
Podcast Episode 263: When Are We Going To Stop Telling Ourselves We’re Fat Transcripts

Please note: Transcripts for the No Guilt Mom Podcast were created using AI. As a result, there may be some minor errors.

Brie Tucker: You can diet as much as you want. But your body is never going to look just like the other persons that you’re probably idealizing.

JoAnn Crohn: It’s all about accepting exactly who you are and what uniqueness you have. Because I feel like we’ve been fed this lie that you have to all be thin.

Welcome to the No Guilt Mom podcast. I am your host, JoAnn Crohn joined here by the lovely Brie Tucker.

Brie Tucker: Why, hello, hello, everybody. How are you?

JoAnn Crohn: I’m really excited to get into our podcast episode today because we are going to talk about diet culture. We’re going to talk about fat. We’re going to talk about everything about our bodies. And I am so, so passionate about this when it comes to women and their bodies, because I think it’s one of the main things that is holding us back from living like this wonderful, joyous life is our story. Stupid preoccupation with thinness in our society.

Brie Tucker: Well, yeah, I mean, and, and let’s also give a nod to our culture that we had growing up. We grew up in the 90s with the Kate Moss and the like, stick thin, there is no curves allowed culture. And let me tell you, as someone that comes with a naturally hourglass figure, I was actually Bullied a lot in high school for like my figure and there is nothing I could do about it, man

JoAnn Crohn: As many girls are, like, girls bodies are weaponized against them from the time they start developing as a teenager. I mean, we see it in school dress codes where girls aren’t allowed to show a bra strap or like they get sent to the office for quote, inappropriate clothing because it’s too like busty and maybe it shows a little bit of like cleavage, like that’s a bad thing.

It’s been, we’ve been so conditioned to think it’s a bad thing that I’m sure you’re listening to it right now and be like, Oh, that’s inappropriate. But really, is it inappropriate? And like, why is it inappropriate? my daughter actually was just talking about, they do student council elections and, um, they videos for their student council election.

And The student council advisor, who is a woman, called out across the classroom to this girl who was running for class president. And she’s like, Hey, your video’s inappropriate and you need to do it over. And the only thing in it that she called inappropriate was this girl was in a swimsuit in her video.

Whereas the boys who were running in years past didn’t get called out for wearing a swimsuit in their video. Only the girl did, which I think is really, really telling about what we think about females

Brie Tucker: It is

JoAnn Crohn: in our culture,

Brie Tucker: My god, it’s so is it’s so is so we okay. Alright, so like I we are gonna be fighting a lot of things on this at this episode pushing back on a lot of things and really digging deep because This is our Mother’s Day gift to you, to release you. We are releasing you from all those years of damage you had growing up,

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah, we want to tell you that you are the new hotness. You’re hot. You’re hot just the way you are And we Can’t wait to get into it So before we start if you know another mom struggling right now With thinking that she is fat and thinking that that’s a bad thing.

By the way, we’re going to talk about that some more to, please share this episode with her because everybody needs a boost in their life. and with that, let’s get on with the show. So followed Jamila Jamil on Instagram and Jamila Jamil, she played Tahani in the good place, which is how I first became aware of her.

And. She was always like, I noticed her body in the good place. I mean, it’s something that you just, you notice in people. I noticed that she wasn’t the typical body type in Hollywood, the stick thin, like she actually had curves. She had a shape and I thought that was really cool. And I also thought she was.

Stunningly beautiful. and so she posts, yeah, stunningly beautiful. She posts on social media about how, you know, she had a recent weight loss and everyone’s like, Oh my gosh, like, I can’t believe like you lost weight. You look fantastic. And she’s like, guys, no, you don’t understand. Like. At this weight I am right now, like I am filled with anxiety.

I am not doing well mentally. And then she compared it to a picture of her that was looking less like than the body type ideal where her legs were thicker. Like you could see like rolls on her stomach. And she’s like. In this picture, I was socializing with people, I was having fun, I was laughing, I was joyous, I was all of these things, and yet this skinny picture is what is praised in my life, and this picture of where I was totally happy is not.

