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Spotting the Signs of Burnout And What to Do About It Transcripts

Please note: Transcripts for the No Guilt Mom Podcast were created using AI. As a result, there may be some minor errors.

JoAnn Crohn: when we’re trying to get out of burnout first of all, , it’s not completely our fault. And no, you are not imagining things. If you feel like you have all this pressure to get things done, like that pressure is totally there. and it takes recognizing it to get through it.

Welcome to the no guilt mom podcast. I am your host, JoAnn Crohn joined here by the lovely Brie Tucker

Brie Tucker: Why, hello, hello, everybody. How are you?

JoAnn Crohn: We have just started 2024 and already like we’re feeling it. We feel, we feel the burnout. We feel the mental load. We feel everything just kind of weighing down upon us. so we wanted to bring you this episode about how do I know if I have burnout? And we’re going to be really vulnerable and talk about our own burnout and how we’ve gotten through it or what we’re doing currently to do it. And we hope you find a lot of support and love in this episode. and. Yeah. 

Before we get into it though, we have a quick favor to ask of you. Can you rate and review us, please, on Apple Podcasts? It would mean the world to us and it helps the No Guilt Mom podcast get out to more moms. Who need this comfort, who need this information and need to know that they’re not alone because we truly want you to prioritize yourself and your wellbeing.

And that’s what makes you a better parent, not doing all these extra things and checklists. So with that, we’re going to get into burnout right now. Let’s get on with the show. One of our first episodes, Brie, was with Dr. Cheryl Ziegler, and she wrote the book Mommy Burnout, and it was a book that touched us so much. I remember reading it and just crying through some of the chapters because she described situations that we both have been through.

Brie Tucker: Right. I think that that was a huge thing. Like, first of all, I love, love, love mommy burnout. Can’t say enough good things about the book. If you haven’t read it, go and get it. because she talks about this, again, this feeling of that overwhelm and kind of like doom and gloom. And like, I just can’t shake why I can’t shake this.

And she’s able to articulate like how it’s mommy burnout, plus there’s like a bunch of different types of it, but how burnout like affects us on a, on a regular basis. And it, I love names. I love putting names to things because it makes me feel like I’m not crazy when there’s no name for something. I’m always like, okay, it’s just Brie’s weirdness, but yeah, it makes me feel like I’m not crazy. I’m not alone when there is a name to it. So burnout it is.

JoAnn Crohn: Was there like a name of burnout that like you really identified with when reading the book? Do you remember one off the top of your head?

Brie Tucker: Not off the top of my head. If I had researched better, I would, uh, have had that ready. But, there were several of them that I remember. I was like, oh, that sounds like me. Oh, that sounds like me. Oh, that sounds like me.

JoAnn Crohn: like I always know burnout if you’re suffering from burnout usually Irritability is a big sign. Like, the little things bother you. I know that when I’m burnt out, I will get so snippy with people. I’ll also get really down on myself. That is how my burnout shows up. Like, if the voice in my head starts coming out and starts telling me how I’m a horrible person, and, oh, I made this mistake, and, oh, I made this mistake, and, oh, JoAnn, like, how could you do that? Or, how could you be so stupid? I’m like, mm, check. I’m tired.

Brie Tucker: Well, I think that’s a big, so, like, that’s a big factor. Like, being able to be aware of what’s going on. So, for me, The, the biggest aha I, I think I probably had was, I’m a fairly optimistic, rosy glass kind of person that like things are always going to be looking up, going to be looking better.

And when I cannot, and I struggle to find anything good that’s going on or anything good to look forward to, that’s when I’m like, all right. Yeah, I’m definitely, and, and with me, I have my own mental health to, to go with also like, I’ve had depression before, but there’s a difference between depression and burnout.

and that’s, that’s a big difference there too. Like I can tell when it’s definitely like burnout, like I could be like, yep, I’ve got this stress factor going on and I’ve got this stress factor going on. It’s definitely leading me towards this area of burnout. Plus also, I feel like there’s small areas where like, when you’re away from the stressors.

