
Managing ADHD Naturally By Making Small Changes Transcript

Please note: Transcripts for the No Guilt Mom Podcast were created using AI. As a result, there may be some minor errors.

Dana Kay: And that pill, that prescription medication that the doctor gave us was going to be the pill that would fix. Our family and at first things were great, he was calming down slightly. He was able to play with his baby brother without whacking him across the face. then the dosage increased and the side effects became worse and worse and he just doctor prescribed another prescription to counteract the side effects of the first one and this continued until My son who was now five was on three very strong medications and when the doctor suggested the fourth one to counteract some new side effects I just couldn’t do it anymore. And, you know, I knew that there had to be a better way. 

JoAnn Crohn: Welcome to the No Guilt Mom podcast. I’m your host, JoAnn Crohn, joined here by the delightful and not quite well today, Brie Tucker.

Brie Tucker: Why? Hello. Hello, everybody. How are you? I’ll give you, I’ll give you a hug. 

JoAnn Crohn: She 

Brie Tucker: There you go. I’m going to share it all with you guys today.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah, because COVID got ya. COVID got ya and put you down. 

Brie Tucker: Yeah. it’s not as bad as it was last time, but it’s still bad enough that it’s like, eh, I am, I am definitely not there. the benefit of our job, we get to work from home. So I didn’t have to worry about infecting anybody else. honestly, I just have to roll out of bed. Pretty much it. Today I put on makeup for the first time in like four days, so like that was a positive. But the hardest part is the talking, because it’s still, it, that’s the one thing in our job we have to have is a 

JoAnn Crohn: we have to talk. Yeah, we have to talk and have the energy to it’s hard. It’s hard. But you showed up for this interview Brie like you were here and you did it And what we’re talking about today is ADHD and how to manage it naturally and this interview It is one of our happy mom summit speakers.

Her name is Dana Kay. She is a board certified holistic health and nutrition practitioner. She’s a two time international bestselling author and the CEO and founder of the ADHD thrive Institute, which helps families find freedom from ADHD symptoms so that children with ADHD can thrive at home, at school and in life.

And we really get practical and nitty gritty with Dana, she will have a specific example for you on how you could really start experimenting and changing your kids’ food to see if it affects Their ADHD symptoms. So now on with the show Dana, welcome, welcome to the podcast. I’m excited because you and I, we’ve already done a kind of an interview together, and two interviews

Dana Kay: Two

JoAnn Crohn: Your podcast

Dana Kay: Yes.

JoAnn Crohn: Happy Mom Summit. So this is like old hat. Old hat for

Dana Kay: We’re old friends.

JoAnn Crohn: We’re old friends, and I know that, people listening right now can probably hear, the accent in your voice. So, tell us what, like, where you’re from and what you do.

Dana Kay: Well, I am from sunny Seattle. No, I’m joking. I live in sunny Seattle. We were just saying it was raining. rainy Seattle, but originally from Australia, have been in the U S for about nine years now. Uh, I don’t think I’m ever, ever going to lose the accent.

JoAnn Crohn: Have you found it’s changed at all since you lived here?

Dana Kay: No, it’s it’s interesting. I roll my Rs Now on some words. So my son’s name is I’ve got two boys Asher and Oliver, but you spell them A S H E R O L I V E R. And so I remember when they were younger and I was at the playground and I would have to say Asher, Oliver, because every, especially with Asher’s name, everyone would think I was saying like Asher, like the singer. Oh my gosh, your son’s named after

Brie Tucker: Oh, no.

JoAnn Crohn: It’s Usher!

Brie Tucker: You’re like, not quite.

Dana Kay: no, definitely not like the singer, but so I find I do roll my R’s so people can understand me.

Brie Tucker: Interesting.

JoAnn Crohn: I asked because I used to, I dated an Australian when I was 18 years old. I met him at, we were camp counselors back east, and I could understand him while he was here, but then he went back to Australia and when I was on the phone with him, like a few months later, I couldn’t understand him anymore because his accent had gotten so much thicker. not completely not understand, it was just harder, like, it was a thicker accent when

Dana Kay: And that’s what happens when I go back to Australia to visit my family. I do fall back into much more of a stronger Aussie accent, uh, than I would. Do if I was here,

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah. I find it fascinating. I love the Aussie accent, and I was also told about the American accent, which us Americans were like, we don’t have an accent. It’s like the absence of an accent. But really, there is one, as you saw with Asher,

Dana Kay: Yes, exactly. There’s definitely an accent. I’m the one that doesn’t have the accent. You are the ones that have the accent.