And I’m like, Oh yeah, that happens a lot. It happens a lot. I mean, I’m, I’m guilty of it too. Thinking like, Oh, if only I can get to a certain size, then I could go wear this swimsuit and I’ll feel happy. Like, have you felt that

Brie Tucker: Oh god yes! Like, well, and you’ve known me, like, over my life. My, my weight has always been, a fluctuating thing. Like, I’m not, I’m not a tiny girl. And because I, I just very, whatever you want to call it. And, I’m trying to think like when you first met me, I was probably a size six and that was like a tiny size for me, but I was miserable.

Remember I would tell you stories about how like my, my ex husband would like not want me to eat any sweets. And so I would hide in the laundry room and occasionally steal like cookies because I was starving. And I had to do it like it because I felt shameful if I did anything that would. Cause any any issues.

So yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that’s definitely something that I have felt that like, oh, if I was just that size I would be happy but then I come back and I remind myself that oh, no, I was quite miserable I was counting calories every day for years and

JoAnn Crohn: how I felt too. When I was last, even just as soon as last year, I was on this macro counting thing and I could not stop thinking about food. I was watching on Netflix, sweet magnolias, and I couldn’t even concentrate on work cause I was so hungry. Like everything upset me and I, like my brain, I felt did not work right.

And so I was binging sweet magnolias instead. And I saw a picture. Like a plate of cake on there and I’m like, Oh my God, if I could just have that cake, I would be happy. And that’s a warning sign. That’s like a sign that, okay, something is not right in the head right here. If I can’t focus on like actually contributing to society and I like my role here at no guilt mom, I, I’m like, I feel so good about it because I feel like I get to lift women up all the time. I couldn’t do that. All I wanted was cake,

Brie Tucker: Yeah.

JoAnn Crohn: but all I wanted was cake! I couldn’t even do that for other people!

Brie Tucker: but you couldn’t even do it for yourself because you were in such a place so, I mean Yeah, we, there is so much pressure on what you’re supposed to look like. And then let’s also throw in the whole mom bod thing. Like, after you have kids. It is an insane amount of energy and effort that you have to put in.

And then let’s also add in getting older. Like I, everybody’s body is different and their journey is different, but I got to tell you like 41 and up, my metabolism has decided it went for a walk and I don’t know when it’s coming back. It left for cigarettes and it never came back. It’s I’m still waiting. I’m still sitting on the front porch going metabolism. Get your ass back over here. I’m struggling. I’m struggling.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah.

Brie Tucker: But you know why? It’s only because like, I feel like I’m not where I should be.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah, that’s the thing. You feel like you’re not where you

Brie Tucker: yeah, and nobody’s directly saying that to me. It’s those messages from growing up that are still stuck in my head from the 90s and the 2000s and like, and culture in general. That

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah, but here’s the path many people take when they feel like they’re not where there should be they immediately go on a diet and They immediately start restricting their food and like do all these things that then make your mind like focused completely on food I mean, that’s what I did last year. I went on a diet.

I’m like, oh, I’m not where I should be I’m working out all the time. I’m not seeing the benefits. I’m gonna I’m gonna go on a diet I’m gonna restrict all my my food. and that is considered the acceptable solution Whereas More questioning, where did these beliefs even come from? And are they even correct? Could be. Something that brings us better mental health. there’s this wonderful book, fat talk by Virginia soul Smith, Virginia. I really want you on the podcast, by the way,

Brie Tucker: shout out to Virginia. We’ve sent you a couple of emails.

JoAnn Crohn: much good stuff in this book. Like go get this book fat talk. But one thing she says in particular is that the word fat isn’t necessarily a bad thing. especially in the fat community. Fat is just, it’s an objective. You’re fat. Like, that’s it. There’s no shame. There’s no emotions. There’s nothing associated with it whatsoever. It’s just describing a body type. which I found, like, really interesting when I was reading this book because it takes the stigma away from it.

