
Podcast Episode 275: The Real Reason Why We Can’t Just Relax Transcripts

Please note: Transcripts for the No Guilt Mom Podcast were created using AI. As a result, there may be some minor errors.

Brie Tucker: I think in general, that’s just like a thing. Like if you have spare time, then you’re doing something wrong. You should be doing something with your time. You’re just going to, it’s that age old thought process. You’re just going to get yourself in trouble. If you have too much spare time.

JoAnn Crohn: Welcome to the No Guilt Mom podcast. I’m your host, JoAnn Crohn joined here by the lovely Brie Tucker.

Brie Tucker: Why? Hello. Hello, everybody. How are you? Oh,

JoAnn Crohn: We were, we were talking about being late, getting on this. And I think it really goes hand in hand with our topic today about why women can’t relax, cause there’s always one little thing that like one thing more that you think you can fit in to the time you have. So I was actually a little late getting on our agreed upon time on the broadcast, because as I was pulling into my garage, I saw across the street, My new neighbor was pulling in I love new neighbors.

I love them so much. And this one, like the house sold maybe a month ago and I had not met them yet. And I heard a kid with them when they came. And so I knew I’m like, Oh my gosh, this is a family. This is going to be spectacular. And so I go over and she’s in her garage and she’s like on her phone, on her garage, and I’m so excited.

Standing there totally awkward, just waiting for her to notice me. Cause I don’t want to go up to her car inside her garage and like be a creeper or anything like that. I’m just like standing there. And then she sees me. I’m like, and she’s very nice. And they have a three year old and, they’re moving from Scottsdale down here, and I gave her my phone number and I’ve already texted her.

She’s in my phone. I’ve worked very fast. I work very fast. Oh yeah. I, I work. Fast. Like if I meet somebody, especially a neighbor, because I’m like, Hey, you’re new to the neighborhood. Welcome in. I want to give you my cell phone so you can contact me whenever you want. Let me get yours. I’ll text you. yeah, I work very fast to make that connection. so that there’s a way to follow up. And also if I get a phone number, then I can put the name in. So down the line, I’m like, Oh, she told me her name. What is her name? I just look at my phone. I’m like, right. That’s her name. So

Brie Tucker: I have my neighbors all saved in my phone as their name and then neighbor on left, neighbor on right,

JoAnn Crohn: Never over.

Brie Tucker: because I am, you know me, I’m terrible. I am awful with names. It is not personal. Brie just has the memory of a goldfish. So.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah, I do. Well, I do too. I have the memory of a goldfish and I get so worried that people will think like I am not a good person because I don’t remember their name. Like that’s a sincere fear with me. And so when I was a teacher, it was easier because I would know all of my students names coming in.

They would be like on the class list. So really I was memorizing their names before they came in. I was writing their name tags. I was doing all the things. So all I had to do when they came was just attach this name. I already knew to this face, which is much easier. it’s much easier when you know the name coming in, but, that was a little sidebar into what our episodes about today, why women can’t relax, why women can’t relax.

And, let’s get on with the show. So Brie, we’re talking all about why women can’t relax because this is a very, very common thing. Like I am told by my husband, like, go relax. And just sitting there on the couch makes me feel like I am not contributing anything, which I’m not, but for some reason my brain doesn’t like to accept that as being okay.

Brie Tucker: Yeah. Yeah. No, it’s, almost like there is this like forbidden switch in there somewhere that needs to be flipped. yeah. So, I’m not, I’m not sure. My brain’s half working today.

JoAnn Crohn: men are allowed to like sit down on the couch and do whatever but oh my gosh If I sit down on the couch, I feel like i’m the laziest person that’s ever lived Like obviously we can dig into a lot of mental things going on right there. Maybe it’s this Associating achievement with my self worth. That could be it.