JoAnn Crohn: it’s how it is. It’s how it is. Well, you’re the founder of the ADHD Thrive Institute, and this is so fascinating to me because,I’m diagnosed ADHD, I have, my whole family’s diagnosed ADHD, and by family I mean, like, my father and my sister, and ADHD plagues a lot of the No Guilt Mom family, and I don’t want to say plagues because there are really a lot of superpowers with it, but tell us your story, and about why you are a proponent of what you are when it comes to ADHD.

Dana Kay: Yeah, look, I believe it or not, and I probably shouldn’t say this out loud. I was actually an accountant in a past life.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah. Mm

Dana Kay: I look at myself now and I’m like, how could have I ever thought that was a good career for me? Uh, so, but I thought that I’d always continue to be in that space and it wasn’t until My son’s health started to get worse and I always had this gut instinct that there was something a little bit different about him.

My best friend in Australia is a doctor and I’d always say, Oh, do you think he’s got autism? Do you think he’s got ADHD? And she’s like, don’t be ridiculous. You know, he’s just a, a boy. And that’s what our pediatrician said to us. Oh, he’s just a boy. He’s got lots of energy. Oh, he’s just a boy. The teachers say, Oh, he’s just a boy.

Don’t worry. He’s got lots of energy, but I had this gut instinct that there was something a little bit else going on and he’d have these meltdowns and these tantrums. On a daily basis. You know, our whole life would be put on hold when that was happening. We would miss events because he was having this mammoth meltdowns and that’s okay when you’re two terrible twos, but then when you get to the threes and then you get to the fours and they’re happening on a daily basis, they’re lasting for an hour and a half. You know,

Brie Tucker: Yeah. That’s a

Dana Kay: that’s not normal. It’s a lot. And so, uh, you know, when that started to become apparent in the school environment and the teachers started to, notice it, that’s when the doctor started to pay attention and he was diagnosed with, ADHD. He was actually diagnosed quite young. He was diagnosed at the age of four and he was immediately put on medication and, I say this a lot, but at first I do remember feeling this sense of relief. I wasn’t a bad mom.

Brie Tucker: I’m not crazy.

Dana Kay: fault. Yes, I’m not crazy. And that pill, that prescription medication that the doctor gave us was going to be the pill that would fix. Our family and oh, exactly in the whole world. and at first things were great. he was calming down slightly. He’s meltdown slightly reduced. He was able to play with his baby brother without whacking him across the face. And, But then the dosage increased and the side effects became worse and worse and he just doctor prescribed another prescription to counteract the side effects of the first one and this continued until My son who was now five was on three very strong medications and when the doctor suggested the fourth one to counteract some new side effects that popped up, you know, he wasn’t able to sleep, he was losing weight, he was having terrible anxiety, which is not like him at all.

Uh, I just couldn’t do it anymore. And, you know, I knew that there had to be a better way. And that’s when my career path completely changed. I went back to school. I did my holistic health, science degree, multiple specific certifications in this area. And I really learned. How, food can affect so many aspects of our life.

I learned that the gut brain connection,was such a big component of ADHD. I learned that ADHD symptoms can be reduced naturally and that medication wasn’t the only way. Now today my son, he’s 14. He is thriving. he hasn’t been on meds for years. he is, a straight A student, but honestly that does not bother me one bit. If he was a C student, I would not care. 

The most important thing is he’s happy and my family is happy and We have a normal life, you know, we have peace, we have that calm as much as a family with two boys can have calm, but we have normal level of calm and normal level of peace and, you know, we’re just happy and, and once I learned, you know, about that importance of food and these natural approaches on behavior and the brain, and once I saw the changes that these strategies had on my own family, I honestly couldn’t keep this information to myself. I really didn’t want anyone else have to go through those struggles that my family went through. And over the years, I’ve been lucky enough to help over a thousand other families get to that same place as me, but just. A little bit quicker.

JoAnn Crohn: That’s really cool. And we have a lot of food questions because I know there’s a lot of confusion kind of around ADHD and a lot of things that you see online. You’re like, don’t eat red dye number, you know, you know, those kinds of articles. and we’re going to get into the specifics right after this. So, talking about the specifics of food and ADHD, first of all, I want to ask you Dana, those things we see online about, don’t eat this for ADHD, or this is the cause of all of your kids behaviors, is there much stock in that, or, do you feel like those are just for the clickbait?