And there’s so much other great stuff in the book as well, including like, she goes into, Michelle Obama’s campaign during her time as first lady. And do you remember it was the let’s move campaign all about like promoting like healthy activity? Well, When you look at it, well, what was that healthy activity supposed to do? It was supposed to help kids get thinner. Like that’s where it was supposed to do. It wasn’t like geared toward heart benefits or anything like that. it was to

Brie Tucker: Fighting the obesity epidemic. Yeah.

JoAnn Crohn: yeah, and that was also considered an acceptable thing for a first lady to do because it was considered like a woman’s thing that was appropriate to do because it was like, Body image and making yourself smaller.

but there’s all this stuff in it and there’s all of this stuff in our head that we then either limit ourselves or we pass down to our kids. And I found this out like from a very early age, I was affected by it. And I’ve told the story before. but it is about my struggle with bulimia and I will get into it right after this.

So I recently divulged to my parents that I was bulimic in high school. No one knew. Nobody knew at all. Like it was this lonely, lonely journey I had where I Yeah, no, I felt, I mean, I felt alone in high school. I was a high school swimmer, and swimming actually kept my weight down because swimming is hardcore, man.

Brie Tucker: Well, yeah,

JoAnn Crohn: You usually have to replenish the calories some way you eat. And then when the swim season stops, you gain the weight back. And then swim season starts again in summer and it goes down and it’s a vicious cycle. But, I wanted to also act. I wanted to be on stage and to be at the time. I’m like, well, actresses are thin.

They’re thin. I need to control this somehow. And every effort I tried to restrict my eating didn’t work. I’ve always been fine with exercise, but I would exercise and exercise and no weight would come off. because that’s not like how it happens. Most of like the way your body’s composed is, is what you eat.

And, I would get feeling so lonely and helpless. I would binge like a lot of food. Like I would come home and I would like clear out the leftovers and then I would feel so sick and shameful. It would all come up and like. Everything. and this happened for maybe a year or two, maybe two years. It was, I was really bad my senior year, like almost every day, many times a day. and I don’t know what stopped it. I think I was just like, I read an article and I’m like, this isn’t good long term.

Brie Tucker: You’re like, oh, wait a minute. This, did you even, well, I’m curious because I feel like we all had things growing up, did you know at the time? That this was not good and that this was bulimia. Like, did you actually know? Okay. All right. Because I mean, like some, sometimes we don’t even know. We’re all like, oh, I came up with this, with this like

JoAnn Crohn: Oh no. In my messed up teenage mind, I’m like, Oh, that seems like a great way to solve my problems. I still get to eat and I could keep my weight. Cool. and you know, I knew it wasn’t meant, I knew it. I mean, it wasn’t considered a mental illness at that point. It was considered an eating disorder, which was, I feel like not the same thing when we were in high school. Um, cause I was like, I’m fine mentally.

Brie Tucker: Yeah,

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah, I’m fine mentally. It’s an eating disorder. Eating disorders are cool. Everyone has

Brie Tucker: Exactly. Oh my God. Everybody in high school, like, yeah, that’s a, that was a thing. We’d count our calories together at the, at the high school lunch table.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah. I did know it was unsustainable. and so I knew that I probably needed to stop. and I did eventually, and it just, It kind of just went away, but it didn’t become important to me again until Camden, my daughter was born and I looked at her and I’m like, I don’t want her to have a mom who’s ashamed of her own body.

Like I want her to grow up feeling really, really confident about her own body. And, that is when I decided to Feel good about it. And I ran marathons and I started eating like more veggies and more fruits and stuff like that. Not restricting so much as just replacing the quality of food that I ate.

