Author: Brie Tucker

Brie Tucker has over 20 years of experience coaching parents with a background in early childhood and special needs. She holds a B.S. in Psychology from the University of Central Missouri and is certified in Positive Discipline as well as a Happiest Baby Educator. She's a divorced mom to two teenagers.
Podcast Episode 338: Why Diet Culture is Sneakier Than You Think – and How to Fight Back with Jennifer Beasley, LPC, CEDS

Podcast Episode 338: Why Diet Culture is Sneakier Than You Think – and How to Fight Back with Jennifer Beasley, LPC, CEDS

Discover Jennifer Beasley’s powerful story of battling eating disorders and escaping the grip of diet culture. Learn how diet culture fuels eating disorders and impacts mental health, and how to rebuild self-worth, support teens, and find freedom from toxic diet culture.

Podcast Episode 336: Passwords to Predators: Internet Safety Tips for Every Parent with Fareedah
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Podcast Episode 336: Passwords to Predators: Internet Safety Tips for Every Parent with Fareedah

Internet safety tips for parents aren’t just rules—they’re about fostering open communication and guiding kids through today’s digital world. Discover essential internet safety tips for parents to protect kids online with tech safety expert Fareedah Shaheed’s SAFE Method which builds trust, connection, and empathy, and keeps your kids safe.

Podcast Episode 335: Feeling ‘Blah’? Let’s Talk About What’s Really Going On (& how to make it better) 

Podcast Episode 335: Feeling ‘Blah’? Let’s Talk About What’s Really Going On (& how to make it better) 

Feeling unmotivated as a mom? You’re not alone. If you’re stuck in that “blah” state and wondering if it could be depression, this post has the answers you need. Learn what’s behind feeling “blah” and practical ways to reclaim your motivation and joy.

Podcast Episode 334: The Truth About Postpartum Depression: A Candid Chat with Sarah Hoover
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Podcast Episode 334: The Truth About Postpartum Depression: A Candid Chat with Sarah Hoover

Postpartum depression is a reality that affects countless mothers. Sarah Hoover join us and shares her story on how postpartum depression impacted her motherhood journey, why it’s so common, and how to seek help. You’re not alone—let’s break the silence around postpartum depression together.

Podcast Episode 119: Finding your Authentic Self with Ryan Haddon
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Podcast Episode 119: Finding your Authentic Self with Ryan Haddon

It can be hard finding your authentic self when we put so much energy into our family every day. It becomes so difficult to untangle where your identity ends and your identity as a parent begins (news flash- they are different)! We’re going to share 3 things you can do to have healthy boundaries with our kids and family and help you find your authentic self.

Podcast Episode 86: Parenting on the Same Page with Amy McCready

Podcast Episode 86: Parenting on the Same Page with Amy McCready

It’s hard enough when you are trying to pick a place to go out to eat and no one is on the same page, but when you and your partner or co-parent aren’t on the same page…it can be downright agonizing! We discuss with Amy how parents can identify what the real issue is causing their parenting struggles and how to best get on the same page and become a united front.

Podcast Episode 112: What is Social Justice Parenting?

Podcast Episode 112: What is Social Justice Parenting?

When it comes to parenting, so many of us want to raise “good kids”. Kids who will be kind to others, who can problem solve, kids who truly understand and act out of compassion, and who understand inclusivity, justice, and equality. But there is often a space between raising “good kids” and raising pro-justice kids. That’s where the concept of Social Justice Parenting comes in.

Podcast Episode 61: How Logical Consequences are More Effective Than Punishments at Home
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Podcast Episode 61: How Logical Consequences are More Effective Than Punishments at Home

Too often, we fall into the trap of punishing our kids in the heat of the moment after something’s happened. But that hardly ever works. Here, we’ll discuss the difference between logical consequences and punishments, as well as how to make effective logical consequences that will have a positive impact on your discipline at home.

Podcast Episode #146: How to Parent Like a Spy with Christina Hillsberg
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Podcast Episode #146: How to Parent Like a Spy with Christina Hillsberg

Have you ever thought that being a parent should carry some training? How about spy training? I mean, who doesn’t want to learn how to parent like a spy? Meet Christina Hillsberg, former CIA agent and author who shares how her training as a spy has influenced her parenting with her 5 kids.

Homework Helper Middle School

Homework Helper Middle School

Dread your middle schooler’s homework every night? These tips for middle school parents will guide you in effective homework strategies.

There I was, sitting in my son’s 7th grade Parent-Teacher conferences, listening to the Literature teacher tell me the same thing I have heard for the past few years at every single conference…

“Your son is very bright, well-behaved, an absolutely pleasure in class. However, he doesn’t seem to get his homework done. And our first test of the year didn’t go very well for him.”