Where you start to feel like a little bit more light. That’s also another thing I think that could is, is helpful for me when I’m looking at it going like, okay, yeah, it’s definitely burnout rather than depression or the fact that I just need to redecorate my house.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah, well, it’s like, it’s really hard to tell because we get fed this line that we should be optimistic, or we should be positive all the time, or, oh, you should just manage your time better. That’s what you

Brie Tucker: Oh, you mean like you mean like our talks are toxic gratitude or toxic episode that we had that played

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah, like,

Brie Tucker: You need to be thankful for everything. Thankful, thankful.

JoAnn Crohn: It gets to the point where we start gaslighting ourselves. And, and we neglect to really figure out the reason behind the burnout when we do that, because I like it too. I’ve been reading so many great books lately. One of them was Burnout by Emily and Amelia Nagoski, which described the situation of a woman who like, she, did not know her own body signals to go to the bathroom anymore, because. Yeah. Well, she, well, she was so like stressed and burned out. Like it became a bowel impaction, like,

Brie Tucker: Oh no! Uh

JoAnn Crohn: describing this woman, not the authors, but it was one of those things where her self care was so put on the back burner because she was caring for everybody else that it took like. It went to this dire health situation, which needed attention. And she talked, they talk about this and the progression of this woman because when she did have the bowel impaction, she then had to retrain her bowels to go to the bathroom. Where like,

Brie Tucker: God! Oh my god!

JoAnn Crohn: seems like a horrible humiliating situation, right?

Like horribly humiliating. But when she had this, she then had to rely on other people to do stuff. And I think like as women, we feel like we can’t rely on other people to do stuff. Like it’s our own self worth on the line. If we have to ask for help, if we have to like step back. And when this woman had to step back one day at the kitchen counter, her husband’s like, Oh my gosh, I haven’t seen you smile like this, like recently.

And she’s like. Yeah, I guess so like I just feel lighter and I feel better and I’m like and I when I read that I’m like Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh Like I could so feel that as well because I have been in that situation Where I have ulcerative colitis I was diagnosed five years ago But when I was first experiencing symptoms and I had no idea what was going on I was incredibly tired all the time.

I had these horrible stomach aches that I didn’t know how to control. I thought they were food related. They weren’t food related because I was testing all the foods. I was scared. I had something like cancer or something that was incurable. Like my whole mental psyche was just preoccupied with this along with the pain.

And so that when I I, I was really taken down with it where every afternoon I was on the couch and a ball for like two hours every afternoon trying to deal with these stomach symptoms, trying to like figure out, you know, what was I doing wrong that was making them happen. And then when I finally got diagnosed, um, it was like all of this pressure was off of me now.

It wasn’t my fault, and I needed to. Also step back and look at things, whereas that situation wasn’t so much like my family stepping in or taking things off of me, but that was more of my own. Things being taken off of myself, like my own pressure being taken off of myself, like, during that time, I had no creativity.

I, I would like watch Netflix, like, for hours a day when I was supposed to be working because I. It didn’t, nothing occurred to me of what to do. I had no extra brain power. And when that big stressor was removed, that’s when everything started coming back and looking happy again. But it’s, it takes having it removed to even realize that you’re in burnout sometimes.

Brie Tucker: right. It does. It’s kind of like that whole, uh, yeah, like you’ve dug yourself into a hole and, and it’s not, and I hate saying that actually, I shouldn’t say you’ve dug yourself into a hole. It’s like you fell into a hole and you can’t, you, yeah, it’s, it’s about trying to get out of it to get to a better place because yeah, that’s, those are all the things that happen. Exhaustion. And like, and when you are just, every ounce of brain power is just, And every ounce of energy is just to make it through the day. Yeah, you don’t have anything extra to give to anybody.