Dana Kay: I do think that there’s thought into it, but I want to say that, diet’s not the only thing that we need to,approach, you know, reducing ADHD symptoms naturally. And I want to do a bit of an analogy if I can, it’s a bit of a funny analogy. and I don’t know if, uh, is this podcast just audio or 

JoAnn Crohn: it’s video as well. 

Dana Kay: Fabulous. Well, I will try to use this analogy in a way that can be heard and seen. uh,

JoAnn Crohn: and also everybody who sees this analogy, go to the No Guilt Mom YouTube channel and we have it posted there 

Dana Kay: there you go. So, uh, you know, there is obviously evidence that, you can be genetically predisposed to ADHD as JoAnn, you have said, your family is,your sister and yourself are,

JoAnn Crohn: And my father,

Dana Kay: And your father affected by ADHD, however, it doesn’t mean that it is your destiny to struggle with these symptoms. Um, it doesn’t mean that these symptoms can’t be reduced or, removed altogether in some cases. So, you know, when I, when I think about, contributors, and based on my, experience, I like to use this analogy. And I, I’m holding up a little trash can, it probably shouldn’t be the recycled one.

So just let’s ignore the recycle thing here. And, I like to say that we’re all sort of born with this internal metaphorical trash can in our bodies and really the goal through life is to keep that trash can as empty as possible. You know, we want to keep the toxic load off of us. in our body low.

However, we’re not all born with an empty trash can. My son, for example, he was induced with medication because he wasn’t growing. He came out, was given medication to, boost up his lungs. He was put on a CPAP machine. And so his trash can had a little bit of stuff in it already. And now, Our trash can keeps filling up over time.

with these inflammatory substances, and one of those is diet, poor diet. One of those are toxins from whatever we’re exposed to. One of them might be bacteria or, or parasites that when we’re swimming in a lake that we’ve picked up, one of them might be medication. and that all contributes. To an overflowing trash can.

Now our body’s designed to work to keep emptying that trash can. So like, if you take the picture of let’s put our trash can out to the side of the road on a Monday, so the garbage truck can pick it up. But some of us are born with genetics where we can’t as easily empty our trash can. And when it gets too full, meaning that our detoxification pathways in our bodies aren’t working well, our overflows and that’s when symptoms get exacerbated. That’s when inflammation, get spread into our body and symptoms start to show up and symptoms start to get quite strong where. You are struggling. You know, that’s what’s happening with a lot of our kids with ADHD. Their trash can is full.

It’s overflowing in their body. It’s filled with inflammation and we need to reduce that. And so yes, diet, bad diet, poor diet does fill that trash can up, but it’s not the only thing that fills that trash can up. So when you see red 40. It’s real, you know, there are a lot of studies out there that show red 40 exacerbates hyperactivity and impulsivity in kids with ADHD and in kids without ADHD. Actually UK and Australia have warning labels on their products that says this contains something that can induce hyperactivity in children. They’re required to have that warning label.

JoAnn Crohn: They do have that, and from what I heard from the warning labels, and, correct me if I’m wrong on this, like the UK and, other countries outside of America, they have a policy where if something could happen as a result of ingesting it, they will warn about it. Whereas America, has the policy where if something has been, scientifically shown with, reasonable, evidence, that’s when they’ll warn about it 

Dana Kay: Yeah, 

JoAnn Crohn: Um, because I think that, I think that gets confused, because I think it’s like, Oh, America’s so down on it! And I’m like, well, it’s just like different reasons they put it on there.

Dana Kay: Well, that’s, that’s exactly right. You have to prove to the FDA that A food will cause issues before they’ll remove it out or they’ll put a warning label, whereas you have to prove to say the UK government that a food is safe for you, which is probably the right way to go. Does that mean that we can all drink, you know, bleach, uh, because, no one has actually proven to the FDA that it actually causes issues in food. It’s sort of like, it’s, it seems backwards to me.

JoAnn Crohn: I mean, I think it’s for like, in chemical standpoint, if we’re looking at like the red 40 where, you’re trying to prove that it’s safe. we all know that like large amounts of red 40, not a good idea. Not a good idea to give to anybody. Just like large amounts of say something that’s completely okay. Like say it’s, Brie is sick right now. Dayquil. Brie cannot have bottles and bottles of dayquil.

Brie Tucker: it? I can’t just chug

JoAnn Crohn: You can’t just chug it. You can’t just chug it. whereas it would be hard to prove it because you can’t give that amount. I just think there’s a lot of fear when it comes to this and I don’t want people to go at it with a fear approach, but rather just, you know, an informed approach and saying hey, like these are the things to test and try in your own life and with your own kids and if this makes it a fact, totally, do that experimentation.

