
Trail of Ants: Number Correspondence

I LOVE when my son brings home his art work because I can see how much his fine motor skills have advanced in such a short period of time.  Trail of Ants is a fun activity for kids to practice cutting, gluing, and writing while learning number recognition and number correspondence.

Attention to detail is not a skill that comes easily to my ADHD son, but when I find something he likes to do, he can do it for hours.  He loves to cut and glue.

Before you begin:

  •  Print the  Trail of Ants PDF conveniently made for just for you.


  • Sit down with your child and talk about how ants often walk in a line or trail. Hand them the paper strips of ant trails and cut out each strip of ants.


  •  Draw a red line between each ant to show them where to cut (I have my kiddos draw their own lines; attention to drawing a straight line).
  • Have your kiddo cut on the lines.


  • On a piece of construction paper, have your kiddo write the numbers 1-10 vertically on the left side.


  • Take the individual ants and glue the proper number of ants next to the corresponding number (one ant next to 1, two ants next to 2, three ants next to 3…etc.)


You can go as high as you like. We went to the number ten, which took up about 30 minutes.  This activity works on fine motor skills, as well as number correspondence, number recognition and counting.  My boys were excited and proud of the hard work they did.



Megan has contributed 51 articles on https://www.noguiltmom.com since July 10, 2014.

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