
Podcast Episode 251: Why We Think Screentime Limits Need to Go Transcripts

Please note: Transcripts for the No Guilt Mom Podcast were created using AI. As a result, there may be some minor errors.

JoAnn Crohn: when you know, the psychology behind something, and when you can teach your kids to notice the psychology behind something, it starts losing its effect on you. It is not about limits so much as it is about educating people using these devices and what they’re trying to do.

Welcome to the No Guilt Mom podcast. I’m your host, JoAnn Crohn, joined here by the delightful Brie Tucker

Brie Tucker: Why, hello, hello, everybody. How are you?

JoAnn Crohn: We’re, we’re talking about screen time today, but it is not the typical conversation that you will hear on other parenting podcasts about screen time. Because. I kind of want to take it down. I want to take down the screen time argument. just this morning, Brie, I was looking through Instagram and there was yet another person telling moms how they should run screen time in their house on Instagram. And this one was like, well, the expectations you set at the beginning for screen time are going to be the ones that the kids become accustomed to. So make sure you start, you know, strongly.

Brie Tucker: What was her advice?

JoAnn Crohn: It was just to, like, set, a short amount of time as you want. And like, cause it’s harder to go back on it than it is to allow more wiggle room on it. We’re asking the wrong questions here.

Brie Tucker: say, like, the advice isn’t terrible. It’s, I mean, it’s, it’s good advice. But the problem is, one, it’s not, it’s, it’s not long term. It’s not thinking about the long game here. And two, wow, I would feel like just complete and utter poop every day that I would fail. So, I mean, and, and it, and then also what we’re talking about for this episode. And I, Brie, the mom, would be the one that feels like poop.

JoAnn Crohn: Exactly. So in this episode, we’re really talking about whose job is it for these stupid screen time rules, because I’ll give you one hint. They’re making it mom’s job and we don’t think it has to be that way. So look forward to this episode and let’s get on with the show. Okay, Brie, so this screen time debate, like it’s always kind of bothered me like right underneath the surface of like all of these so called experts giving moms advice about how much screen time is appropriate and what should kids do on screen time. We even see this in our balance group with questions that are asked with all of this, uh, like brain power being devoted to what do you guys do for screen time and how much screen time do your kids have? I mean, you’ve seen it

Brie Tucker: Right, right. And they are, and, and just to be clear, like, our, our bone that we are picking on this episode is not that screen time should be limited. Yes, we do believe that there are limits to things. Like, there are limits to everything in life. Everything should happen in moderation. But, that, it feels like this, doom and gloom method of hell and fire and brimstone are going to fall upon you and your family.

If your child is on screens for too much during the day, that not only is everybody going to go to hell in a handbasket, but. It’s also all on you, Mom, because if you’re not policing it, then you’re not doing your job as a mom. And that’s where we are like, no.

JoAnn Crohn: no. Like I, there’s so much. I want to save it because when we talk about screen time limits, like everything you say should have its limit or be in moderation, including moderation, like use moderation. In moderation as well, because I just don’t think that there is like, even though our, for instance, our membership is called balance because there’s this idea in the world that you need to balance your life. You need to have things in equal parts. And that’s really not it at all. It’s about what works for you and what is the best for you and your family and your

Brie Tucker: It’s like, really?

JoAnn Crohn: is not,

Brie Tucker: no, it’s not what?

JoAnn Crohn: Well, no, it is not about these like made up limits about what’s good and what’s bad because they’re all made up In fact, like throughout history there has been this like push against every single media that has come out I mean in our no guilt mom weekly, I recently wrote about Reading and when books came out And all of these people in like the 1700s were worried about the nation’s children of this reading epidemic.

Like, I’m not kidding. They thought it was a reading epidemic. And they thought that reading caused, like, seeking sensation more. And, like, irregularity of emotions. Like, the same exact words we are using for screen time today. It’s just history repeats itself.