Dana Kay: See how it works. And you’ve done that experimentation with your son and it worked really well for him. a hundred percent. And you know, I will say with families, like the things that we talk about, I just want to say Rome wasn’t built in a day. You don’t need to do every single thing in a day, a hundred percent. That’s what I did. I ended up with multiple panic attacks, lying on the floor in my bedroom, not being able to handle it. So that’s definitely not what I teach. It’s like that small, slow steps. And just as your podcast name is. No guilt. no guilt. Mom. there’s no guilt at all for me. If your child is on medication, that is okay. There is a time and place for medication and I’m not against it at all. 

JoAnn Crohn: yeah. it all depends what works for people, but what I’m really interested in is like the general day to day food that your son eats. what was really the thing? what did his diet look like before, you tried this diet approach to ADHD and what does it look like now?

Dana Kay: look, I thought that we ate a pretty healthy diet, but there were foods that were exacerbating his symptoms and I didn’t know it. And you don’t know it until you take them out and you test it. And so, you know, we in Australia, obviously back then we, I lived in Australia and we ate a lot of meat, veggies, pasta, all of that sort of stuff.

but now it’s, it’s really more whole. Foods. we’ve reduced the amount of packaged foods that we eat, and we’re really focusing on real food. Really at the end of the day, it’s real food. you know, our pasta is not made with wheat and it really is the same. We have tacos every Tuesday.

JoAnn Crohn: Okay. Monday I make the same food. I make sausages, oven fries, cucumber and carrots. And so, you know, I am not a gourmet chef. I will be the first one to say that I don’t like cooking. Okay. and I don’t like to be in the kitchen. My sister on the other hand is the opposite. 

I don’t like cooking. Oh, I do like cooking, but I like the creativity component of cooking, and I don’t like it if I have to do it every single day. Like then that be, that becomes something different. That is an expectation.

Dana Kay: yes.

JoAnn Crohn: is not joyous, creative, yummy. Cooking, which, by the way, the, it also is hard for moms when you spend all this time cooking, and then your kids are like, No, I won’t have that. I’ll eat something else tonight. 

Brie Tucker: at it. They just look at it. and go, nope. I don’t think so.

Dana Kay: Well, I, I, I am one to say in my house, sorry, that’s what we’re having. You’ve got to eat it. If you don’t want it, that’s your choice, but kitchen’s closed. I will not be a short order cook. made that very clear in my house, I don’t like cooking and it’s like, you know, if you have, if you have a stat, if you have taco Tuesday, every Tuesday, you just adjust the tacos to be.

a little bit different and that becomes your new normal. So it’s not like you’re, yes, at first, it’s overwhelming. Um, but that’s why I say Rome wasn’t built in a day. So you make these small changes. Let’s start with one dinner at a time. Let’s not try to like overhaul our whole diet in day one. Let’s just start with one dinner at a time.

JoAnn Crohn: Okay, I want to take, I want to take apart those tacos, Dana, and we’re going to do it right after this break. Okay, let’s talk about the tacos because I think that’s something that we can make really concrete for people. So when you say like there’s some little changes to tacos, like what do you do to the tacos?

Dana Kay: Yeah, definitely. So, corn is one of those things that is highly genetically modified and I’m not going to go into what GMOs are, but you’ve probably heard the non GMO organic sort of side of things. And so 95 percent of corn crops are actually genetically modified and spread. With pesticides. And so, you know, pesticides do contribute to the, the load in the trash can.

So we wanna minimize them as much as possible. I’m not saying eat organic for everything we have a, a guide. Every family’s different. every family has a different budget. Not everyone can afford whole organic and so we pick and choose what we, what we focus on. Corn is one of those ones that it’s like, focus on organic if you’re gonna eat corn. So we buy organic. Hard shell corn tacos. First change. Pretty easy. Yeah. Super easy. Okay. when you brown your meat and you sprinkle in the taco seasoning, I just buy a different brand. rather than the old El Paso or whatever the brand is. Because if you

JoAnn Crohn: Kroger. Store brand. There’s a pack in my pantry right now. Yes. Mm hmm.

Dana Kay: yeah, so you can just swap out the brand. If you actually look at the ingredients on the back, if you don’t recognize what some of those ingredients are, just put it back on the shelf and get one where you do the fewer ingredients in something is better and ones that you can actually pronounce.