Brie Tucker: Could

JoAnn Crohn: That could be it

Brie Tucker: But I think a lot of us kind of like, we do feel like we have to justify things,

JoAnn Crohn: Oh, yes, definitely

Brie Tucker: as women, especially as women, because we know we’re always coming in. Like, with the, with the bar of expectation almost set lower.

JoAnn Crohn: Oh, yeah. Well, the, the whole justification thing rings so true for me. Cause I was just talking to my husband today. Like we’re going to go, on a big trip as a family. And I told him like, you, you’ve traveled with me, Brie, with my carry on suitcase, where I’m like rolling it down the aisle and I’m like, I have to plan ahead of time to put it in the overhead bin because that, the handle that I take out of it doesn’t like to shut down into it. And I’m like wrestling with it. I’m like,

Brie Tucker: It’s the cutest bag, girl, but we gotta get you a new one, but go on.

JoAnn Crohn: I know so I really need a new bag and so I was telling my husband i’m like, yeah I think i’m gonna invest in a new carry on bag and he’s like, okay, and then I go on i’m like Yeah, because you know the handle doesn’t work and he’s like You don’t have to justify it. I’m like, but I feel I

Brie Tucker: Oh my God, the same conversation with Miguel on a pretty regular basis. I’ll, uh, whatever it is, I’ll be like, So, uh, I bought myself some shoes. And he’ll be like, awesome. And I’ll be like, because the other ones, like, you know, were, they had a hole in them. And he’s like, You don’t need to justify to me, or even if I’m like, so I bought a coffee today from the coffee shop instead of drinking the coffee we had in the fridge because, and he’s like, you don’t have to justify what you’re doing, but yet we do, right?

JoAnn Crohn: Always, always,

Brie Tucker: I can’t even relax drinking a coffee because I’m afraid I’m getting judged. Even though I know that this man I love loves me and is not judging me. I still, it’s that PTSD.

JoAnn Crohn: I think that is a very true and relatable statement. I can’t even relax drinking a coffee because I’m afraid of getting judged. I think like a lot of us feel that way. Like we, we feel like we get judged for like every little thing we do, that that makes it a really hard thing. Thing for us to relax and I would say that even though we had another one planned for number one Fear of judgment is actually an accurate thing of why we can’t relax.

Because you think about like, maybe this actually goes into number two, but we’re going to roll with it. we think about being compared to others and we think about what’s going on in other homes, especially with Instagram. And you’re able to scroll through Instagram and see these amazing interiors, all clean, all wonderful. And you’re like, wow. My house does not look like that. I am just a lazy ass. And this comparison just comes in. So, I mean, like, I’m sure, like, you’ve gone through that too, Brie.

Brie Tucker: yeah, like, it just, even, like, today, yesterday, like, I’m like, yeah, I really need to vacuum my floor, the first floor of my, my offices, because I haven’t done it in a week, and it just looks terrible. It looks awful. No, it freaking doesn’t, but I’m afraid that everybody’s gonna judge it that walks into my house, because it’s the first thing that they see.

And I can vacuum the bajijis out of my carpet, but it’s not going to change the, you know, 12 year old carpet I have in my house. Like, that’s still going to look the same, but I think people are going to judge me about it. And even, And you know who the people are? My kids. My kids and my husband. But, but I’m saying like, but I’m saying like, really? Really? Are your teens going to judge? No, they’re not. But in my head, they are. So again, it comes out of a fear

JoAnn Crohn: so in your head

Brie Tucker: Yeah, I’m making it up because I can guarantee you that that guy right there ain’t judging nothing. That’s my dog. For people that are watching the podcast right now, I’m showing them my dog. He was, he was taking a nap.

JoAnn Crohn: Well, with this whole like judgment thing, I also cannot take credit for like things I do in the house that I don’t do. So like I recorded a reel for Instagram the other day, and the reason I decided to record it at that moment. And if you go on Instagram, and you find the one of why moms can’t relax, actually, um, And you see a long view of my living room and kitchen right behind it.