So that I felt good about it. I did lose some weight in that time as well just to be totally honest, but The eating disorder has popped up again and again like it’s not popped up But it’s like it’s kind of like trickled up like I’m not bulimic anymore I don’t do those things, but I’ll see it in the ways I think about food I’ll see it in the ways like when I was dieting last year.

I was very concerned about what I ate Very, very concerned. I’m like, Oh, can I eat this? Oh, let me like, just make sure I weigh this right here. Oh, okay. How many calories do I have left in the day? How many is this? Oh, let me get this food. Oh, this food isn’t as good. Like my entire thoughts are preoccupied with it.

And after a few months of that, I’m like this, no, this isn’t good. And I’m not showing a good example for my kids either in the way I’m doing this. And so that’s when I decided. There is no more dieting, nothing like that. I’m just going to let, let it fall as it may and see where we are from there. it’s scary. Cause I don’t want my kids to deal with the same thing I did.

Brie Tucker: None of us do.

JoAnn Crohn: want to pass that down.

Brie Tucker: we always want our kids to be in a better place than we were, to be better off than we are, or were, are, however it is. Like, that’s a parenting thing that I think every parent that I have ever met, that is a goal that we all have. We want our kids to be better than we were, or to have more than we had. Be it more happiness, be it less, like, we want them to be more fulfilled. We don’t want them to be tortured the way we were.

JoAnn Crohn: not have the weight, your weight define you. Because I think that’s what we were told that our weight defines us. And now that my daughter’s in high school, like she tells me stories of behaviors she sees her friends do. It’s commenting on things like, Oh my gosh, I ate so much today. Oh, I had this little rice cake.

It’s so much food. I just can’t eat anymore. And then they turned to her and they’re like, how can you eat so much? And she’s like, mom, this is like making me feel like crap. Like that. I shouldn’t be eating so much. And i’m like, I, you know, i’m so glad that you’re aware of that. That this makes you feel that way.

Like let’s keep Talking about that, keep seeing how it goes because it’s not good. It’s not good at all. It goes down a really, really hard path where if girls are only focusing on their bodies and how they look, they have no room to focus on other things. I can say that from experience.

Brie Tucker: Yeah. Yeah. Well, and also, like, letting, comparing yourself to other people is not fair either, because everybody is different on what they have going on in their lives, and how their body is made up. So like, even, so, so even if you, let’s just take you and me, right? Like I am five, I like to say I’m five, eight, I’m like five, seven and three quarters.

So we’ll round that up to five, eight. And, I’m currently about one 76. My, my happiest weight is like one 60 ish. So I’m a little bit more than where I want to be right now, but I’m also not in a terrible, terrible place. But if you and I were to be the exact same weight, it wouldn’t look the same on the two of us.

Like everybody is different. And that’s like this thing that I think everybody kind of disorder needs to realize. Like you can, especially for our, our kids, like you could diet as much as you want. And same for us too. You can diet as much as you want. But. Your body is never going to look just like the other persons that you’re probably idealizing,

JoAnn Crohn: it’s all about accepting exactly who you are and what uniqueness you have. Because I feel like we’ve been fed this lie that you have to all be thin. Else, no one will love you. That’s the

Brie Tucker: that is true. And I actually, like, I do remember like, so it, it, it affects everybody. It does affect men and women too. Like, so like another thing that I saw it happen a lot was with my ex husband. His mom had a lot of like, weights. and diet culture going on with her when he was growing up and it affected him very seriously.

So much so that, like, He, would go through some eating disorder times, like, where he wouldn’t eat because he was afraid of the weight and he would flat out say, like, I’m afraid of becoming overweight. Like my, my mom’s side of the family. Like, I’m afraid of having that happen and so much so that, like, sometimes he would even put it on me of like.