Brie Tucker: yeah, I was gonna say like our balance group instead of being called balance should have been called what brings you peace. But that was too long to put on a sticker. And you know how much we love our stickers.

JoAnn Crohn: Only in moderation.

Brie Tucker: it was like, hey, but I mean, you’re right, like everything new that comes along.

Everybody freaks out about it. Like the, the same thing, like with radio when it first came out and like, Oh, do you remember when radio I, well, not that we’re old enough to remember this. Let me clarify that for our listeners, but like when radios first were added to cars, like they were like, Oh, this is terrible. Everybody’s going to be like having accidents. And again, we’re not saying that. It get limits aren’t good. We’re just saying that we personally feel like the message that is getting sent out in mass to moms is not as helpful as it seems, and that there is a different perspective you can take that will be better for your mental health, your wellbeing, and in the long run, more than likely, it’s going to Be better for your kids as well.

So yeah, like, so like my first phone to pick on this is why is it always being told to moms I have never, never once in all my years of doing home visitation and, and newborn follow up parent education programs I worked in, as well as like all of the social media that I see, I have never once seen a, And information being sent out to dads that you need to monitor your kids screen time. Never once.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah, no, I’ve never seen it either. The message is not there

Brie Tucker: Down with the patriarchy on this!

JoAnn Crohn: It is totally down with, you know, my bone with the patriarchy. I like to pick that fight every single day of my life. Like the whole, like for screen time, like why is it mom’s responsibility? Cause this is the question we’re not asking. Like, instead of how much screen time should your kids have? What, what screen time apps are you using? The question should be, why are we in charge

Brie Tucker: why is it all my job?

JoAnn Crohn: as moms in

Brie Tucker: Why is it always my fault when the kids are on for too long? I was doing 16 other things for God’s sake!

JoAnn Crohn: Exactly. And that is what is being pushed on us to think about because screen time, like there is nothing wrong with screen time and people will come back with me and say, JoAnn, oh my gosh, all of these apps and they have these things built in where you just don’t want to put it down and the TikTok algorithm, JoAnn, the TikTok regular algorithm is so obsessive. Like you’ll be on there for hours and you don’t even know. And that’s going to harm

Brie Tucker: what was it? We had a guest that did, I think it was, um, Devorah Heitner, or somebody was talking about, like, these apps that, like, make the, the characters go. Go cry, when you, when you log off.

JoAnn Crohn: Oh, yes. I remember. Yeah.

Brie Tucker: like, what is so mean? They’re like, yeah.

JoAnn Crohn: I mean, it’s true. They, they are using these things that are specifically aligned with human psychology to get people to stay on their devices longer. However, these techniques are not new. And they are not specifically used by the tech companies. So it’s not like it is an evil, evil thing. There’s a book of it’s by Robert Chaldani that a lot of online marketers read.

It’s called influence. And it’s so funny because originally Robert Chaldani is actually a professor at ASU, but he has nationwide appeal and he wanted to make consumers aware of all of these psychological tactics. That like, uh, sale companies use to sell their products to make you want their products, the things like scarcity, like only providing a a limited amount makes people go and

Brie Tucker: Every damn time. If I don’t get it now, it’ll be gone.

JoAnn Crohn: and like it was used during like the Christmas season when we were growing up, like Furbies. Oh my gosh, you have to go get a Furby. There’s none left. Like you had those, those tactics being used on you. And what’s really funny about this book is that he, he published it for that intention to tell consumers, well, guess what happened? All of the marketers picked it up and read the book and started using all the tactics in their

Brie Tucker: whoa, wait, that wasn’t my int Oh [BEEP], 

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah, so it was used for like to sell more stuff because that, I mean, that’s what it is. It’s human psychology. So it’s not so much about limiting screen time because this human psychology is at work everywhere. But I will tell you what you can do for it right after this break. okay, so right before the break, um, it’s funny, every time I go into an ad break, Brie’s always, like, congratulates me on how seamless I made this transition into an ad break. It’s a lot.