And like, I’m darting back and forth between the counters because there’s always something like you think you should be doing. the reason I decided to do that just then is cause the cleaners just left and everything looked beautiful and I could not even take credit for it. I had to get on stories right after.

And I’m like, Hey, like, so I have cleaners. And that’s the reason why it looks the way it does. And I think that’s a really necessary thing to say to people because like women are expected to do everything. And usually the ones who you see have things done. They have a lot of extra help helping them with it.

And that’s why I feel like I have to say like, guys, I have cleaners. Like they are wonderful. , shout out to Marisol Dulce. And I just met Heidi too. Wonderful people and I could not like live without them and they also they like take my toilet paper and they like make roses out of the end of the toilet paper. So, yeah, no, it’s

Brie Tucker: to come over

JoAnn Crohn: I’m like, it’s like origami at my house. It’s so cool. We’d save them. We save the roses and like, we, we like tearfully tear it off and we put the rose right there because it’s just so beautiful. And. It’s so often we think that, okay, well, if she has that, then she must be like, so organized and like has it all together and is able to clean. And I just have to say, like, I am not able to clean. I am like a disappointment in the world of cleaning. And my grandma used to clean houses for a living and I can’t clean guys. I can’t, I can’t, I could never make the kitchen look like that. I mean, maybe I could, if I really try, but I don’t really want to

Brie Tucker: can’t keep my house to my mom’s level either. My mom has always been way cleaner than I am. Like, I, I walked in my house and like, I noticed my, my floorboards. Eat Nobody notices floorboards. Nobody.

JoAnn Crohn: but you do when your mom’s coming over, I’m sure, because you’re like, Oh, there’s going to be a comment about that. But like this comparison and

Brie Tucker: I think the last time I cared

JoAnn Crohn: Oh,

Brie Tucker: Luckily now, teens don’t do that, and if the dog does, well, that’s on him. Bad judgment that day. Bad choices.

JoAnn Crohn: it’s so funny. , so like speaking of floorboards and stuff, you know, my dog gets something called happy tail, which I think I told you the meaning of this. Oh, you may not. Do you not know the meaning of this?

Brie Tucker: I do. What’s hap Well, I mean, I assume it’s

JoAnn Crohn: Okay. So, so Well, my dog Addie, she’s a, um, a staff, a staffie, uh, American staffie. And, usually their tails are docked and docked. You know, they’re cut off at birth and they have that little stub. but she does not, she has her long tail. It’s like a rat tail almost. and it’s. Painful to like that dog gets happy. That tail starts going, it’s a whip. Like you will have whip burns on your leg.

And I’m like, I know why they dock tails, especially if this was a hunting dog. And the reason also they dock it because in happy tail, what happens. And she gets so happy and she starts wagging her tail and if she’s next to something and she wags her tail She knocks it repeatedly like think of me in the gym knocking my knee like my dog’s the same She knocks it repeatedly

Brie Tucker: Aw.

JoAnn Crohn: a cut in it and it bleeds and then what happens is that you have blood splatters all over your house Because the tail keeps going and the blood goes everywhere

Brie Tucker: sense because I do remember seeing like little like blood and I thought it was because back when you had your two dogs they were fighting but now I’m realizing that nope, it was just Addy, huh? Okay,

JoAnn Crohn: that’s happy tail and she gets it and it’s funny you mentioned floorboards because there’s like little spots on our downstairs on our white cabinets and my husband’s like, oh, yeah Addie had happy tail and I’m like, no, no That’s hot pink and she’s like, well, what other could it be? I’m like, my nephew was down here with some otter pops and he really likes the pink one. So that’s otter pop right there That’s not

Brie Tucker: I was gonna be like, man, you do not want

JoAnn Crohn: cupboards and baseboards

Brie Tucker: do not want your house to ever be under investigation for murder. They’re gonna be like, there’s blood everywhere!

