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Love my Noggle!

Disclosure:  We were given a Noggle for the purpose of review.  All opinions are strictly our own.

There was one time when I fortunate enough to own a high tech vehicle that came standard with air vents stationed throughout the passenger seat areas to provide equal temperature control for every person in the car. Unfortunately, that luxury was short-lived and I was stuck with my 2007 Toyota sedan that only boasted four modest air vents  at the front of the car. In the summer time my littles melted while awaiting the air conditioning and in the winter they sat shivering because it’s not safe to harness children into their seats when they are wearing bulky jackets. I would have to arrange my busy mornings preparing to go to school by either preheating or pre-cooling the car so I could put my kiddos in without feeling horrible. Sigh!

Then, the Noggle fixed my problem! IMG_8405

With its easy flexibility, I can twist and mold it to aim exactly where I want so that my little ones cool down and warm up faster.



I wondered what my children would think since it was foreign to them both, so I let my three year old have a go at it. She loves it and occasionally I see her using it as her microphone.


Overall I was just impressed that it was user-friendly and fixed my temperature dilemma with virtually no work for me. To install it, I simply used ties (that were included) to clip a small, plastic attachment onto one of my front vents.  I then screwed in the hose attachment and it was installed.  It was fast and simple, and removes easily if I need to pile things into the front seat.

The Noggle has turned our travels into something to enjoy.  My three-year-old loves to play with it and control her own air flow. 


For more information about the Noggle, visit Noggle Nation.

Want a Noggle of your own?  We are giving one away!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Leah Jenks

Author at No Guilt Mom
Leah Jenks has contributed 2 articles on https://www.noguiltmom.com since July 10, 2014.

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  1. My little guy would LOVE the Noggle! His car seat makes him quite toasty in the back seat, and without air vent back there we are constantly freezing ourselves out to keep him cool. Genius invention!!!

  2. My babies would LOVE this! We can never seem to get the temp right for them in pie vehicles.

  3. This is a MUST have for anyone in AZ without back vents! I am sure it works better than the clip on fan thing I’ve been using. I’m super excited to try before next year. Thanks!

  4. I think the kids might be scared of it at first but once they feel the cool air coming out of it, I think they’d love it. This is such a great idea!

  5. this is such a great idea… My poor rear facing kids in the summer are miserable. Wish I had thought of it!

  6. πŸ™ I tweeted but it isn’t allowing me to paste the URL. But I want one of these so bad!!! πŸ™‚

  7. This product would help keep my hot blooded little rear facing for much longer. I’ve been stressing about what I could do to help cool him off. I believe this just maybe the answer πŸ™‚

  8. This would be great for my kiddos in the back of the car. They are always complaining about the temperature. Awesome invention!

  9. Living in Florida is tough to tell what temp my little one is experiencing. Ive been wondering about the Noggle

  10. i may perhaps have the sweatiest 2yo boy ever and we have no back vents in my car. i feel like its a form of abuse by not having vents back there i feel awful. i’ve been so curious about this product. would love a chance to win one for my max alexander =)

  11. My daughter would find it very interesting, and it would help a lot when we visit family. The closest family is an almost 6hr drive away. I always worry about her being too warm or cold on the trip.

  12. Our air vents are on the floor at home and he loves talking into them and feeling the air. I think this is a wonderful idea! I don’t even like to sit in the back with a lack of air. We are still rearfacing and I always turn it on max to get it back there!

  13. My kiddos are both rear-facing so they are already at a disadvantage as far as airflow goes. PLUS we live in the deep south where “summer” lasts a majority of the year. The Noggle would be a very welcome addition to our car, especially since we are frequently taking long trips. I have no doubt they would love it!

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