JoAnn Crohn: and women are more likely to experience this as men because there are so many societal expectations on women to put themselves before others. And so women will like. Burn themselves up to keep others warm and it’s so common like so

Brie Tucker: well, because that’s what we’re supposed to do. Or else we’re not a good mom. We’re not loving. We’re not caring. We’re not attentive, which. Those can all be in a whole nother podcast

JoAnn Crohn: I know but that I mean We need to realize that and that push on us to know like this isn’t just us It’s not like our fault that we’re burned out, but it’s all of the cultural and societal Expectations on us So there are ways out of burnout, and, uh, we’re gonna get into what we’ve tried right after this break.

So some things to realize when we’re trying to get out of burnout is first of all, like, it’s not completely our fault. And no, you are not imagining things. If you feel like you have all this pressure to get things done, like that pressure is totally there.

and it takes recognizing it to get through it. because I, I mentioned the book burnout and they have human giver syndrome in that book and human giver syndromes. When you feel like you have to give everything of yourself as the human giver so that the human beings can be. And in this scenario, human beings are always the kids and the men and the human givers who give everything of themselves, or the women. and it exists. It exists! So, how can we fight back against it? Brie, like, what have you tried with your burnout?

Brie Tucker: when I’m going through it, like I’m, I try unplugging myself, like, not having my phone around because. Again, most of the things that are stressing me out are, you know, work, family, uh, you know, it’s something that, that my phone is going to connect me to. So I try to like separate from that. I also try really hard to remember that, at the end, I, and I like this, it’s at the end of the day, very end of the day before we go to bed, my husband, would practice gratitude.

It would like share three things he’s grateful for from the day. And I would try to do that. and I wouldn’t be hard on myself if my gratitude was like, I made it through the day without yelling at anybody. Like, whatever it is, like, trying to find something positive to remind myself what that feeling is of having the positivity.

And then, She’s trying to take time away from the things that are causing me stress. So and I know that that sounds like some people are probably listening to this right now and being like, well, the things that cause me stress in my family, so how exactly am I supposed to leave my family?

Well, maybe that’s like go for a self care day. Go to the movies by yourself. go get, you know, go to a spa, go shopping, go to a park and just sit and enjoy the quiet, whatever it is, but like, try to  extract yourself from. Those things that are that are causing you to have so much stress and burnout.

JoAnn Crohn: Mm hmm. Yeah, I think like unplugging is good, but it’s so hard to do because I don’t know about you, but like my mind is constantly on things like sometimes it’s better for me from a relaxation standpoint. We were just talking about this this morning. If I just handle the thing I’m anxious about rather than try to unplug from it. Like, I, I can’t stop thinking about it. I mean, do you feel that way with like things on yours?

Brie Tucker: so my thinking about it is like it, the way mine happens is it’ll wake me up from a sleep and then I can’t go back to sleep. but in the moment, I have to, like, I don’t, I don’t have it there. 24, I, I can leave it. I can literally take my phone. And I swear to God, I think sometimes I do that like, uh, like, subconsciously.

I’ll put my phone somewhere and that’ll be like, where the hell did I put my phone? And it’ll take me like, half an hour to find it. Like, where did I put my phone? Why is it in this random nook in the dining room? Oh, probably because subconscious Brie was like, let’s just stick this here and let you walk away for a little while and have some air. Like no dings, because when the phone is there, any ding immediately makes the blood, the blood pressure spike. Cause you’re like, ah, it’s another thing like, cause when you’re at burnout, you have no, you have no ability to process any more stressors.

JoAnn Crohn: Mm

Brie Tucker: Everything that happens is a level five catastrophe.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah.

