
I Spy Bags

My five-year-old daughter, Llama, likes to collect tiny objects.  She’s obsessed with buying the eggs out of store vending machines and collecting the miniscule trinkets inside. Her dentist gives her tiny little prizes after all her checkups.  As soon she gets them, I always tell her the same thing: “You can’t play with those around your brother.”

So all the toys go upstairs and get zipped away in her pink pencil pouch.  Her brother is always around when she is home, so she never gets the opportunity to play.  However, now she can.  These types of toys are perfect for an “I Spy” bag.

For this, you will need:

  • a clear plastic pencil pouch
  • poly plastic pellets (these are used to stuff stuffed animals.  I bought mine at Michaels for $8)
  • variety of trinkets
  • camera
  • ribbon
  • contact paper

First, we gathered all of the trinkets (plus a little extra) and arranged them on the table.  Llama had a friend over that day so we also raided our arts and crafts closet for some extra goodies.kids-small-objects

I took a picture to attach to the I SPY Bag.small-objects

I then filled the plastic pouches with pellets.  The girls hid all of their trinkets inside. Girl-pouch

I poured in a few more pellets and zipped the bags shut.  While they played, I printed off a copy of the picture, covered that with contact paper and attached it to their bags.I-Spy-bag

Before I allowed them to play with them, we had a serious talk about not unzipping the I Spy bag.  In fact, I suggest you super glue the zipper seam shut.  I couldn’t find any glue in my house.  When I see Llama playing with her bag, my heart skips a beat for fear that it will open and poly pellets will rain down on my tile floor.  Don’t be like me.  Get some super glue.

To play, Llama picks an object in the picture and tries to find it in her bag.  We also play a modified version with two people which is a little more like the traditional “I Spy” by saying, “I spy something green” and then trying to find that green thing in the bag.  playing-I-Spy-bag

However, I also enjoy that it is a great independent activity.  Perfect for quiet time or a long drive in the car.

Now, Llama gets to enjoy her trinkets.

What is your favorite way to keep your kids happy during quiet time?


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