Love Dare- Day 21

 God’s timing is perfect, amazing, and often times a slap in the face.  That was this dare for me.


My husband and I have been together almost ten years, married for six.  I got married and a day later I was pregnant.  I wouldn’t change the path our lives have taken even if I could.  However our choices have added stress from children, finances, sex, careers (or lack there of), and so on.  We find it difficult with three kids, five and under, to take time for our marriage and so tensions rise and walls do as well.  As I said, God’s timing is perfect and he placed this challenge in my hands to send me a clear message.  He wants a relationship with me, and like with my marriage, I am finding excuses not to nourish that relationship.

I have struggled with anxiety and depression on and off for many years, but when I accepted Jesus, I found safety in Him and his promises.  I was able to gradually go off my gluttonous amounts of medications and find solace in knowing God has got me.  Now, I feel my marriage could use a little sprucing up as well.  I have to have faith that after these hard times comes the great reward with my husband…but it’s going to take some work.


My best days are the days spent in the word.  I tell myself continuously that I need to start my day with a daily devotional or in my bible study.  I always neglect this aspect of my life and feel myself distancing from God.  When I am distant from God I am not nearly as awesome as I could be.  I know many people who knew me BC don’t understand this change in me, but as I always say, “once you accept Christ there’s no going back.”  I have learned that my relationship with God is first, then my husband, then my kids.  It took me a year to understand this, but I finally do.  When I am in line with God and our relationship is where it should be, I am a happy wife, person, friend, and mother to those in my life.  It is imperative that I keep God first in my life so that I can have the gravy on side – a wonderfully sculpted marriage.  Now, to put my words into action in day 21 dare and beyond.


This is part of The Love Dare, a 40 day project to strengthen your marriage and bring you and your spouse closer together.  Before you begin the next 40 days of Dares: Head to WWW.LOVEDARETEST.COM to take a free evaluation on your marriage. We can take it again at the end of this challenge to see how we have improved. Go slow, be honest & then make sure to keep your evaluation (as it will show you certain Day dare’s to focus on!)  Follow along at Taush.O for all the bloggers, printables, and dares. 

If you are interested in purchasing the Love Dare or Love Dare for Parents, consider using our link:





Megan has contributed 51 articles on since July 10, 2014.

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