Brie Tucker: and your body cannot keep going at that rate. So you’re exhausted, but you can’t go to sleep because your mind won’t stop thinking about the things. So yeah. So for me, I, I do have to try to escape from it. I have to, a lot of times, the things that are stressing me out, I don’t have the answer to, and thinking about it over and over and over again, it’s not good for my mental health. That doesn’t work well for me.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah. I, I sometimes like, I don’t get stressed out by the things I don’t have the answer to, yet. I, I’ve learned to be like, oh, well, that one’s, that’s coming. That’s coming later. Something like that. I get stressed out by, other people getting stressed out. I’ll, I’ll get stressed out, if like, I see other people stressed out, I will try to alleviate their stress.

that is something that I, like, it’s a natural inclination for me and it’s not the best thing because it means that other people’s emotions really tie onto my emotions and it’s not anything that other people can hide at all. But they just a situation a few weeks ago. Um, I was trying to get to the bottom of why I was so angry about the situation.

And I was talking to my husband about it. And, I’m like, I’m just, I’m just so angry. Like, I don’t even want to spend time around this person. And we talked about it for a while and he’s like, well, like, what’s the root cause? What, what’s the reason that, why are you so upset? Like, what are you thinking about? And it took me a while and I was like. I think it’s because I can’t do anything about it. Like, this person wants me

Brie Tucker: You can’t fix

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah, I can’t fix it. Like, this person’s fix is not something that I think I should do. Or think I can do. And That is what got me really, really upset. Like, that I can’t, I can’t fix it. There’s nothing I can do for this situation. It was a situation totally with the other person. That was, was things and how they perceived the situation. And I couldn’t do anything. And that made me upset. Really upset. And it made me upset that I was expected to fix the situation too, I think. But I couldn’t. I’m sorry to be so obtuse there, but we have to protect their unwillingness.

Brie Tucker: it is what it is, like, and I think, like, you just gave a good example of something that, you know, I’m not sure if it’s female giver syndrome that you just gave an example of necessarily, but it’s definitely something that I think a lot of moms struggle with is the whole how we take on everybody else.

Like, I think I was just telling you, earlier in the week, we’ve had a few things happen in our family. Like, we have, my nephew had a mental health crisis that happened that caused some, um, some medical intervention needed. And then, we’re recording this right after the, the Superbowl and, you know, if motions were high at a Superbowl gathering, I was at, and there was a couple of people that that clashed and I was stuck right in the middle of it.

I felt nobody put me there. But emotionally, I was in the middle of it. So then I’m like, already hurting about the family member that was having their issue that happened the day before. I’m hurting about both people that are fighting on the Super Bowl. And then here

JoAnn Crohn: separate fights you are doing with the Super Bowl. Two separate fights. Yes.

Brie Tucker: two separate things. And then here we are, like, days later, they just had the Kansas City Chiefs shooting at the parade. And I actually, like, know somebody who knows the people that were hurt, and I’m hurting for them. And I’m like, and I don’t even, like, directly know the people. It’s like, a friend of a friend knew the person. And so my heart is

JoAnn Crohn: But that’s your

Brie Tucker: so I’m like, I’m like, Right. It is. It is. But I’m just saying, like, we’re taking on all of this. It just keeps dumping it and dumping it and dumping it. And you can only hold so much. So, it’s hard when you, when you, uh, take on that emotional turmoil from other people. I, I, I, I’m wondering who else out there has this feeling that you’re just like, yeah, that must, I think that’s what it is, like it’s just weighing you down there. It’s like that anchor, just pulling you down.

JoAnn Crohn: It weighs you down. It’s one of the reasons like I can’t, watch much news and I feel like I’m a horrible person. Because all of this stuff happening, in Gaza.

Brie Tucker: burn us out,

JoAnn Crohn: Um, but in Gaza right now, with the genocide going on, which is horrific. Like, horrific. Brought to tears, like, of everyone who are losing their family members and their children.

And it’s the most awful, awful situation. And there’s so much Going on that you feel like you need to shield yourself from it just to keep functioning in your own day to day life. And if you feel that way right now, like you are not a horrible person at all. You are doing what it takes right now to survive for yourself and That needs to be okay.