JoAnn Crohn: Oh yeah, there’d be blood everywhere. We’re constantly cleaning up after it. Totally. Um, but that comparison and judgment, yeah. That could happen. We can come in as someone else. That’s what

Brie Tucker: around the block and back to where

JoAnn Crohn: reasons why you may not be able to relax. And we’re going to get into them right after this. So talking about why we as women have a very, very hard time relaxing, we’ve already gone into this fear of judgment. Uh, the second thing is this. idea of productivity and making sure that you take advantage of every single moment that’s offered to you.

Like I, so this is just a funny example of it, but I was watching America’s Got Talent and there was this song. Kid on there who mentioned when she learned her talent, I forget what it was, but she learned it like in a break. And Heidi Klum was like, that’s a very good use of your time there. Good job. And I’m like, you know, this is actually what we think of in terms of productivity.

We think that the most successful people are the ones who don’t have quote unquote idle time. I mean, You’ve probably heard the phrase and idle hands are the devil’s playground. Yeah, Yeah. And it’s so interesting because those kind of messages do get embedded into us, regardless if we are currently religious or not. I mean, I heard it all the time when I was a kid and I totally have a hard time relaxing and just taking breaks

Brie Tucker: Oh, yeah. Well, I think in general, that’s just like a thing. Like if you have spare time, then you’re doing something wrong. You should be doing something with your time. You’re just going to, it’s that age old thought process. You’re just going to get yourself in trouble. If you have too much spare time, and this is, this is probably not related, but it, it keeps popping in my head. So like, if you have time to lean, you have time to clean that whole, like, whatever. Right.

JoAnn Crohn: I got told that when I was, I was 17 years old working at Bruegger’s bagels and we had, we were just chatting around. It was very, very slow. And our manager, Jess, she came up to us and she’s like, if you have time to lean, you have time to clean. And I’m like, I will forever hate that phrase from now until the end of time.

Brie Tucker: Yeah. Like, one of our people that are listening right now is like, Spare time? Brittany’s like, what is that? Yeah. Yeah. Spare time is not an easy thing. But,

JoAnn Crohn: It’s not an easy thing. No. And Christina in our podcast group who they’re listening live right now to this recording. she said something about she has a tough time relaxing these days when my energy levels are up, because I feel like I need to be taking advantage of them when I feel good to prepare for a potential crash. And you really wanted to say something about

Brie Tucker: Well, I just feel like that is 100 percent true. Like you and I talk a lot about, and I don’t, we don’t even, I don’t even know if you notice how often that we talk about it, but we both have that mid afternoon crash where we’re just not quite as productive. And so we talk about all the time, like trying to get, and I do the same thing even on my schedule and like, I, I cram in my mornings.

Because. Oh my God, I know my afternoons are not going to be like that productive. And if I don’t do enough in the morning, then I’m beating myself up in real time for not being productive enough to make up for the fact that I know a crash is coming in the afternoon. Or even like as the week goes on, like I just, you, you feel guilty for not taking advantage of the energy while you have it. And why? Why? can you not have energy and not be productive at the same time? Yes, you can, but we think it’s a bad thing.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah, I know. It’s like, can you use your energy for something else other than like mundane housework? I mean, why can’t we do that? Why can’t we go do a hobby or find something fun like and give ourselves the permission to Engage in that play that’s fun. Not related to work or that’s not related to household chores, because that’s really what the issue is.

It’s like permission to play permission to do something that has no achievement associated with it. Whatever. That is something I have a really hard time doing actually. Cause like I take hobbies and I turn them into like. Goals. And that’s not the best thing. It’s really not I’ll be like, Oh, go learn piano. And I’ll be doing these like piano exercises, find them on my iPad. And I just turned this thing that should be fun and joy into a chore. Cause I think that’s how you progress. I have that in my mind that that’s how you progress. And I’m not sure where that came from. Probably school. I’m guessing I had to

Brie Tucker: It seems like that would be, and you do talk about like how growing up, like there was a lot of emphasis put on productivity and achievement. And so that wouldn’t leave, right? So that wouldn’t leave much room for you just to enjoy being in the moment. Because if you’re not moving forward, then you’re moving backwards.

