ve really stirred the pot here about everything that is going on, uh, and I would say that my big tip for making it easy comes from my, my husband, which is, uh, Just make it hot. That’s his philosophy in cooking.

Brie Tucker: What like hot spicy or hot temperature

JoAnn Crohn: hot

Brie Tucker: what’s you gotta get? What’s you gotta get cold sandwiches and a good salad?

JoAnn Crohn: Oh, he’d be fine with that too. But the effort, the amount of effort he put into meal planning that week, it was, you know, just make it hot. So he would get the like burger patties and he’d put them on the grill. And cook up the burger patties and then we have burgers for dinner with like maybe a steam pack of veggies.

That’s it. Or like, just get a protein. And I love, Trader Joe’s has these marinated meats that are like, even grocery stores, like buy just the marinated meat, put it on the grill. It’s great. And then you just eat that and you could put it in salad, you could put it in a burrito, you could put it in a rice bowl, like you could put it anywhere.

Brie Tucker: Yeah, like we

JoAnn Crohn: you could put it, I feel like a Dr. Seuss novel now.

Brie Tucker: You can eat it in your car. You can eat it in a bar. You I guess, as far as I can

JoAnn Crohn: let’s go eat it in a bar.

Brie Tucker: I don’t know.

JoAnn Crohn: Mmm.

Brie Tucker: thing, like at our, like, so like, it’s funny. You brought that up. Like recently my daughter was talking about how one of her, and this was literally like last weekend. One of her favorite meals I would make when they were little was called finger food night.

And it’s pretty much what it sounded like. It was all right. Whatever it is that I can make that they can eat with their fingers. That’s what we had. So, um, and it, I think she also liked it because when they were little, it, we would, I would put out a picnic blanket on the floor and we would have an indoor picnic and sit and eat finger foods.

And. Finger Food Night had chicken nuggets, it had popcorn shrimp, it had mozzarella sticks, it also had carrot sticks, and apple slices, and like, I think, oh, I, I, for a while there, got them eating, uh, zucchini, because I called it, uh, fried sticks, just didn’t tell them it had zucchini in it, and they loved them until someone said the word zucchini, and then, hey, not that they had any idea what it was!

But right then it was gone. The magic of it was gone. But I mean, yeah, like it’s all about how like, and that was the easiest dinner too. That was so freaking easy. I loved that dinner. Cause it took me like 10 minutes to make just popping everything in the microwave and it was like done and it was a mom win. And I could, I could say like a lot, I could feel a lot of judgment that would come down on me if I shared that as an expert tip on social media.

JoAnn Crohn: Oh my gosh. I’ll do it,

Brie Tucker: so awful.

JoAnn Crohn: We could be like expert cooking tips for your kids. Oh, I would do it. I would

Brie Tucker: pick up the phone, teach them how to order a pizza. No, you got the cheese. That’s dairy. You got the tomato. That’s that’s a veggie slash fruit, depending upon how you look at it.

I mean, come on. It all works. But I mean, yeah, like we would have sandwich night and they could have like whatever they wanted to put on a sandwich. Like there, you’re right. It’s really, you don’t have to overthink it. Yes. There’s something to be said about, wow, I made this amazing complicated meal. But when you put that kind of pressure on yourself for every day for 18 years, it’s a

JoAnn Crohn: It’s a lot. No, it is a lot. Like I, I can’t, I can’t like, even when I saw those lunch making videos in the past about all these bento boxes, things that making for kids, I was like, okay, wait, how much does it cost us for groceries? And how much is school lunch? School lunch, school lunch. Sounds like a great thing. It’s about the same actually. Well,

Brie Tucker: it’s, it’s funny how that is. Like, I remember one of my favorite ones and it was a while ago. I, you probably remember back when we used to do the drama free homework groups before school started, like, there’s a video of like this mom making the perfect bento box and a dad watching it.

It’s like a stitch as he’s like, putting in the, the apple juice box and the gushers pack and the, and he’s like, Uh, Lunchables, this, oh, oh, they need celery, they need something green, alright, and he grabs like a limp thing of celery and sticks it in there. All of us know that celery is going in the trash. Why are you putting that in the box? It’s okay! You’re doing the best you can.

JoAnn Crohn: and it’s also good. Like, another tip I have is have kids make their own lunches and

Brie Tucker: Oh,

JoAnn Crohn: participate in the dinner process because that really gets them eating their food. in particular, like my, my kids are taking a meal now each week. it’s harder for me, my daughter to take a meal on during like the school lunches.

When school’s in session, like right now it’s spring break. So she, she’ll do it. But when it’s not school break, I’ll be like, okay, well, we’re getting a lasagna from the store. And immediately she’s like, I hate lasagna. I’ll just do something else. And then she makes her the food.

Brie Tucker: Sounds fantastic!

JoAnn Crohn: Totally works, totally works, but having kids make the meals and having them decide what is in the meals is so, so great because then it’s not you presenting this food they should eat, it’s them actually having the decision, and they eat the food. They, they really eat their food.

Brie Tucker: They do. And I would say like, in that case too, like if you’re, if you’re listening to this and you’re thinking, nope, because my kid would pick like a frozen pizza and that’s it, you can throw in some criteria and being like, and I, and I don’t think that’s going too far saying like, you know, okay, you can make what you want for dinner, but I do need to make sure that there’s at least a fruit or vegetable

JoAnn Crohn: But it’s so easy to

Brie Tucker: and that, they can pick whatever they want.

JoAnn Crohn: frozen pizza, it’s like, okay, let’s just pick a fruit or vegetable, and they’re like, okay, this bag of broccoli, put it in the microwave, I’ll be like, done, fine.

Brie Tucker: Fine. And if they’re, and if they’re like, I hate veggies, I’m not going to do it. Fine. Then pick a fruit. What do you like? Cause chances are good. Your kid will eat at least one fruit or veggie in some way, shape, or form, and you can encourage them. And like you just said, the more that they get to do it, the more that they’re going to be open to the idea of other foods

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah. And it can be as simple as taking the bowl of grapes out of the fridge and putting it on the table. That is what, that’s what can happen.

Yeah. Yep. So we hope that you found some reassurance in this episode that you do not have to make everything from scratch, nor do you need to listen to all of the influencers out there telling you to avoid gluten or GMOs or anything like that.

Brie Tucker: Or buy stock in mason jars just so you have enough room for all the sliced veggies and fruits. Good god!

JoAnn Crohn: and just know that what you’re doing, all you have to do is feed your kids. Just feed your kids and that could be like a box of chicken nuggets. It’s fine. It’s okay. They will get what they need. so until next time, remember the best mom’s a happy mom. Take care of you. And we’ll talk to you later.

Brie Tucker: Thanks for stopping by.

Brie Tucker

COO/ Podcast Producer at No Guilt Mom
Brie Tucker has over 20 years of experience coaching parents with a background in early childhood and special needs. She holds a B.S. in Psychology from the University of Central Missouri and is certified in Positive Discipline as well as a Happiest Baby Educator.

She’s a divorced mom to two teenagers.

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