So, after this break, we’re going to talk about what it feels like to get out of burnout and how you know you may be turning the corner. Okay, so, with burnout, the things like Brie does, she unplugs at the end of the day, practices gratitude. I cut myself off from all the news because I just can’t handle it anymore. Uh, something else that I find helps with my burnout is if I Do something called completing the stress cycle, which is just exercising.

Um, I don’t exercise for the sake of looking good. I exercise for the sake of getting rid of stress and making my body stronger. So it doesn’t hurt because you know, 42.

Brie Tucker: those are good

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah.

Brie Tucker: Those are, those are good reasons. Oh, I just saw like a really good meme the other day. It had, uh, Johnny Cash. It’s like when you exercise over the age of 40. I hurt myself

JoAnn Crohn: So today I believe it, I believe it, I feel like I’m about four weeks into my strength training routine. And I feel really good, like standing up stronger, not as much pain in my shoulders, and really energized by the entire thing. Pants are fitting looser, uh, which is great after Christmas. I

Brie Tucker: know. Like, we had an episode about the, about the post holiday blues. I forgot to add that one in there. The whole fact, like, nothing fits. Nothing fits!

JoAnn Crohn: yeah. Like I am not, I don’t weigh myself. Cause I get. Psycho about my weight because of thank you 90s and body image issues but oh gosh, it’s I can’t

Brie Tucker: Not her fault. Not her fault. But, she was a, an epitome of standards people cannot live up

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah, no, but it’s true and like after the holidays, I found that I have a love for See’s candies little butterscotch chocolate covered butterscotch. Oh my gosh. They just melt in your mouth. My mom got me a whole thing of like the caramel selection from See’s candies and those little suckers. So good.

Brie Tucker: are your new favorite?

JoAnn Crohn: So good. Um, they will not be coming back in the house because I eat them so much that it flares up my UC and then bad things happen. So not that anyone needed that graphic interpretation. I’m sorry.

Brie Tucker: like, me eating like a cheese quesadilla. It tastes so good. Oh my god, my stomach hurts.

JoAnn Crohn: However, I feel less bad about graphic interpretations after listening to the recent armchair expert episode with Jason Bateman, um,

Brie Tucker: I did not hear that

JoAnn Crohn: Oh, they discuss wiping strategies right in the first 10 minutes of the episode. I know, I know. Yeah, if you want to feel better about what we talk about on this podcast, go listen to that episode!

Brie Tucker: my god,

JoAnn Crohn: You’re just

Brie Tucker: not my

JoAnn Crohn: can we stop this, please? Can we just stop this? Like, I just imagine Monica in that situation be like, mm, okay, let’s, let’s move on. But like, it brings us back to kind of like, burnout, because when you’re coming out of burnout, you can start to see the joy and the light again in things.

And ideas come back, creative ideas come back, and things are funny, mental health habits come back. Like, I always say I’m in burnout if I’m neglecting everything. Like, if I’m eating just junk food all the time and not exercising, then I really need to watch myself because it means some mental health is struggling right there. Bye. Bye.

Brie Tucker: yeah, I could see that. That’s that for me. That is the skipping of lunches and, uh, skipping of walks. Like I have definitely found that I do, I really love the neighborhood I live in. I moved here and part of it was, I thought it was a beautiful neighborhood with like little water features and lots of trees, which is rare. Trees in Phoenix, Arizona.

JoAnn Crohn: Although we have lots of lakes, surprisingly. Man made. But.

Brie Tucker: Well, I would say, yeah, we do. We do have several lakes for being in the middle of the desert. That is true. We also have lakes that are glorified ponds that people like to call lakes, but that’s not what you were

JoAnn Crohn: I call it a lake. But. It’s a pond.