JoAnn Crohn: If you’re not moving forward or if you’re not like watching TV to like numb all of the senses if you don’t have like another activity you’re watching because like watching tv was big in my house, too Like I would relax by watching a show And sitting there, but I could never relax just by doing another activity, which is funny.

Brie Tucker: You relax reading though now,

JoAnn Crohn: and kind of sad.

Brie Tucker: That’s like one of

JoAnn Crohn: Oh, yeah, i’m always able to do that. But I mean reading Finishing a book, I mean, that’s achievement focused right there. That’s what really sustained me. I mean, I get a certain amount of pride by being like, Oh, guess what? Guess what? I finished now.

Brie Tucker: Oh, okay. Okay.

JoAnn Crohn: But I don’t get that anymore, actually. Cause actually I start more books than I finish now. Like I’ve accepted that if a book’s not doing it for me, I quit it. And I still say I read it because I did. I read it. Most of the podcast books. I love you all podcast guests. I have not read out all of your book.

Brie Tucker: I have a new book that I’m trying, that I need to start reading. I just got it the other day

JoAnn Crohn: Oh, ADHD is

Brie Tucker: from the Holderness family. I am very, very excited to read this one. Well, once I’m done, I will hand it to you or maybe I should go the other way. Cause like I, I, I take, Oh, Oh yeah, no, I take a while to read stuff, but yeah, that’s my next one.

JoAnn Crohn: It’s it just depends, but yeah, the productivity thing I think is one thing that really prevents us from relaxing. Uh, and we have one more for you right after this.

Brie Tucker: Yeah, so before we get into our next, reason that we came up with, or that we were consolidating as to why it’s so hard for us to relax, you had a note on our things about productivity, and we were trying to like decipher what that note necessarily meant, and we were talking about religion and work ethic and how there is this big movement and, And how work ethic became like a stronger thing within the religion. And I’m like, yeah, I remember for a short period of time, my kids were into VeggieTales mainly because my sister gave us her old DVDs. cause we were not a,

JoAnn Crohn: They had some catchy

Brie Tucker: they did. I mean, I, I do still love that. Don’t don’t, I can still like hear the anyway, if you like, sorry. Anyway, uh, I remember there. Oh,

JoAnn Crohn: I don’t know those, I would be singing if I knew them.

Brie Tucker: to it. If you. So they talk to tomatoes anyway, there was an episode that I remember watching where like the whole town, fell apart because they were spare time and people were playing video games or we’re going to like the new, not video games, but they were going, cause it was based way back in the olden days, this episode, and they were, they were playing

JoAnn Crohn: It would be screen time and cell phones today, by the way, that would

Brie Tucker: yeah. So like the town was falling into disarray and chaos because everybody was playing games instead of keeping busy with work. And it was like, and they were talking about

JoAnn Crohn: Oh my gosh!

Brie Tucker: that’s like going against God’s will. And I was just like, wow. I think that was the last episode of Edgy Tales we watched. After that, I was like, okay, we’re done. We’re done. And we’re

JoAnn Crohn: Cause it is, it’s indoctrinating kids from a very young age into those kind of beliefs and especially like the work belief that , first of all, this whole work hard, play hard thing is ridiculous. Like that is not what we need as a message as women that nor is it what our kids need.

I’m reading this book Never Enough. Uh, by Jennifer Brainy Wallace, who I really want on the podcast. I, I’m going to go after her. And, um, she, uh, she talks about how our kids today, like they are so stressed out and I see it. I see it at my daughter’s high school. I see it in her friends. Like they are so stressed out to like get into college because this is the message they’re being told.

They’re like, they have to have a perfect, straight A report card to get any money for college or to even get into the college that they want to. And so they’re working themselves to the bone. So like have this perfect life and they feel like any failure that they make in terms of grades will ruin the rest of their lives, which we all know that, that this isn’t true. Kids really don’t need the motivating today. , what she says is they need the off switch. They need to know how to rest and recover and relax because you can’t go at 110 percent all the time.

