
5 Items You Can Toss Out of Your Closet Today

Fantastic tips to get started creating a small wardrobe. If you have been putting it off, this article will help you start the process! You can get rid of these five types of clothing immediately!

Clothes that need a large repair

I currently have this lovely black sweater. I received it a couple of Christmas’s ago from my mom. It comforts me perfectly in cold weather. The collar accentuates my jawline. However,

toss out these clothes

Moths devoured it during summer storage. I feel so bad giving it away. I mean – my mom gave it to me!

Perhaps I can repurpose it into some nifty craft project like a felted sweater purse.

Forget it, its never going to happen. I have way too many ambitions, only 24 hours in a day and I do not want to spend those precious hours making a felted sweater purse. The sweater needs to go.

Go through your closet and find all the clothes in need of repair. Minor repairs such as hem fixes or tears on a seam can be taken into a tailor or done by yourself. Anything major, trash the item.  This also goes for items with visible stains.   They are never coming out. Best to get rid of it.

Clothes that don’t fit

You know that pair of jeans you have hanging in your closet? The pair that used to fit but is now way too tight around the waist and barely zippers close?

I’ve had plenty of these clothing items in my life. Pants sitting in the back of my closet and taunting me, “You can wear me when you lost ten pounds.”

But here’s what may surprise you. I did lose 10 pounds. I marched into my closet, pulled those jeans from the hanger and slid them on. My happiness lasted only a moment. I looked in the mirror and realized that I didn’t even like those jeans. I last tugged them on a year ago. Since then, my personal style changed.

My advice: get rid of any clothing items that are too small. When you lose weight, you will want new clothes anyway.

The same with clothing items that are too big. Currently in my closet, I have a pair of Express Editor pants. These pants were my favorite to wear while teaching. They gave me a professional look and made me feel comfortable all day. The hem came out and I fixed it. But alas,

Clean your closet by getting rid of clothes that don't fit.

The pants have lost the elasticity in the back that made them so cute. I am attached to these pants solely for nostalgia. They do absolutely nothing for me now. To Goodwill they go.

The Final 3 Items are a little harder.


JoAnn Crohn

CEO/Founder at No Guilt Mom
JoAnn Crohn, M. Ed is a parenting educator and life coach who helps moms feel confident in raising empowered, self-sufficient kid while pursuing their own goals & passions.

She’s an accomplished writer, author, podcast host of the No Guilt Mom podcast, and speaker who appears in national media. Work with her personally in Balance VIP

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