One time I went through and I lost some weight, like in my thirties or whatever, cause I’d had two kids back to back and I had bedrest with one. So I had a lot of weight gain on my pregnancies. Cause I wasn’t, I had restricted movement and everything. And again, they were back to back. So once I finally lost some of the baby weight.

we were, it was our anniversary. We were out somewhere and he’s like, I’m so glad that you lost that weight. Cause I was going to tell you, if you couldn’t lose it, We’re going to have to like, Think about separating. Cause I just can’t have somebody that has. I’m not going to go through. Watching you go through what my mom did. He’s like, I’m not doing it. He’s like, I

JoAnn Crohn: if you could see my eyes be so wide right now.

Brie Tucker: I remember being

JoAnn Crohn: wanting to go through and go haunt him down.

Brie Tucker: remember being like, very like off put by that statement. But at the same time, I did understand this deeper trauma that he had from what he went through. And he is like, and I would tell you like he, in that moment, he was terrified of weight gain and what that meant. Both for him and for me and like he was putting his trauma onto me in that moment and that’s a whole nother conversation, but I mean like that it affects people and like, I guess that’s what I’m trying to get at and what we’re trying to get at is that like what we exhibit to our children, our relationship with our bodies and with food, they are watching and they pick it up and it has a long lasting effect on them going forward.

JoAnn Crohn: Oh, my gosh. And I have a total mic drop moment on to how fat affects people and why right after this. So this is mentioned in the book, Fat Talk by Virginia Solesmith. And this was a, like, a mic drop moment, if you will. This whole idea that fat people are unhappier and that they have more stress in their lives being fat. And then it’s like, Oh, you should lose weight because you could like lower your blood pressure and you could have all these whole, all health benefits.

In fact, like many doctors, it’s a problem in the fat community because if you come in with like, Yeah. Short of breath and like heart palpitations. The first thing a doctor is going to tell you is you need to lose weight and they will not do the testing to see if you have another underlying condition, which is huge.

And one thing that actually may be contributing to this higher blood pressure, this higher anxiety, this higher stress level, on fat people is the stigma of being fat. It is the social isolation. It is the. disapproval from the rest of society and the comments on their body and this feeling that they are not enough as they are, that they have to lose weight.

It is actually the stigma of weight versus the actual physical effects of weight on the body. And I was like, Oh my gosh, totally, it’s totally the case because it’s been shown in study after study that. Most cases where people are like called overweight by their doctor, the weight actually isn’t what’s affecting them at all.

It’s this societal stigma. It’s this never being enough. It’s this always thinking about food. It’s this like social rejection that they’re getting. That’s the cause of their stress, not the physical effects of the weight. And I was like, Whoa, so I think about your ex husband, like he obviously had stress and his mom had stress, but it wasn’t the actual weight. It was the outside world’s perception of the weight and the stress that it caused.

Brie Tucker: it 100 percent was. Like, that was a huge thing. I mean, there was a small factor in there of the whole, like, type 2 diabetes and heart conditions. But, he would even tell you that was a secondary thought. It had so much, and I can tell you now, like, I, I hear stories from my daughter where they’ll be like, you’re, you can’t eat that, you’re, oh, well, she got, okay, her first job.

Was at Dairy Queen. She just started working, this past year. So she hasn’t even been working for a year yet. First job was at Dairy Queen, and then she moved into another dessert oriented job. She’s at a gelato shop now, but, she says that like her dad repeatedly will point out to her, like, you better not be eating there. Like you better not be getting fat. Cause if you eat there all the time, you’re going to get fat.

JoAnn Crohn: Oh my

Brie Tucker: And I’m like, dude, lay off on her. She’s 15 and she’s. basically a bird because she doesn’t eat much. That’s a whole nother thing that I try not to focus too much on. Like she doesn’t have heavy eating habits. And I know that, you know, you’re not supposed to focus on that a whole lot,

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah.

Brie Tucker: also like, yeah, yeah. That this whole thought process, I don’t even know where I went now. I’m all blind with the whole, like telling her she’s going to get,

JoAnn Crohn: you’re, you’re like blind with rage. I’d be blind with rage

Brie Tucker: with the annoyance of the impact that has. And. Him not noticing what it does. And I think part of it too is like a male female thing because I do think that men Do not get as much judgment for not having the perfect ideal body as women do.