Brie Tucker: well, there, there’s, yeah. So like the neighborhood I’m in has, it’s the lakes, but we have two very large glorified ponds. So I, I digress. I like the neighborhood. I like being able to walk around in it. And when I find myself avoiding going on the walks. Yeah, that’s, that’s not a great thing. So I, I know that pushing myself out there, which I’d also remember Dr. Cheryl Ziegler had suggested, like going out for walks can really help your mental health and kind of help boost you out there. uh, yeah, I think it’s a mix of like what you were saying, like the exercising. Like, cause it, even though it’s not high impact and it’s not doing a whole lot for you in the, I would say in the strengthening or long run side of things, it’s at least some form of exercise.

And like you said, vitamin D, fresh air, change of scenery, and chances are good. What’s outside. Isn’t what’s stressing you out and causing you burnout. So again, you can unplug without necessarily, necessarily having to really unplug.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah. No, it’s true. And it also like when you take the chance, when you take the opportunity to get away from your stressors, you realize like how many expectations are on you and how many expectations you put on yourself. Because that is usually the cause of my burnout is these expectations I put on myself.

And it’s hard to talk to my husband about it because men don’t have the same expectations as women. Like they’re not, it just, it’s not, and people. We’ll say, and men will give well meaning advice, Oh, just go relax, just go relax. I’m sorry, but like, our brains don’t work that way. And it’s not because of a like female versus male difference.

It’s because of how men and women are different. Like they’re socialized differently. So it’s like, Being treated differently your entire life has changed your brain shape and it’s changed the connections you make and it’s changed everything so that just sitting down to relax isn’t really a reasonable thing to ask.

Brie Tucker: true. And a lot of times it isn’t like, yeah, yeah. There are so many times I can think of where it’s just like been like the question of what do you need? And I’m like, I don’t know what I need. I don’t,

JoAnn Crohn: Like, when has anyone really asked you what you needed growing up or anything like that? Like, you don’t get asked it.

Brie Tucker: I could ask more. I could ask more of it now by my husband. He, he really does try to help, but sometimes in a, right. Like sometimes even just being asked that question, what do you need is even too much. Okay. Well, so now you’re asking me to stop write everything down. That’s going through my brain. And then figure out what I can do a lot to you and what I can’t do a lot to you.

Like, that’s just, it’s, it’s that whole thought process of the, like, where we get upset sometimes. Like, why do I have to tell you what I need? Like, it’s, and I’m not saying it’s fantastic. I love it. Somebody asks,

JoAnn Crohn: hmm.

Brie Tucker: like you said, most of our lives growing up, nobody really asked us what we needed. And a lot of us in relationships, nobody ever asked us what we needed. So I love being asked, but sometimes when you’re already in that burnout state. Being asked is just one more thing you have to figure out.

JoAnn Crohn: No. Sometimes I have a fantasy of just leaving for like weeks on end and have everyone figure out themselves. Like, do you ever have that fantasy? I always have that fantasy when I’m

Brie Tucker: okay, I don’t right now, but it’s funny you bring that up because you know, I’m a, uh, I was a psych major in college and, um, one of my classes, I think my first ab psych class I ever had to take, our professor talked about how there is, uh, psychological break disassociative amnesia.

JoAnn Crohn: hmm.

Brie Tucker: And she talked about how that was her dream. She desperately wanted to have disassociative amnesia. I think that’s the right phrase. I hope it is because here is exactly what you said. She goes, basically, you just forget about the parts of your life that are stressful. So like you can get in the car and you can be like, you know what?

I’m I’m going to go live in Las Vegas. You remember your bank account number? You remember the phone? You remember all your nice clothes? You remember how to get in your car, but you don’t remember your family. Yeah, don’t remember that stressful job. And you don’t remember the bills you gotta pay. You legitimately don’t remember them. They legitimately leave your brain. Amnesia. Poof. It’s gone. And she’s like, that’s my dream. One day I’ll get that.

