April Blogger Income Report
As a beginning blogger, I searched for the secrets of growing my blog’s traffic. I found many bigger bloggers who published blogger income reports but I couldn’t find any information about how they started nor how they even reached a bazillion page views a month. I plan to someday be one of those bloggers. But for now, the origin story.
I have good news! This month, I am in the black with a profit of $92.91.
Compared with last month, you know this a step in the right direction.
In this post, I’ll show you which posts brought in more traffic, divulge my income sources and expenses and discuss my general strategy moving forward.

Last month I had a huge viral post which resulted in over 3,000 pageviews in one day. I knew that April would not be as high as March. However, I am very happy with that 9,965 number because it is almost twice of what I was seeing in February.
Two posts did very well for me this month. After my Spring Break Activities post hit big in March, my strategy is to do one local post a month focusing on activities that families can do with kids. This month, I compiled a list of Kid Friendly Restaurants that adults also enjoy. I shared this on all the local Facebook groups that I belong to and even though it didn’t hit 3,000 that first day, it performed well.
The second high performing post, How to Create a Small Wardrobe, came together rather quickly. I knew my readers liked reading my Stitch Fix posts and I was playing with the idea of creating a minimalist wardrobe. I just didn’t know to structure it. Then, I saw a post from Dallas City Mom’s Blog explode on Facebook. The author threw out all of her clothing and created a “capsule wardrobe”.
I thought a capsule wardrobe was a brilliant idea. I knew I had to get my post up fast when the topic was still relevant. So, I sorted through all my clothes, took pictures that afternoon and had the post go live the following morning. Although it didn’t quite have viral appeal, its been a steady source of traffic since it was published.
Total Revenue: $667.90
- Blog Her: $14.71
- Google Adsense: $3.19
- Sponsored Posts: $630
- Pogo Pass Affiliate: $20
Expenses: 547.99
- Ticket to Blended Conference: $123.99
- Elite Blog Academy: $324.00
- PO Box rental at UPS Store: $15.30
- CoSchedule Plugin: $10
- Other Expenses: $100 (I bought something for the blog and my friend gave me a killer deal)
Total Profit: $92.91
Even though it shows that I earned $630 in sponsored posts. The work I did on those posts appeared on the blog in February, March and April. I just happened to get lucky and have all that money enter my bank account this month.
As for expenses, I’ve shifted my focus to education and connections as a blogger. I heard so many wonderful things about the Elite Blog Academy that I signed up. So far, you might notice that I have organized my top menu so that you can find posts more easily. I’ve also ditched the pink chevron background and the entire blog has a more cohesive look in terms of text styles and colors. This a Before picture.
I’m loving how the blog looks now. I think it looks cleaner and more professional. I am counting on that to improve my readership down the road.
I also attended Mom 2.0 conference in April. It was fantastic. Not only did I learn from many big name bloggers, but I got to meet and form relationships with many brands. I will let you know which ones work out!
Strategy moving forward
- I plan to keep writing a local themed post every month to attract local readers. These seem to be winners lately so I’m brainstorming other things families in the Phoenix area might find useful.
- I’m also planing to write more minimal style posts – things that moms can do to look awesome but ultimately make life easier. Easy is good.
- I’m continuing the Elite Blog Academy coursework as it leads me through making improvements to the blog.
So, no real money yet, but everything is looking up. I’m still trying to grow my traffic and playing with different strategies to do so.
What else do you want to know? I’m open for questions!
Thinking of becoming a blogger? I have some resources to help you out:
I love reading these posts.. and I really like the new look of the blog. I am looking forward to hearing more about Elite Blogging academy and if you think it is worth it. 🙂
I REALLY enjoy the Elite Blogging Academy! The work I have done so far feels like I am prepping for my big moment – basically solidifying my already strong content. This week, I started the unit on Growing a Platform and next week its Social Media Marketing. I’ll let you know how it goes!
I’d love to see a blog on all the different Kids Clubs at the local malls in the valley. All the Macerich-owned malls have them and each mall has differnt perks for the club on varied days. I have only visited 2 so far, but would love to get an idea of what perks each mall offers, when they are, and if they are a good fit for a baby, toddler, preschooler, or “big kid”. Just an idea… 😉
BTW- LOVE the new look and am so happy that you are “living the dream”! 🙂
Brie, you and me. Up for hitting all the Kids Clubs this summer?
I think it is definatly a bucket list item for the summer! 😉
For a new blogger like myself, I really appreciate other bloggers who share the “behind the scenes” info about their blogs. I look forward to following you!
PS: I lived in Chandler for 6 years! It’s a great area.
I love Chandler Alyssa!
I really appreciate this post. I am just starting out as a blogger and although I love it, it has its challenges and learning curves. I will definitely be checking back and watching how you grow yours/learn from you!
Do you like blogher? I have heard negatives and positives and am not totally sure about it. What are your thoughts?
Thanks Samara! I don’t think that I have the traffic to really appreciate BlogHer yet. I don’t get many referrals from the BlogHer website (maybe 1 or 2 a week). I think the ads displayed are well targeted and they are very helpful when it comes to technical issues. I wish I could share more, but being that it is the first ad network that I have worked with, I have nothing to compare it to.