JoAnn Crohn: Well, yeah. And they also have different like metabolic states. Elise Lunen, who we’re having on the podcast. I’m so excited. She writes in her book about how the seven deadly sins have an impact on how women behave. And so in the, chapter about. What is it? Gluttony.

Brie Tucker: Mm

JoAnn Crohn: she talks about this little arrangement her dad and her mom have with each other, where they didn’t want to quote unquote, get fat in their older age. So they each had, I know, I know. She, she says, I know too, like. and so they made this deal with each other that if they were both near their goal weights every January 1st, that would allow them to spend like their allowance that they had for like fun things throughout the year.

So they had to work throughout the year to make sure they were at their goal weights on January 1st. And her dad goes through this so easily and is like, yeah, I haven’t gained a pound. I have such good self control. And she looks at him and he eats like burgers and fries and he doesn’t really change his eating habits whatsoever. She looks at her mom and her mom is like totally restricting everything she eats like really stressing about it and is doing the utmost possible to make the school weight every year and her mom does but to see the difference between the two and to have her dad have a higher opinion of himself because it’s so easy for him and why doesn’t everyone else find it’s this easy like they must be totally lazy.

And sitting around and eating like 20 pizzas at a time. Because look at me, I eat burgers and fries and I’m fine. it’s just different for everybody.

Brie Tucker: Yeah. It’s like, so like, again, like you can’t compare the two. So there is one thing you talked about that I want to like, definitely dive into here. You, when we were talking about this episode about the new hotness, I wanted to talk a little bit more about that. You got that from like, burnout, but like, tell me more about the new hotness and

JoAnn Crohn: It is just recognizing

Brie Tucker: this.

JoAnn Crohn: that hotness exists in every single body and in every single person. And I love now, actually, my daughter has more representations of healthy body types now than I feel like we had when we were growing up. Like there are Instagram influencers that she follows just because of their body consciousness and their body love that they have for their, you know, on thin bodies.

Brie Tucker: out to some positive sides of our social media. There, if you, you can navigate it. Now we’re not saying it’s easy, but you can navigate it and you can find what you’re, what can be positive and healthy for you.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah, like I’ve stopped following people who like make me feel like crap about my body. Like anyone who is focused on dieting, anyone who’s like not focused on like enjoying life, I unfollow. And I really enjoy following Jamila Jamil, cause she’s very, very positive and very open about her struggles with it.

Ashley Graham is a great person to follow. If you want to see hot Ashley Graham is like. Definite hot. so when you think about the new hotness, you’re just reframing what is hot. And if you see all these people like Lizzo, hot. Like, so many people who don’t have that body type who are gorgeous, And that’s what we refer to as the new hotness.

So instead of like going into a dressing room and totally saying like, Oh my gosh, my stomach rolls are so awful. You’re like stomach rolls. Those are the new hotness. And you just stand there and it’s a silly thing, but it does such wonders for your mental health because saying that your body is perfect the way it is. And you are hot and lovable the way you are.

Brie Tucker: Yeah. Yeah. And I think that’s really an important message that our kids need to hear us say, because I think a lot of times they do hear us say negative things about our bodies. There’s nothing that makes me feel worse than when I do say something negative and my kids start to defend me, to me,

and, and I’m like, ugh, because that’s when I know I’ve gone too far, because they’re defending me to myself, like, I just, I, mm, okay, I need to really, like, shift my thought on this, because, again, another thing I’m seeing, having a child that’s going through it.

I can’t, I, my, my son isn’t as vocal about this, so I’m not going to like weigh in on him as much, but my daughter will be vocal about the fact that she’s got genes that come from my and her dad’s side of the family. Like, first of all, she’s petite, which all the women on my side of the family are petite with the exception of me.