JoAnn Crohn: Um, but I

Brie Tucker: We have a lot going on. Like we’re literally talking about the episode at like, we, like we have a short outline for these people, but for the most part, this is your legitimately list. Like imagine we have a cup of coffee or our favorite drink and we were just sitting in and talking. Cause that’s how we do these episodes. So again, I think that’s amazing how you managed to seamlessly do that.

JoAnn Crohn: thank you, but I want to bring it up to what we were actually talking about. We were talking about that book influence and about all these psychological tactics. And of course I’ve read it. I’m a marketer. I know what these tactics are, and I just used one to get you to keep listening through the wonderful, our wonderful sponsors who we think have great things for you.

I used a cliffhanger. I didn’t tell you like all the information you wanted to know. I put it after the break. That is a psychological tactic. That is one of those psychological tactics that’s like, uh, tech companies are using to keep people on screens and their devices longer. so knowing when those happen is the secret.

Like when you know, the psychology behind something, and when you can teach your kids to notice the psychology behind something, it’s the secret. Starts losing its effect on you. And this is something else that is out of the screen time discussion. It is not about limits so much as it is about educating people using these devices and what they’re trying to do.

like our, one of our favorite guests is Devorah Heitner. Who wrote Screenwise, who really, really promotes this idea of you don’t want to be the police of your kids, like you don’t want to have to be policing all their screen time. Instead, you want to be walking alongside them and educating them so that they can eventually make the choices

Brie Tucker: Well, right, because, yeah, like, so like, we are I say this all the time to people. Especially in balance. Like you, everybody needs the ghost of child future. Like the, the friend that has a kid that’s a little bit older and we, and I know that we don’t have older kids than everybody who’s listening, but you know, I’ve got a kiddo that’s turning 17 and a week and a half, and I’ve got an almost 16 year old.

We can tell you that I was flabbergasted and you and I both have worked in the school system. I was like an admin, not in the classroom, but I was flabbergasted. When my kids got into junior high and high school about how much tech they needed to use on a daily basis for school and saying to me. So again, like what I’m trying to tell you is that yes, you, again, like there’s, there’s a good point for limits when they’re younger, but they are going to have to use screens and tech for the rest of their lives and their work.

But even in their school and school, while they are still at home living with you and. That is why it’s important, because they do need to learn this stuff. We can’t, we can’t be their gatekeepers forever. It’s impossible.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah, well, they do need to learn it and they are going to eventually go out on their own. And there is this huge conversation right now about screen time and mental health. And the, the issue is like when you spend all of your time on screens, you are missing out on real social connection. You’re missing out also on activity and exercise and things that would make you feel good if you realize it, um, if you got off your screen.

Those things are all true. Now, what I see happening on social media in particular is that they say that the solution to this problem is, Mom, you gotta limit the screen time. You should only let your kids have so much a day. I make my kids have green time in addition to screen time. Have

Brie Tucker: I haven’t

JoAnn Crohn: Have you seen this?

Brie Tucker: Is Green Time outside? Like, I’m just curious.

JoAnn Crohn: Oh, yeah. It’s outside. Green time’s outside. But like all of this stuff that like I see and I’m like, guys, we’re missing the point here. Because. You cannot tell a teenager, you cannot just simply take away their device. I really want to see how this works out. And this is probably how it is working out in many, many homes where they’re like all the popular advice. Well, you’re the parent. You should

Brie Tucker: And you can. We’re not saying you can’t, but it might not have the results you would like.

JoAnn Crohn: yeah.

Brie Tucker: It more than

JoAnn Crohn: It’s one of those things where. That is where you’re going to see the pushback with your kids. That is where you’re going to see the rebellion of your kids. Like if you think teenage rebellion, there is nothing that will incite more teenage rebellion than them to think that something has been unfairly taken away from them.

