Podcast Episode 115: 5 Tips to Reduce the Stress and Overwhelm of Holiday Gift Lists!
The holidays are upon people! And with them we have so many stressors:
Holidays parties, decorating, visiting family, festivities, gifts for your family & friends, cards, baking, gifts for teachers, the list can go on forever.
But many of us are adding an unnecessary stressor to ourselves as well.
Making and MAINTAINING gift lists for our kids and partners!

I know- can you believe it?!
But before you dismiss us because you don’t think it’s an issue with you, answer us these couple of questions:
Do you…
- get stressed out when you think of all the gift lists you’ll be responsible for this holiday season?
- make or provide a list of gift ideas or requests for your kids to others?
- tell different people what gifts they can get for your kids or partner?
- go shopping to buy gifts for your kids from other people?
If you answered YES to any of these questions then you need to pull up a chair because we’ll be freeing you from the guilt and the responsibility! You need these 5 tips to reduce the stress and overwhelm that’s already creeping in with family gift lists!
We have even more tips to fend off holiday stress.

Here are 5 things your family can do INSTEAD of you coordinating all the gift lists for everyone:
1. Have your kids make their own gift list.
There are so many ways your kids can be part of this process! They could …
- write down what they want,
- cut pictures out of sale ads and glue them to paper, or
- make Amazon lists.
These are all teachable life skills!

2. Teach your kids how to make an Amazon list.
This is great when you have a lot of people in different places to communicate with because it’s easy to share them via text or email.
Plus, people can remove items on the list when they buy things!
3. Gift cards are TOTALLY acceptable.
Some family members live far away (we’re talking more than over the river and through the woods 😂 ) and shipping a gift gets expensive, so gift cards are perfectly acceptable gifts.
Especially if your child is saving up to purchase something big.

4. Duplicate gifts happen. Life goes on!
As parents, we often try to anticipate anything that can go wrong and keep it from happening. But this one isn’t the end of the world if It happens! Life goes on!
But if it makes your anxiety go through the roof even thinking about it happening, your kids can always share different lists with different family members. Note that we said the kids can do that…not you mom. It’s not your job.
5. You are NOT responsible for other adults!
How many of us have made gift lists for our spouses or teenagers who are just “too busy” or constantly give the “I don’t know” response when asked what they want for a gift?
If your partner or kids expect you to tell everyone what they want…it’s time for a wake-up call.
They are perfectly capable and the stress and overwhelm doesn’t belong to you anymore mama!

Resources We Shared:
Cozi Family Organizer App Free Family Organizer app
Happy Parent Checklist This free checklist teaches you a simple 5-step way to get kids to help out more while creating a strong parent-child relationship. You’ll learn the fail-proof way to stop doing everything yourself without nagging, reminding, or punishment.
The best mom is a happy mom. To better take care of you, download our No Guilt Mom mindset here . These reminders will help you second guess less, and feel more confidence every day in your parenting.