And then like on my ex husband’s side, her dad’s side, they’re all like petite as well. And then she, but she also has the joy of the curves of our body on my side of the family. We are an hourglass shaped family. And she is embracing the love of her butt and her thighs. And I love that because I hated them growing up.

Absolutely. It’s like, we even went jean shopping recently. She’s like, jean shopping is so hard, mom. And I’m like, I get it. Like some people have no issues with it for people with around, but like us, like nothing ever fits, there’s always that huge gap in the back. Like it is, it is so hard to find stuff and like, and learning that. Learning that at a young age, that that’s not your fault, that that’s actually a positive. Like you said, it’s the new hotness.

JoAnn Crohn: Mm hmm.

Brie Tucker: That’s a real, that’s a, hopefully it will be a real game changer.

JoAnn Crohn: I love it. We just started powerlifting as a family and my daughter will go in and like squat. And she’s like, do I have a big yacht yet? That’s her goal. She wants a big yacht. Yeah. And she will kill me if she ever hears this podcast episode. So, but I love that. I love it so much. Like it’s so much more positive and attainable than that stick than image that we were sold in the nineties. So, like, it’s going in a great direction. Do I think we still have work?

Brie Tucker: yeah, yeah. But it’s also like, like we already talked about, like everybody type is different. So embracing it like, okay. So we’re giving examples of like where we. We’re feeling overweight and trying to, but there’s the same thing with, I know, like with other people that are like, like my, my oldest, my, my stepson, like he struggles to gain weight

JoAnn Crohn: Mm

Brie Tucker: and he beats himself up on not being able to gain enough weight.

And like, and so again, it’s about embracing what you have and like, and realizing, like you said, too, about like, trying to be thoughtful and nourishing our body in a good way. But not beating ourselves up for like, I love Oreo cake stirs and that may not be part of my like low sugar, low carb diet, but I’m going to let myself still love them. I’m going to still love them

JoAnn Crohn: yeah!

Brie Tucker: they have a, there’s a time and a place for them. There is, and it’s fine.

JoAnn Crohn: is I love ice cream. I’m like the biggest ice cream fan I’m also the biggest ice cream connoisseur, by the way, so it’s not any ice cream. So like people will get me ice cream I’m like, this is not worth my time like

Brie Tucker: Yes,

JoAnn Crohn: But specific stuff like oh my gosh the Magnum double caramel bars. Those are speaking my language like they’re so So good. So good. And like any artisanal ice cream that you go to, but I’m very, very picky, but when I find the ice cream, I love it. I

Brie Tucker: to salt and straw. If you’re listening, you’re coming, you’re coming to Gilbert and, uh, you know, Hey.

JoAnn Crohn: I will be

Brie Tucker: JoAnn is happy to be a spokesperson.

JoAnn Crohn: I will be there. I will be there in line getting salt and straw because I love it so, so much.

Brie Tucker: Our gift to you this Mother’s Day, because this episode is airing for Mother’s Day, if you’re listening to it right when it dropped, and if you’re not, it’s totally fine. This is our gift to you all year long. You are the new hotness. you don’t have to let diet culture, like, and all of that, ideal whatever define you. That is not who you are. You are amazing. Badass, sexy mama, the way you are.

JoAnn Crohn: you don’t have to wait to lose weight to do something that you want to do and to make the life that you want. The life that you want does not come from being thin. It comes from being you and you’re great just the way you are. So happy mother’s day to you. We hope that you have a wonderful, wonderful time.

And, until next time, remember the best mom’s a happy mom. Take care of you. We’ll talk to you later.

Brie Tucker: Thanks for stopping by. 

Brie Tucker

COO/ Podcast Producer at No Guilt Mom
Brie Tucker has over 20 years of experience coaching parents with a background in early childhood and special needs. She holds a B.S. in Psychology from the University of Central Missouri and is certified in Positive Discipline as well as a Happiest Baby Educator.

She’s a divorced mom to two teenagers.

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