And I want to argue that if you just have your kids on screens and then you take something away, that was unfair to them. And that was disrespectful to them. And I will stand on that. Like you could come at me with that one. I will stand on that because At that point in their lives, kids are making their own decisions and they’re becoming autonomous. And they, like, the more respect you show them, the more respect they show us. Now, there’s a lot of teaching that goes behind that. There’s a

Brie Tucker: There is, there is. And I would say like, you know, we recently had our happy mom summit. Ned Johnson was one of our speakers. Again, Ned Johnson has been on the podcast a few times. He is amazing. And he is an expert in teen motivation. And one of the things that he said in one of our podcasts interviews that really has always stuck with me is that.

You know, your kids are home, like live with you theoretically for 18 years. And that during those 18 years, you are establishing a relationship with them. That’s going to hopefully make them still want to interact with you after those 18 years, when they leave. And you and I both take the mindset that like, just saying my house, my rules is a very quick way to make your, your child feel like they are, they have no voice. They have no say. Okay. You, and that there is that respect only goes one way that’s not how relationships are.

JoAnn Crohn: it’s not how relationships are and it doesn’t give kids any tools to use for the future. Because once they move out of your house, who’s going to take away their

Brie Tucker: Oh, I know, right? Who’s going to be the one like what? I get to do whatever because I never learned how to handle, but I just had everybody else doing them for me. Sorry. They won’t sing it that way. Like they won’t jump into like, you know, a dance number, but it could, could happen. Mhm.

JoAnn Crohn: So instead of like enforcing limits, which I think is incredibly hard and makes you feel like a failure every day because they are impossible to enforce every day with everything else you have on your mind, like this isn’t saying like you’re a bad parent if you don’t enforce.

limits. This is saying that, Oh my gosh, it’s impossible for you to enforce these limits because you are a busy person yourself. And like, can I just say like part of my rage, how dare people go out there and tell parents that they should do their job and enforce their limits? Like what? Like gall do they have to say that? Uh, I just get

Brie Tucker: their best and that parent, I mean, yeah, to sit there and judge right out the bat that you’re not doing a good job and that you’re not caring if you’re not doing this. And that’s where we’re like, BS to that. That’s not, no.

JoAnn Crohn: Or that, that you need to step up and be the adult. Oh, Brie, I can’t. Like, hold me back, Brie. 

Brie Tucker: Okay. There is, there is something to be said about the importance of being there and being supportive to your kids is not the same thing as them liking you. And all the time and wanting to please everybody, that’s a whole different problem. We’re talking that, that could be there. And I just want to be clear.

Cause I feel like sometimes the first argument I hear back from certain people that have the mindset that, you know, be the adult, you’re the one in charge. They seem to think that if you do anything that could possibly be to the benefit of the child, that you’re being a pushover and you just want them to like you. And you’re like, no, no, that’s not, no,

JoAnn Crohn: No, that’s not it. No, we’re, we’re, we’re a bit, we’re just using human psychology and how people work to be able to get exactly what we want. Like, and what we want isn’t nefarious. What we want is we want our kids to be mentally healthy. We want them to be mentally strong. We want to have a really good relationship with them and we want to make sure they’re kind, good people, like that’s what we want.

And so if you’re putting on limits in these, these boundaries, you’re not getting what you want. You’re actually getting a lot of rebellion and pushback. So the question becomes around screen time, how do we get what we want? And we’re going to have that message for you right after this break.

So what do we want as parents? We want that good relationship. We want them to have, like, mental strength. We want them to take care of their own responsibilities, because we don’t want them to be on screens all the time. So, the way I’ve gone about this, and I want to hear the way that you’ve gone about it too, Brie, is that I started having a lot of discussions with my kids. Um, we talked first of all about how screens make us feel. And, It usually happens, like, if I’ve seen them be on screens for a while. This is how I started out.