JoAnn Crohn: It’s funny though that like we’re, we’re pushed to that, that’s our dream,

Brie Tucker: But you’re right. I think. Oh, yeah, like I, I, so many people, my one, I, I going to say somebody very, very close to me, not you, has told me that is their daydream all the time to just be able to just get in the car and be like, peace out suckers, just go away for a few weeks and let everybody else figure it out because they are the, they are the, I don’t know what to call it, but they are the one thing that holds their whole family and not the glue. They are bigger than glue and all that weight. That they have to carry of everybody’s emotional well being.

JoAnn Crohn: And I, don’t think anyone knows how much we carry other than other moms.

Brie Tucker: which is why having these breaks, like, okay, so first of all. You can’t just keep running away from burnout because burnout’s going to keep finding you. If you try to just, just do the whole like, you know, dissociative amnesia thing, it’s going to come back and bite you. So, figuring out healthy ways to deal with

it. to work through it so that you are no longer in burnout. And we’re, so just to be clear on that, we are not saying healthy ways to deal with burnout so that you can deal with the burnout. No, no, no. We’re talking about getting through it and not having the burnout

anymore. And then once you’re there doing things to help keep your mental health in a good place, one of which is doing things for yourself without all of those stressors around. Like I’ve never been on a girl trip, a girl’s trip until like 2021 when we went somewhere, we went to Europe and it’s like, it’s been fantastic. I’m like, where have I, why haven’t I been doing this

JoAnn Crohn: And how, quote unquote, irresponsible are we on the girls trips? It’s pretty nice. We’re, like, eating peanut M& Ms for, like, our lunch and dinner. it’s like, can we have another Paloma? Oh, wait, two Palomas? That’d be great. That’d be great. Oh,

Brie Tucker: it just, it’s really nice to be, and like, I remember too, like telling our friend Shana that I didn’t like Disneyland and it broke her heart a little, broke her heart a little. And she’s like, you’ve never gone with just adults though, have you? And I’m like, no, I haven’t. And then I, I did get forced to go on a trip with just adults one time.

Oddly enough, it was a work trip. But I digress. You got to hang out with whoever you wanted to. And it was the most fun I’ve ever had at Disneyland. Who knew it could be fun and not have to wait in lines and deal with fights. And I don’t want to go on that. And he touched me and I don’t like that food. Like, it’s possible.

JoAnn Crohn: yeah. I know. I know. I feel the same way about Disneyland. I want to go on my own sometime. Because, because it’s, it’s like, it is so much on us. So much on us. So it’s no wonder, like, we’re getting burnt out. It’s no wonder. So if you’re burnt out right now, know that you are not alone. You’re in happy company here. And the first step through it is just to recognize it, right? Recognize how many expectations are on you and that it’s not your fault that you have these expectations.

They’re put on women. and then figure out what like relieves a little bit of the stress symptoms, because once you’re able to relieve a little bit of them, then you’re able to start tackling the root causes. But if you’re totally burnt out with stress, you You can’t tackle anything in that current state. It’s like your mind goes on shutdown and everything will just piss you off. And you’ll want to drive off and be, Peace out, suckers!

Brie Tucker: exactly. We need to make that. That needs to be our new sticker. The

JoAnn Crohn: suckers!

Brie Tucker: and a convertible flowing, driving into the sunset. Pace out, man.

JoAnn Crohn: All of our daydreams. That would be great.

Brie Tucker: Yes.

JoAnn Crohn: Well, until next time, remember, the best mom is a happy mom. So take care of you, and we’ll talk to you later.

Brie Tucker: Thanks for stopping by. 

Brie Tucker

COO/ Podcast Producer at No Guilt Mom
Brie Tucker has over 20 years of experience coaching parents with a background in early childhood and special needs. She holds a B.S. in Psychology from the University of Central Missouri and is certified in Positive Discipline as well as a Happiest Baby Educator.

She’s a divorced mom to two teenagers.

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