And so I just buy a different brand of taco seasoning again, Not hard, just changing out, swapping it out. we have brown meat, taco seasoning. I buy a good salsa that, again, is real food. It’s not something that’s got chemicals in it. It’s not something that’s got artificial flavors in it or artificial colors. It’s literally salsa that’s made from tomato, onion, garlic. I make up some guacamole. We put shredded lettuce. We put cut up tomatoes. I like onions in my tacos. Some people don’t. and

JoAnn Crohn: Depends if they’re raw or not. That’s for me. For

Dana Kay: I like raw onions in my tacos

Brie Tucker: I have to make you I have to make you some pickled onions. Pickled onions are so yummy. I’ll eat any raw 

Dana Kay: pickled onions. 

JoAnn Crohn: Well, in a pico de gallo, you can put some lime juice, and that’s like a cooking in Mexican

Dana Kay: you go. And you can do pico de gallo if that’s what you want. Just look at what you put in your tacos and just maybe buy a little bit of a different seasoning or buy a little bit of the different shells. And we don’t use our cheese on our tacos. and so that will, would probably be the biggest change for families. There is dairy free cheese out there. I don’t love it. Um, a lot of it’s not that healthy because it’s got a lot of additives in it as well. There are better for you brands that don’t have those additives, but I don’t love it. It’s not the same. So I just do it without. 

JoAnn Crohn: So, what I’m hearing is real food that is not processed. That’s a pretty easy change to make. I mean, all those things you mentioned are pretty easy. the like pushback I hear from people is the expense, but it’s also like you have to think with the expense. What are you trading it for? Are you trading it for health or are you trading it for like long term wellness? And then putting the money up front actually prevents a lot of the expense in the back end.

Dana Kay: A hundred percent. I would love. For this to change one day, I would love to see healthy food be the same price or even cheaper than processed CRAP. that’s a tangent for another day. But again, it is about that mindset change. You know, you have to look at it even though these cheaper bad food choices may seem like they’re easier and better for the budget today. They actually cost us more in the long run in the forms of tantrums. Meltdowns, to focus at school, those sort of things. So when I had that mindset shift, it helped me a lot because I would much rather have a slightly higher grocery bill today and a happier, healthier, peaceful family than a lower grocery bill. that constant tantrums of a child whose body’s racked with inflammation.

Brie Tucker: Yeah.

JoAnn Crohn: it’s really funny with American grocery stores because I didn’t realize how different it was from other countries, until I went to Berlin and I was in this big shopping mall called the, Cadet Bay and on the fourth floor they have the American aisle.

On the American aisle it was like compared to the rest of the food in there, you looked at it, you’re like, this is complete crap. it’s all the jarred stuff. It’s all the processed stuff. It’s usually all the stuff you find right in the middle of the grocery store. But you could see the difference in quality based in the American aisle and all the other aisles, which like looked so fresh, so good and so delicious. So 

Dana Kay: you use ketchup as an example ketchup with the same brand In the US has different ingredients of that in the same brand in the UK and Australia Mmm,

JoAnn Crohn: with Coke because, you know, here in Arizona, we’re very close to Mexico, and so some places stock Mexican Coke. And it’s always better because Mexican Coke has sugar and American Coke has corn syrup. And like, you can taste the difference in it. Now the sugars isn’t a great example for eating healthy, but it just shows like different countries totally use different ingredients. Well, this has been such a great conversation, Dana, and what are you excited about that’s coming up for you? Happy

Dana Kay: am excited about the upcoming summit.

JoAnn Crohn: Mom Summit! It is a good time. It’s a good time. It really

Dana Kay: Yeah. No, I’m excited about that and all of the experts sharing their knowledge and their experience.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah, and it’s great because you’ll get to meet all of our participants when you’re doing your live Q& A in there. So if you want to come and meet Dana and ask Ask Dana your questions. We have a link to that Happy Mom Summit right below for a free ticket and, you could actually get Dana’s interview now if you get the VIP pass. So you should get that when you register. But Dana, thank you so much for joining us today and for sharing all this. it’s been wonderful.

Dana Kay: thank you so much for having me.

JoAnn Crohn: Do do do do do do do do do do. Yeah, I was just listening to Rhythm Nation 2 at your house. That was my 5, 4, when Janet Jackson counts it in, Rhythm Nation. We are a part of a Rhythm Nation. I love that album. I love it so much. I haven’t listened to it since eighth grade and I was over at Brie’s house on Friday and she’s like picking record and I’m going through Miguel’s record and I saw that and I’m like, Oh, this is it.