Brie Tucker: Can we like can I have you just come over and talk to my son cuz he’s not listening to me And this is a conversation we have on a every other week basis when he comes over to my house of like dude when is the last time you stopped to do something You have to stop and I yeah, yeah that you’re right. They do. I see it. I see it 100 percent in my son and it’s crazy because like

JoAnn Crohn: they have no

Brie Tucker: you know me, I am definitely not the one going. You need straight A’s. You need to be taking all these AP classes and honors and you have to be graduating top of your class. I don’t know where he gets it from, but yeah, they do need to work on that because I see it a lot. It’s hard.

JoAnn Crohn: They, yeah, it’s not. And it’s so funny because that part of it affects women just as much as it affects men. Like men are equally affected by this. They have to work all the time. Men get it in their workplaces, you know, staying late, getting in early, taking meetings at all times, like work comes first, you must be the provider.

You must do all of that. Well, women get it for the home. Like you have to make sure the kids are taken care of, make sure they’re getting the best opportunities possible. Make sure your house. Clean, make sure they’re getting nutritious food. Make sure like all these things. And it’s equally like detrimental to both sexes. It’s horrible. This whole, like must be productive, must work all the

Brie Tucker: It is, but I would even say, though, that it’s worse for women. Because like you just said, men tend to be given that you need to be productive and successful in your career. Women are often given the gender role that we have to be successful and productive at home. But at the same time, we’re held to you.

At least general expectations at work. So we are expected to be doing, like, if we work outside the home, we’re expected to be doing well on that aspect, as well as as soon as we leave that job and come into home, we have to be doing that at home too. So it makes me feel like, and it always has made me feel like, I never had a break. Like, , I wasn’t allowed to relax. I wasn’t allowed to have a break because if my house looked messy or I wasn’t being amazing at my job, then I was failing expectations.

JoAnn Crohn: But it also like fails men as well. It fills men in the way that it does fail women because men are pushed so hard to succeed at work. They don’t have that expectation at home, but there are men out there who all they want to do is just spend time with their family. And they don’t feel like society lets them do that because they’ll be emasculated or something like that, because those are the roles society has for the genders men at work.

So that men who stay home are like, Oh, you don’t work. Oh, your wife takes care of you. Oh, that’s interesting. Dang, what an interesting arrangement. And so they get it from the other end. And so it’s not fair, to either one of us to say like one gender is only like prime for one activity. It’s

Brie Tucker: Well, you’re right. Because then that does end up leaving, like, for, uh, for the rest of a man’s family. Cause again, if they’re getting that, that narrative at work and that narrative from society in general, then they feel like, uh, They aren’t expected to do anything at home or they don’t need to. So then you don’t get the support that you need in the home. But I think, I feel like that just kind of like strengthens my argument that women have it harder. I think we do.

JoAnn Crohn: They do. I mean, yeah, because women, men are allowed to, if they, I don’t know, because if men are allowed to work and if they’re into that, then they have that out for the home life. And if women are all in for the home life, then they do have the out for the work life. So it really benefits only like a certain subset

Brie Tucker: Okay. There you go. That I,

JoAnn Crohn: So the ones that are really struggling are the ones who want like this balance. Of like, Hey, I want a career. I’m not saying that my career is going to take over my life because I think there’s a way to do it without that happening. And I also want a really great family, which is what we do here at No Guilt Mom. I mean, you are our people. If you are in that middle, you have like these ambitions. You have these, like you want to feel connected to people. You don’t have a community around you. I mean, we are your people come to us. that’s who it affects really hard. because like, there’s a lot of mean people out there, especially on TikTok, who decide to tell me that Oh, well, women need, someone needs to take care of the family. And if women have a career, they can’t take care of the family. And I’m like, hold up, Buster, you’re defining careers in one narrow, really narrow, Definition of it. 