And I’m like, hey, like, how’s it going? Like, how, how’s your mind going? Cause like, they also had limits on theirs, but ours limit wasn’t a strong and fast limit. It was a, okay, you have an hour screen time and then you need to come check in with me. So I did have a system that was automated, that was driven by them and

Brie Tucker: They had to actually get up and come talk to you. And they

JoAnn Crohn: Exactly. I didn’t have to check in with them. They had to come to me if they wanted more screen time. And so they would come to me and that’s when we would have these discussions be like, okay, so how are you doing? How are you feeling? And they would tell me, they’d be like, oh, you know, I’m doing good. Like I’m, I’m playing with my friend on Minecraft.

And I’d be like, cool. They’re like, can I have another hour? I’m like, yeah, sure. That’s fine. Like we’re you’re Talking, conversing, it’s totally cool. And then other times, like, they would come to me and maybe one of them would stomp in the room and I’d be like, so. And also, like, during these times is when I check in on, like, their other responsibilities.

I’m like, so how, how does the kitchen look right now? To which I would get the, like, the scream at me and then go stomp out of the room. And then I hear, like, the dishes going at, like. I mean, they’re not happy about this at all, but it’s also

Brie Tucker: the moment. And that’s obvious.

JoAnn Crohn: No, but they also knew that this was like, first of all, the dishes were their responsibility and like this screen time check, like I wasn’t doing any moral put down for them.

They just had not done their job yet. So like it was a very simple, simple thing. So that’s how we first started talking about it. And then other conversations would come up just in the car and I would say about my own screen time. I’m like, Oh my gosh, I feel like I’ve been on my computer all day and I really need some time outside because I’m feeling really like.

depressed and sad. Um, and just bringing it up that way and modeling through me so that over the years, as we’ve done this, my kids are like, I’m going to go out biking, like my son in particular, I’m going to go out biking. I can’t be on screens anymore. And he’ll like text his neighborhood friend and they’ll go out biking now.

But they’re realizing now to monitor their own mental health, to be like, Hey, I’ve been here a long time. I need to get off. Um, versus me enforcing the

limit. Now, there are times where I will see mental health deteriorating and that is when I’ll step in and have the conversation with them being like, I noticed these things right now and I don’t think that being on your screen right now is really serving you or helping you.

And they’ll be like, no, I’m fine. I’m like, let’s take a break and let’s go outside. And like, I will, I will be like, okay, you’re not fine. Let’s, let’s go and talk about this. And it would be us. Slam the computer, stomp up the stairs, slam the bedroom door, and then like in an hour, I’m sorry. So it’s not like when you say that that is to make our kids like us, I’ve done nothing to make my kids like

Brie Tucker: My point is that like, when you say it in the way of like, Oh, let’s check in, let’s I think a lot of people imagine that it gets to the point where you’re like, You were articulating that it is now after years of talking and working with them where they’re like, you’re right, mom. I think I’m done with my, my screen time right now.

Okay. First of all, you don’t get that all the time. Like how many times, even as an adult, how many times have you had that conversation with somebody else where they wanted something that you had control of? Unless you even just take your spouse, right? The person who you’re supposed to like be able to get along with and communicate with the best.

There’s something from you that, that they want, that you have control of and you tell them, no, they’re not going to get it. How often are they like, Oh, I totally understand. That’s great. Yeah, totally. No problem. No problem. Yeah. I hear ya. No, a lot of times there is pushback, but give people time to breathe. And they will work through it and like the, the amount of skills that you’re teaching your children in those scenarios that you were talking about about checking in on your mental health, displaying like what reasonable limits could be giving other solutions, giving them space, allowing them to be angry and work through it.

And a. In a helpful way instead of like continuing to have them scream back at you when you’re like, you could sit there and keep yelling at them. How dare you stomp at me? Do you know how expensive that computer is? You do not slam it. This is my house. These are my doors. You don’t slam them. I do admit like that’s the one thing that gets me in my house. I do not like doors being slammed, but I’ve told my kids a million times. It’s because I don’t want you to crack. Don’t crack my walls from slamming doors.