Brie Tucker: And I was like, he’ll be so happy. He’ll be so

JoAnn Crohn: so, yeah. 

Brie Tucker: He loves that album.

JoAnn Crohn: I love it too. It’s one of those albums I loved and I forgot existed. You know, it brought me so much joy and I 

Brie Tucker: you back to your childhood. Right?

JoAnn Crohn: it gets wiped out. Mm hmm. Well, this, this discussion with Dana was interesting, the managing ADHD. I get a little, fiery when it comes to, holistic health practices and, like, natural practices. Because I feel like there’s a lot of misinformation out there that people tend to, like, take as fact. Not Dana! Dana is very well informed and really engaged, but like things like, I mentioned in the interview how the UK judges food ingredients differently than the US does, and I think it’s important to note because it’s all in the nuance. Like we have a society today, Brie, that does not take nuance well.

Brie Tucker: No, it’s an 

JoAnn Crohn: no. 

Brie Tucker: or nothing society, man. And it’s a, and it’s a magic pill as well. not only is it all or nothing, it’s whatever this new idea is, it’s going to make everything better. It’s going to solve it all. And like you just said, it’s all about taking a piece here, taking a piece there. Like Dana said, there is a time and a place for medication. It is still a very valid practice, but at the same time, there are little things that you can do to change have better results as well that are just as simple as changing up your taco night. I love that. and all the things that she said were, like, totally doable. I’m like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I could totally do that.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah. No, they’re totally simple. I’ve seen like the other extreme where people like go totally natural, but they don’t go totally natural in a logical way where it’s like, Oh, this is bad for you and this is bad for you. And then it comes with all of these foods they’re avoiding and they’re not living a life they’re happy with anymore.

do you know what I mean? They’re like structured. And it’s Yeah. Yeah. The only thing I can equate it to is when I was really sick. and it was before I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and I was refusing to go to the GI because I did not want a colonoscopy and I did not want anyone near my butt. That’s, that’s the reason, like,

Brie Tucker: Don’t blame you. It’s an exit only area. I feel the same way.

JoAnn Crohn: But it was also one of those things that was, like, really impacting my life. I would have, horrible stomach pains. I would be, like, running to the toilet and it was all like, Oh, I have a gluten sensitivity. Oh, I shouldn’t be eating these foods. and I would try one thing after another and you would think in your mind, Yes, that works.

That works. And then, it doesn’t work anymore. Where, in reality, if I had just gone to the doctor and gotten, a full checkup and I submitted to the colonoscopy, I would have had my pain taken away a lot sooner. And so, like, I see other people in my life right now living that way, where they’re refusing to do traditional medicine and they’re only doing this, the natural route, but they’re not well researched on the natural route.

and so that is why I push back. I push back hard against it because I want people to do what’s best for them, but I don’t want you to stay in pain if something’s not working. Do you know what I mean? 

Brie Tucker: Yeah. I hear ya. 

JoAnn Crohn: so that’s my own personal thing on that. But you can catch more of Dana in the Happy Mom Summit. It is going March the 8th. We have that registration link down below. It is a free event. But as always, we highly recommend that VIP pass. you can get all the sessions now. You could submit all of your questions to the speakers. And, you get a workbook, which like people say the workbook is the best part. Free. I know we get that every single year. Like the favorite thing about the VIP pass is that workbook.

Brie Tucker: It’s awesome. it walks you through every single presentation. Hits every single major point that every speaker wants you to know, and you’ve got it all in one organized spot. So that’s what makes it amazing. I personally really love the searchable transcripts as well, and the private podcast feed that comes along with it. Those are phenomenal. And did we mention we have over 30 speakers at this event? So the amount of 

JoAnn Crohn: going to be a big 

Brie Tucker: it’s phenomenal.

JoAnn Crohn: and it’s a party guys. It is such a party. if you’ve not been to one of our summits, oh my gosh, it’s a party. We are in Mighty Networks. We are having fun. We are dancing and you’ll meet so many cool new people there. Come on over. But until next time, remember, the best mom is a happy mom. Take care of you. I’ll talk to you later.

Brie Tucker: Thanks for stopping by.

Brie Tucker

COO/ Podcast Producer at No Guilt Mom
Brie Tucker has over 20 years of experience coaching parents with a background in early childhood and special needs. She holds a B.S. in Psychology from the University of Central Missouri and is certified in Positive Discipline as well as a Happiest Baby Educator.

She’s a divorced mom to two teenagers.

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