Like there’s a story I heard recently where like a man and a woman married had like a three year old son and like a four year old son, their kids were really young and they’d been working for a while and both of them got offered a promotion at their office and the woman was like, Oh my gosh, this promotion, like this is something that I’ve been working for my entire life, but if I take this promotion, I’m going to have to spend more hours at work and I won’t be allowed to really see my kids and be with them when they’re young. And so she’s like, but do I give up this promotion for something I was working for, or do I like stay at home? 

And the interesting part of that story is she did give up the promotion. but her husband also gave up his promotion and they stayed at their current level of living because neither of them wanted a career that would take them away from their kids when they were young. They had, they wanted the both of both worlds. And. Like so I think that that conversation has to be had like when you work outside the home Or when you work at anything you don’t have to do this all in ignore your family thing like you can strike a

Brie Tucker: Yeah. And the, and yeah, exactly. And the same goes for the whole, like, if you’re staying home with the kids, like you can do things outside of your family. Yeah. That is allowed too. Like, so, but it, but you’re right. It’s definitely a conversation. If there is only one person trying to move the needle, it is going to be a hard push. And it’s really, really difficult for sure. So, so yeah. So,

JoAnn Crohn: So if you’re feeling, if you’re feeling exhausted and if you’re feeling seen by the end of this episode, we hope so. our main thing is like, there are so many societal explanations at play for why you’re exhausted. And it’s not because you’re not working hard enough or you don’t have it together. Like there are all these thoughts that are going through our heads and all this mindset stuff that once we start recognizing it, we can work on pushing against it and changing. The narrative for all of

Brie Tucker: Because like, like you just said, my, my, my last little tip that I’m going to throw in here, like, I feel like there are things that you can do to find more time and to be, and to be better organized with your time so that you can per se be more productive. But that doesn’t mean. Necessarily mean that that’s going to give you time to relax because like we were talking about like you then a lot of times you just end up still on that hamster wheel trying to chase that unicorn of productivity that just isn’t there.

There isn’t enough time in the day in your life to do all the things when you’re thinking they all have to be done at 110%. So, so I’m curious if we missed anything, if we missed any reasons why you feel like it’s in general that it’s hard for women to relax, like tell us, share it on the episode, come on our Instagram, share on our social media, um, tell us about it. Join the podcast group. Come

JoAnn Crohn: Come in our podcast group. Yes. Come join us. Come join us. We are having fun in there. And actually, uh, Liz brings up an interesting point in there. Um, something that’s told in religion that God created the world and he only took one day of rest. And so that’s all she gets as well. One day of rest, which I don’t think moms even get that. Like, I don’t think, but I don’t even think moms get one day of rest. They get nothing. One day of rest a year. Maybe

Brie Tucker: We get, we get one day a year. Yes. I was going to say we get one day a year, maybe if you’re not hosting a mother’s day brunch for your

JoAnn Crohn: Exactly. I know so many women who then host mother’s day stuff for their moms. So they are working so hard and they get no rest whatsoever. So, yeah, so you are deserving of

Brie Tucker: You are.

JoAnn Crohn: and if you’re unsure of how to take it, come and hang out with us in our podcast group, because that’s where, that’s where we tell you how to do it even better in our balance VIP community. That’s where the real magic happens. So many women in there have seen such huge changes in their lives and lots of reduction of stress as well. So if you’re looking for something, we have the answer for you. It’s waiting there. It’s waiting there waiting there. So until next time, remember the best mom’s a happy mom. Take care of you. We’ll talk to you later.

Brie Tucker: Thanks for stopping by. 

Brie Tucker

COO/ Podcast Producer at No Guilt Mom
Brie Tucker has over 20 years of experience coaching parents with a background in early childhood and special needs. She holds a B.S. in Psychology from the University of Central Missouri and is certified in Positive Discipline as well as a Happiest Baby Educator.

She’s a divorced mom to two teenagers.

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