JoAnn Crohn: Well, now they have, now they have jobs, Brie. So they could, he’d be like, I, I need some

Brie Tucker: Yeah, now it’s going to be like, okay, now, now there’s some money here too. But I mean, like, so there’s a lot of things that you’re teaching them that I think is immensely helpful, way more helpful than just the arbitrary. You get one hour of screen time and that’s it. And there’s, there’s other pieces of, of the advice that is out there that you, that you and I both utilize in our homes.

Like I have a rule of like, no phones out at dinner. We don’t have our, if you’re expecting something that’s important, you can have your phone face down on the table. Like if there’s something timely that’s coming through, I’ll allow for that, but you don’t get to be on it. Like we don’t, we don’t do that.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah. But, and there’s a specific reason for that. There’s a, Hey, we want to talk with each other at the dinner table. So you need to put your devices down. And like, that’s more of a norm. That’s like a family norm. That’s something we’re all together. It’s not this. outside thing that you have to police while you’re doing a billion other different things at the time.

Like you’re focused, on your people at the dinner table. So that’s like, that’s a norm. But this idea of like, Trying to figure out how many hours a day your kids spend on screens, especially when they’re off on school break, while you’re trying to get your own work done, is just ridiculous. And I, I, I want to banish it from all, like, mom’s thoughts and vocabularies and whatever. Like, screen time limits, I just want to be like,

Brie Tucker: well, I think that also, like when it comes into them needing to be on their screens for schoolwork, researching a paper that they have to write or whatever, and that even starts in elementary school with topics that they’re, they’re doing a project on, they need to get information. And as much as I would love to have my kids still go to the library, like I did back in the day and check out an insight, like open up an encyclopedia and read up on something. That’s just not how it’s done. And, uh, oh yeah. Yeah.

JoAnn Crohn: I did not do that.

Brie Tucker: not that much older than you, but I am also from, you know, the Midwest. So, yeah, like,

JoAnn Crohn: what, what did you, what did you read

Brie Tucker: well, like, what if I had to do a report on? Like, oh, man, now I’m, like, trying to think. Like, I just

JoAnn Crohn: Oh, well, that’s school stuff.

Brie Tucker: Yeah, That’s what I

JoAnn Crohn: stuff. I did

Brie Tucker: Yeah, that’s what I said for school projects and things like that. You have to go

JoAnn Crohn: Got it. I thought you did it for fun. I was like, what?

Brie Tucker: No.

JoAnn Crohn: That was my thing. I was like, what? What

Brie Tucker: No. I still remember it was the

JoAnn Crohn: This does not align with your

Brie Tucker: Library in Gladstone, Missouri. Shout out to my, my, uh, North Kansas City people. Uh, yeah, no, that was for like reports and stuff. But I mean, like, my point is, Our kids have to get on screens for stuff like that.

And, and yes, there are, uh, systems you can use that can like block out certain websites and timeframe, all of that. But if, if you’re not,

JoAnn Crohn: And that’s all great. Like, block out those websites. I don’t

Brie Tucker: but if you’re not, if you’re not able to do that for whatever the reason, I don’t, I don’t think it’s fair still for mom to take on the entire mental load of trying to narrate who was on what website for how long and how much time they got for X, Y, Z, and all of these things.

It’s like, it’s. It’s a lot. So like one of the big things that I would tell you is that you need to, you need to talk to your partner about this and have a tap in tap out system. Like where it’s like, I, just, it’s not all on me. Okay. It’s not all on me. If you see that the kids are on their phones when they’re not supposed to be, or if you feel like they’re getting, you know, snippy, I prefer to use the word pissy, but that’s not everybody’s favorite vocab word.

So if you see the kids are getting snippy and stomping or not getting their stuff done around the house, I’m You can say something too. It’s not all on me. Like, and I think sometimes we have to say that, right? Like, because I think sometimes people assume that we have everything covered as the she fault parent. And it’s like, dude, I don’t want to be. I can’t be.

JoAnn Crohn: no. And also like talking to your husband or partner about what they feel about screen time. Because I know like my husband spends a lot of time on his screens and it’s how he decompresses. Like he is very, um, overly stimulated by his work environment and comes home and needs to put in headphones just because he cannot physically relax.

Screens have uses that allow you to, to decompress and take that load off. And I’ve seen my, I’ve had talks with my daughter in the car because there’s one situation where I picked her up from school and she was immediately like on her, her screen and just ignoring me in the car. And I told her like how it felt.

I was like, yeah, I like, I just feel ignored. And she told me very like. To my face. She’s like, I just, I feel like it’s better if I’m on my screen. Also, I’m going to say something to you that I will regret because I’m in a very bad mood right now. I’m like, okay, I can accept that. Yeah.

Brie Tucker: for communicating that, but you see how like, and again, that was a check in that was like, because of the fact you guys have talked about your feelings and that you can express that without getting a how dare you talk to me in that tone. How dare you say that to me? You should be happy to see me. I’m your parent. Like. Come on, like we’re all allowed to have these feelings. So like, so I, so tapping in, tapping out, like you said, talking to your partner, talking to your kids about their, their mental health, checking in with them. I think another thing too, is like. Narrating that screen time sometimes, like I have to narrate it sometimes to my kids because when they were in like early elementary, um, all of elementary, I would say, even through like the beginning of middle school, they would be like, well, you’re on your phone all the time.

And so I would have to be like, okay, true point. Would you like to see the article that I’m reading right now about the, about the recent tax rates that got voted in our, in our city? Would you like to read that article with me? Like that is what I’m doing. I’m not on Instagram. I’m not playing Candy Crush. Like there are other things that we can use our phones for.

JoAnn Crohn: not that there’s anything wrong with it being on Instagram or being on Candy Crush. Like, there’s nothing wrong

Brie Tucker: True. But having that conversation, again, it’s a dialogue.

JoAnn Crohn: it’s. It is a dialogue. It’s a dialogue and it’s one of those things like kids will see what you do. And so Narrating is a great tactic because then you could also be like, hey, I feel really crummy right now Um, I need to I need to put this down I also tell my kids i’d be like look at what they’re telling me to do for you on instagram Like I will I I do come to my kids and be like, okay So here, here’s what I’m seeing about screen time limits and how they corrupt kids brains on Instagram and what moms should do.

What do you think about this? And it’s so interesting because when I get my kids viewpoints on it, they tell me, they’re like, well, yeah, mom, I see that all the time from people, but here’s why I think that like. That’s wrong. And they’ll explain to me and I agree with them because it’s, it’s not screen time in particular.

There shouldn’t be like these blank screen time limits. It is just humans and human nature and psychology. And if we try to make it too black and white, we get the whole situation wrong. So. To end this episode, I hope that you consider backing away from any set screen time limits and going more into discussion with your kids.

We actually, we help you do stuff like this, give you the support for it in our balance program. So if you’re wondering, where do I go next? Like we have the program for you where we can help you start rethinking parenting so that you have more of these conversations and less of these like head on head.

Budding arguments with your children. Uh, so check that out. We’re going to have a link for you in the show notes and until next time, remember the best mom’s a happy mom. Take care of you. We’ll talk to you

Brie Tucker: Thanks for stopping by. 

Brie Tucker

COO/ Podcast Producer at No Guilt Mom
Brie Tucker has over 20 years of experience coaching parents with a background in early childhood and special needs. She holds a B.S. in Psychology from the University of Central Missouri and is certified in Positive Discipline as well as a Happiest Baby Educator.

She’s a divorced mom to two teenagers.

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